Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Disclaimer: This mod is not mine and i'm not involved in any way in its making.
I only modified some files so that the performances of this car are as close as possible to those announced by the manufacturer.
If this mod belongs to you and you want me to delete the download do not hesitate to let me know here.



Have fun, Mike.

Thanks for doing all you do to these cars to make them more accurate to their real world counterparts!

I had made some adjustments and fixes to this car and will provide them here.


Auto Shift Fixed

AI Fixed

DX and DY values on tires adjusted to better reflect realistic grip. Values were set more than Super Soft Racing Slicks.

Also the tires are on the ground.

Also added more information in description per Wiki

The download only includes the files necessary to update. The original car is still required.



Jaguar XKR GT2 Updated

Thank you @Cote Dazur for fixing the mirrors!

Team work! :cheers:
Hi people. I want to say several things.

First, yes, I use Turn10 or AC cars to create my mods. That's is clear. I use the content of other games and I don't sell them because of that. I think that If you convert a car from other game you can't sell it. This should be punishable imo.

But the respect of the work I done is part of the "deal".
If you take a look on my cars, you will see that many of them are not the original models. You can see the 3d work done over them. Focus pack or Cayman for example, have more than a thousand hours to remake the body parts and create new elements. You don't have these models in those games. They are highly modiffied. I make modiffications for ALL the cars, some more, others less. So... this is MY WORK. Even if they were a "simple" conversion, it's my work and my time, making the visuals, textures, physics, etc. And I can say that is MUCH time. I make the cars for people to enjoy, and I just expect a little consideration. Could you respect that?

Please, remove the links. And obiously don't share any modifications of my cars. You allways can make mods by yourself if you don't like them, and in your own way. But not using the hard work I make. I think this is BASIC part of the game.

Asking for permision is the way to share the cars for all these people who don't have FB. And if you have FB you can join the group. We don't reject anybody. Just, if one guy is sharing the cars in other sites we ask him to delete them, and if doesn't, we quick him (until now we have only kicked off one guy). Just because of the lack of respect.

I don't want editions of my cars made by other guys. Make your own mods. Hope you all can understand that.

If someone want to tell me something, do it.


Hey Beto, welcome to GTP 👍

Ignoring all the mess with who made the models and whatnot, I just want to say as a fellow car/racing/driving lover that I have always enjoyed your mods since the Focus Superpack was first released. The sim racing modding community has changed a lot from the days of ISImotor and Papyrus games, and not for the better unfortunately. There is just way too much drama, too much emphasis on making a quick profit. It seems with each generation the number of people that does this for passion is decreasing more and more. I know how hard it is to make good quality mods, especially with how complex and graphically intensive games have become. It doesn't come cheap time/effort wise. And whatever small profit you make probably isn't enough to put food on the table. But speaking for myself and many others less fortunate, we really do appreciate people like you putting out high quality mods for free in this day and age. The joy that comes from driving these cars - when we are having a bad day, it just makes it a little more bearable. That to me is worth more than any money in the world.

Now I remember you used to put the download links in your youtube video descriptions. I was disappointed when this was removed and now the only way to access is via facebook. I got the Focus and Merc via YT, but I had to ask someone here for links to the Aventador/NSX/Cayman/Viper (got it via PM, so no public links were shared). Until Apexxer posted his links, I never even tried to 997. For reasons that I won't go here, I will never have a facebook account. I understand if you'd still like your links to be on fb and not freely shared as a direct mega link, but maybe you can make the fb group non private? I think that is a good halfway compromise, all things considered. Unfortunately in this business people will always try to steal things and claim as their own, but that's just the way it goes sometimes. I trust that you are a better man than all of those people combined.

Anyway, whatever your decision I would still respect it. I just believe that good mods, when shared freely, will always rise to the top and the people behind them will still get the recognition. Putting paywalls and private links is a short term gain, but ultimately no one wins. As an old modder on Viper Racing once said, "It's only a game. Most important is to have fun!" :)

Hope you have a good day, and keep the passion alive 👍
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Maybe someone who has GTS and AC can look at them closely and tell us what they see.
Depends because of the LODs and I don't download pirated mods. I'll also never understand why this stuff is allowed here. Asset ripping from other games is illegal.

I've got no reason to doubt the modder, but maybe his FM7 track conversions are really from Mario Kart..?
Forza conversions have been around since Forza 3 though.
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