Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi, Odd one that! never seen anything like it before...

Can you delete the extension folder in the track directory and then unzip this one in it's place? give that a go. If not it must be some shader / filter bug, if it still doesn't work also try deleting the .vao-patch from the track directory.

hey tyrone. sorry for the delay. still no dice. even updated sol and also horizon shades. tried with and without CSP as well as various PP filters. this is the only track that's an issue so idk what it could be!

Update: so for whatever reason it all goes away on Thunderhill west part of the course. it's just thunderhill east that's freaking out.
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In addition to @ales100i 's amazing race grids, I'm working on versions of the Lamborghini Murcielago GT1 and Nissan GT500 that work well as field fillers for his grids, just incase you don't want to/can't pay for those mods.
I'm late to the party and need some help. A while back people were complaining that they'd do one first race and FPS would be fine then second race a huge drop. I'm getting that too. First race is 120 fps at Le Mans 16 car grid and second goes all the way down to 50 fps. WT flying F??
Was there a fix for this? I have SOL 1.7 and switching to 1.5 doesn't help. Turned the clouds basically off, doesn't help. Downgraded CSP to 1.61 doesn't help.
I swear sometimes AC is just fixing what's wrong instead of driving cars.
Ilja's unbelievable rain.
If you pause the game, you can see every single drop in a physical space, and... well, the picture speaks for itself.

Hey Guys

Daytona International Speedway 1.0 by the Reboot Team

This one has been a labour of love for the Team, so here it is and we think its a fantastic addition (and the most accurate version to date) to the AC Track Roster, its a tad heavy on performance which is in part mostly due to the nature of this track with everything (there's a lot of it) being in view most if not all of the time. that said we squeezed as much as we possibly could to give everyone the best experience possible.


A sincere thanks to all the guys and girls who worked on this (you know who you are) you did a fantastic job putting in hours of your time to get this to were it is today.

Most of all enjoy and spread it around - Just please use the provided link - so any updates can be easily added to this link (and there will be some coming i'm sure)

Some Previews

This conversion mod is fantastic, and probably the one I've been longing for the most right beside Indianapolis. Thank you so much. My one questions is, do you know of how to go about changing the track light rendering distance? Seeing the lights popup in the distance with my graphic settings already at max gets pretty distracting at night. Not entirely sure if its something on my end causing it or not.

Again, Thank you.
This conversion mod is fantastic, and probably the one I've been longing for the most right beside Indianapolis. Thank you so much. My one questions is, do you know of how to go about changing the track light rendering distance? Seeing the lights popup in the distance with my graphic settings already at max gets pretty distracting at night. Not entirely sure if its something on my end causing it or not.

Again, Thank you.

There's an update to drop soon that fixes this and other this space
Hey all, I know how much everyone hates lists of mods so...

Here's Volume 8 of the Assetto Corsa Multiple Track Mod Review Project or HEY RUSTY, PLEASE ADD ME (GUTBOMB) TO THE BAD MODS LIST.

Volume 1 - A is here.

Volume 2 - B is here.

Volume 3 - C and D is here.

Volume 4 - E, F, and G is here.

Volume 5 - H and I is here.

Volume 6 - J and K is here.

Volume 7 - L and M is here.

May I ask you an advance (or any one)? What is the best Suzuka? The one I have, unkown author, folder named "suzuka" does not look great at all...

Edit: Seems the best is the Reboot version and is the one I have.
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I have no idea, since I didn't see the assettoland version yet. I would say that if assettand has a version from 25.07.2020, they updated one of those three cars packs, cause all are older. These I posted, I haven't touched in a while,they are 3 different packs of same cars. The UI states they are 2016, 2017 and 2018 versions (if I compare them the 2016 look better and drive better, both 2017 and 2018 look and feel bad). They all look different and drive differently and the skins are not interchangeable. I reposted them today only because I was asked to do so.

So that's the whole story. Do you have a link from assettoland of the updated ones, can't seem to find them myself. Thanks.
I found this changelog .txt file in the folder wich says " Redone shaders and has working mirrors".
I updated to csp 1.46 and noticed a few problems so went back to my old csp - I then decided to try Sol with the older csp and used an old version of Sol which is meant to support that one - i just get little bits of stutter now and again with newer csp and with older sol on older csp. I think it may be because I have new triple screen tbh and maybe my ageing pc. My PC may want it but it will have to live without it for now - but thanks for the help and advice! :cheers:

The other thing worth trying is turning off any apps you have loaded while driving and then just putting them back one at a time. I had terrible stut.stuttr.stutte.stu.stuttering problems a while back and after about a week of pulling my hair out, I discovered it was all thanks to a HUD app I was running called F1HUD2018, or something like that. Once I ditched that, everything was smooth as silk once again.
So that's the whole story. Do you have a link from assettoland of the updated ones, can't seem to find them myself. Thanks.

I've had a look and I can't find it either. They are named 'chevrolet_chevy_actc' etc, and have the same skins and ui, so I guess they are based on the half in the bigger zip file, but are different file sizes so are updated in some way. I'll give them a go later and try and compare
May I ask you an advance (or any one)? What is the best Suzuka? The one I have, unkown author, folder named "suzuka" does not look great at all...

Edit: Seems the best is the Reboot version and is the one I have.
I am using this one:

Suzuka GP 2018 v.1.2 by Patrikpat with animated billboards
Patrikpat's variant based on Reboot version.!tcZ33YYA!L0ilIoj7MwBDaB85HE9OJHL3Ixjd19FIdekx5Rl2TKk

Important: track will only work with STflow shader (RD)
May I ask you an advance (or any one)? What is the best Suzuka? The one I have, unkown author, folder named "suzuka" does not look great at all...

Edit: Seems the best is the Reboot version and is the one I have.
This is a trick question, cause IMO there is no definitive answer. All 3 are better in some regards and worse in others:
- The Patrikpat Reboot version looks the most beautiful. The textures are very nice, picturesque, and i personally don't like that. :lol: It looks like it was built last month and freshly painted last week. I also don't like that it only has the f1 signage.
- The Malagoli updated by __easy__ looks the most realistic to me. The width of the track, the corners, seem the most accurate. Don't like the curbs though. I think they are a bit different cause it is based on an older layout . The textures are more worn out and give a feeling of an old track, which it is more true to life i believe. Also the mesh is more slippery, which I heard some real drivers speak about as definitely true. I do hate the trees though, they destroy much of the immersion with textures from early days of AC
- The Acu one has the most layouts, the most different skins, but feels the least accurate to me. It also looks the worst. It also has some optimisation issues, as there are parts of track, where I get significant frame drops every lap.

But they are all ok, not great, but OK. So it's totally up to each one personally. You should try them all and see which one floats your boat.
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The other thing worth trying is turning off any apps you have loaded while driving .

because of covid I have installed microsoft teams on my gaming pc so i can <cough> work.. had the strangest glitches in AC and ACC only, no other game... cannot tel you why, but, uninstalling teams, a chat app, and hey presto, it stopped glitching... i think might be related to the teams messaging working with an overlay that popover any damn window or fullscreen app.. so ya.. on my gaming machine now, im back to bare boner, NOTHING except the game.

There's an update to drop soon that fixes this and other this space
Great to hear that! I don't want to be rude or anything just want to ask if the track textures are going to be updated? They seem "busy" for my taste especially with the kind of blurry-ish tiremarks. But of course, if it was made according to your artistic preferences and you are satisfied with it, I am okay with that. Keep up the great work! 👍
Thanks for this, I love Pau after doing a trackday there back in 2002

Can we know what was updated from v1.0? Has anything been done to the AI, they nearly cause heart failure by almost coming to a stop for the corner "E"


The updates are mostly patches, holes in the tracks, transparent objects, trees etc ...
for L'AI, I don't know why he's slowing down at point E, the line is good.
This is a trick question, cause IMO there is no definitive answer. All 3 are better in some regards and worse in others:
- The Patrikpat Reboot version looks the most beautiful. The textures are very nice, picturesque, and i personally don't like that. :lol: It looks like it was built last month and freshly painted last week. I also don't like that it only has the f1 signage.
- The Malagoli updated by __easy__ looks the most realistic to me. The width of the track, the corners, seem the most accurate. Don't like the curbs though. I think they are a bit different cause it is based on an older layout . The textures are more worn out and give a feeling of an old track, which it is more true to life i believe. Also the mesh is more slippery, which I heard some real drivers speak about as definitely true. I do hate the trees though, they destroy much of the immersion with textures from early days of AC
- The Acu one has the most layouts, the most different skins, but feels the least accurate to me. It also looks the worst. It also has some optimisation issues, as there are parts of track, where I get significant frame drops every lap.

But they are all ok, not great, but OK. So it's totally up to each one personally. You should try them all and see which one floats your boat.

Thanks for the answer. At the moment I prefer the Fanapryde suggestion over the Acu. I'll get the The Malagoli updated by __easy__ also . But very happy with Patrikpat version.
Historic Nordschleife
Testing Car:
RSS Formula 79

Folder Name: nurburgring1967
Author: WilliamTRiker
This is awesome. It has a ton of trackside details, takes place in the fall instead of the summer, is fairly accurate to the layout (I mean, it's not laser scanned or anything, but the layout is correct) and it just looks beautiful. The road surface is bumpy to an appropriate level, and it just feels dangerous. There are several track layouts as well. This one is very similar to Rainmaker's but I give this one the edge simply because of the extra layouts. You can't go wrong with either of them though.

The WilliamTRiker version does also have a mix of paid & free extensions by Sergio Loro ( the ClassicF3 guy ), Sudstrecke/Betonscheife & combined layouts. Not sure if one of the others is compatible enough to replace it to function with them.


I think I settled on the Reboot Suzuka because it felt closest to the ACC one ( driving a Bentley round that one is one of my favourite sim experiences when my PC actually puts up with ACC ), I'm not sure if I tried every version available anywhere though.
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