Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi to everyone!

Someone knows if exist a mod for this little gem?

1972 Ford Escort Mk2 RS or [URL='']1978 Ford Escort Mk2 RS[/URL]?


Have a nice day!

has anyone noticed 3dSimed screwing up geometry randomly, and not importing all meshes (kn5 ->>> fbx -->>> kn5)

maybe im going crazy...?
About the 991 GT3 R, the author himself aknowledged that the tyres are bugged and that the car right now needs fixing, and it's not about preferring visuals over physics or stuff like that. hopefully a new update will come. I can't talk about Chivas cars but I read some people are able to drive them using joypads so it might be about making setup adjustments. Also, usually more than one person work on those mods and time invested in visuals doesn't mean less time working on physics so the whole thing visuals attention instead of physics attention isn't really a thing imo.
About SOL and CSP it's true that there are new bugs every few new versions but, for example, right now the latest Sol 2.0 Beta and CSP 0.1.64 are pretty stable to use. Mods that gets broken by new features (like rain not working correctly on some) is mainly because those mods weren't made correctly from the beginning so I don't think it's SOL or CSP to blame if we need to install certain versions that breaks some mods to make others work. Afaik the mods I use don't require specific settings or modifications honestly, apart from latest csp but that's normal since it adds new features every now and then. I would like to know what those mods are and if I can see where the problem with them is.
Sorry if what I wrote isn't perfectly clear.
It's also easy to forget that CSP and Sol are far from complete so we are effectively beta testing dev builds. It can be frustrating when new builds break things that previously worked but that's the risk and tradeoff of having preview access to WiP software. If anyone struggles with this then just use the recommended builds until the next stable milestone is achieved. And if certain mods don't work with the build you prefer... well, AC is hardly short of other cars and tracks, is it? Choice is something we can't complain about.

Re the Chivas cars I do believe there's something simple causing the lack of traction for some users. Social media and other forums are full of praise for how these cars handle and that does seem to be the majority opinion, although some users are undoubtedly struggling. I've posted a suggestion but am not sure if anyone has tried it. The cars drive exceedingly well on my setup.
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has anyone noticed 3dSimed screwing up geometry randomly, and not importing all meshes (kn5 ->>> fbx -->>> kn5)

maybe im going crazy...?

I asked this question before, but in the reverse direction, it does not always export all the textures in one attempt, i have to export 3-5 times usually to get ALL the textures correctly. I use the ALT+DBL-CLICK method to have CM unpack kn5 tracks now, works perfect everytime, and basically I dont touch 3dsimed anymore unless I have to for ams/rf tracks.
keep CM open, then in windows explorer go to your track, double click the KN5, and immediately after hold down the ALT key, you will see new folders appear and eventually a window will pop up with your completely unpacked track.

original tip from @Opperslang who can maybe explain the exact procedure correctly because sometimes it spits out only a DAE file instead of FBX and textures, i delete and do it again and it seems to work, kinda random. Id say 1 in ten attempts i get a DAE.
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Hi guys, one question, Sometimes, in some tracks, the AI, going into the gravel, and never move from that. Why they don't return into the track ? There are some MOD, or App, to try to force their to return on track? Thanks

Late reply but, from my limited AI knowledge: The AI won't drive outside of the defined track boundaries. They're not 100% stupid so if they go off but keep some momentum then they'll try to return to the track, but any spin or crash that brings them to a standstill outside of the track limits and they don't have a set line on how to get back so they won't try. It's a shame but I think it's probably a limitation we have to deal with.

There is an option under 'New AI Behaviour' in CM -> CSP Settings called 'Get back to the race after going to pits' which will allow any spun and normally retired car to rejoin the race from the pits, it's not a perfect solution but I usually have it ticked if I'm doing a longer race or am on a track with accident blackspots.

I am saying something like this for a while....

Plus, right now, the modders main concerne, the car looking stunning and a lot of more things beyond of racing driving.
The cars might be ridiculous low grip - Chivas GT500/Porsche 911 GT3R 2019 - as an example, nowadays some must run with the (x) CSP and the (y) SOL and sometimes with the authors advice for using (z) visual mod, etc, etc....


IanBowser have said very well. 'Some mods actually require users to make such specific changes, and install specific version of specific files etc that they "can" actually break other tracks/mods etc. due to the specific requirements they force on the user to work.'

Which lead us to this.

Again very well said said by IanBowser. '...its completely unreasonable to expect users to remember every single mod setting, workaround, requirement, every single tweak, revision and modification that every single modder has asked them to make.'

Always because of the visuals and because of some water drop and a grass leaf being 1mm taller than the 30 around it.
Because when we are racing at the limits, we are focused on that grass leaf. Right.

SOL and CSP are very welcome to AC. Is just that the R&D it's kind of messy right now.
New version fix 2 issues, but brings 3 flaws.

The Chivas Lexus have two fans working, facing the driver to refresh him IRL. The mod have it too. That is very cool indeed.
But again, when I'm driving at the edge, I don't remember those fans, because they don't refresh me.
But the car is undrivable! Yes, but it have 2 fans working and that is absolutely cool.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a good visuals. In fact, first time I launch a game I always watch very carefully the visuals.

P.S I only wish my english was much better, to be able to express myself better. 'Me'.

I sometimes think that the people so obsessed with grass length/interior details and other visuals are probably not the best drivers out there... I've got some shocking looking tracks in my collection but if the layout and feel is okay, after 2 minutes I don't notice as funnily enough I'm concentrating on driving.

I have begun to miss the times when CSP was recommended but not required. There were tons of stunningly beautiful and nice-to-drive tracks and cars before mandatory CSP-features.

I may be one of the last mohicans, but I often run the good old base game without CM, when it's possible. Reason to this is that the pre-CM/CSP/Sol-AC is practically bug-free and if there's an issue with any track or a vehicle, I probably know how to fix it.

Anyway ite feels kinda dumb to complain because I still believe that were are living in the golden days of AC-mods. But one sometimes wonder where we are going...

EDIT: To avoid double-post: anybody know if there's a stock-version of Nissan Fairlady Z 432? I have three versions but all of them seem to be more or less tuned.

The key is self control, just find a CSP/SOL version that works for you and then resist the temptation to update it unless a feature you really want pops up. With cars at least I'm also not afraid to delete extension folders, 99% of the time it's totally unnecessary visual stuff and I can normally fix any other errors to get them to work with my settings.

Just extract the 7z file in a separate folder, then compare files in data folder and ui.json file with the original from A3DR.
Have a nice day,

I like what you're doing with regard to updating the ripped, old and rubbish mods from Assettoland. However it's a little bit cheeky to take an entirely scratch made car from one of the most highly skilled and respected AC modding teams, then re-upload it and when asked what you've changed, simply say: 'Check for yourself'.
I like what you're doing with regard to updating the ripped, old and rubbish mods from Assettoland. However it's a little bit cheeky to take an entirely scratch made car from one of the most highly skilled and respected AC modding teams, then re-upload it and when asked what you've changed, simply say: 'Check for yourself'.

I'll be honest, I didn't really check anything before I downloaded, and I was shocked to see it over write an existing fault. But yes did not expect it to be what is already considered a great mod to disappear.
Yeah, you can't floor it while exiting a hairpin without spinning but that's to be expected. I've mainly been driving the GT-R but that fills me with confidence all around Suzuka, Le Mans, TRM, Spa. I find it to be one hell of a lot of fun to drive fast.
There will be some simple explanation why experiences differ so greatly, I'm sure. The same car won't behave with such dissonance without good reason.

I just obliterated my lap time on Brno with the HSV and I only spun once because I was stupid enough to put a wheel on the grass but it feels great to drive for me too. Didn't get the feeling of "driving on ice" like some people seem to be experiencing and that's with a controller because I still haven't upgraded to a Fanatec wheel (it's on it's way soon though I promise people)
All I did in setup was increase the aero to 17 and stick it on soft tyres and left the rest alone.
I just obliterated my lap time on Brno with the HSV and I only spun once because I was stupid enough to put a wheel on the grass but it feels great to drive for me too. Didn't get the feeling of "driving on ice" like some people seem to be experiencing and that's with a controller because I still haven't upgraded to a Fanatec wheel (it's on it's way soon though I promise people)
All I did in setup was increase the aero to 17 and stick it on soft tyres and left the rest alone.
Good to hear! They truly are epic to drive. I know it's not their natural habitat but a big grid of them at Le Mans in the wet is the stuff of legends. Kudos the Chivas for adding LoDs too - something that's so often ignored these days.
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Thanks a lots for pointing out, maybe needs some magic to become a drift car?

No lool ;-) only some E-Brake, Clutch and then gas....

Yes that mod by Alan is more of a GR4 escort rally car what you would see on most Irish rallies ken block car is actually a converter Mk2 escort rally car set up to do gymkhana/drifting with. He competed with that particle car in Rally America comply years ago.
@MrB00 @Masscot Yes, they are basically semi-formula cars. To think that the lap record around Suzuka is 15 sec. faster than a GT3, which is on par with f3 and not much less, than these are slower than F1. So this is how they should be looked at, basically an open-wheeler with a roof. And I'm guessing this is why they don't appeal to a lot of people. Cause they are different. We have a privilege in AC to drive a different/new car every 15 minutes, so if a car is totally different to drive from what we are bombarded with every day (GTs or road cars), we often don't take the time to learn and adjust the driving style. If we don't make a clean lap within the first 3 laps, to the bin it goes. And it's the car's fault. I remember it was very similar with the new V8 supercars. But if people only took the time to adjust and learn, they would see how good they really are.

I like Chivas very much, they take their time and deliver top quality mods all around, almost on professional level. And that is not a very common case these days.
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peterboese Yesterday To 18:23
Sol 2.0 RC3 + 1.5.7

- stellar: better stars textures (4k, 8k), adapted graphics to new stars textures

- sky/clouds/weather change: removed a bug where clouds pop in
- sky/clouds - distant hazy: better fog multiplier calculation
- sky/clouds - distant hazy: fixed weather change behavior, fixed memory leak

- weather change: adaptive fade of inair material color
# The fade curve is adapted to the saturation values.
# This prevents oversaturation while weather transitions
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@MrB00 @Masscot Yes, they are basically semi-formula cars. To think that the lap record around Suzuka is 15 sec. faster than a GT3, which is on par with f3 and not much less, than these are slower than F1. So this is how they should be looked at, basically an open-wheeler with a roof. And I'm guessing this is why they don't appeal to a lot of people. Cause they are different. We have a privilege in AC to drive a different/new car every 15 minutes, so if a car is totally different to drive from what we are bombarded with every day (GTs or road cars), we often don't take the time to learn and adjust the driving style. If we don't make a clean lap within the first 3 laps, to the bin it goes. And it's the car's fault. I remember it was very similar with the new V8 supercars. But if people only took the time to adjust and learn, they would see how good they really are.

I like Chivas very much, they take their time and deliver top quality mods all around, almost on professional level. And that is not a very common case these days.
He also responded very politely when I asked him about the 'elbows out' driver posture, thanked me for pointing it out and fixed it almost immediately. He clearly has a passion for this class.

Re the handling, these felt like superfast GT cars to me, not formula-style (of which I'm not a big fan). No time was needed to adapt, they felt perfectly natural from the off. I really hope people manage to resolve their handling issues and get to enjoy these cars as intended. A few apologies sent in Chivas's direction might hopefully be appropriate as well.
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keep CM open, then in windows explorer go to your track, double click the KN5, and immediately after hold down the ALT key, you will see new folders appear and eventually a window will pop up with your completely unpacked track.

original tip from @Opperslang who can maybe explain the exact procedure correctly because sometimes it spits out only a DAE file instead of FBX and textures, i delete and do it again and it seems to work, kinda random. Id say 1 in ten attempts i get a DAE.

I also just learned it from someone else so I don't know how it works exactly.
I found that it works best if you keep CM closed and just keep holding ALT until the newly made folder opens. I guess some things just take longer to unpack/convert. Also it doesn't always work the first time (sometimes even first few).
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Re the handling, these felt like superfast GT cars to me, not formula-style (of which I'm not a big fan).
I was thinking on how reactive the car is on steering inputs. It's scary, but I believe realistic, as these have unbeliveable grip levels, on par with formula cars. The same thing goes for throttle application, the amount of power you get from applying the throttle is also on par only with formula cars. But I agree, they are of course still GT cars. But IMO only just barely GT cars.
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Pro tip for very price sensible people: Share the price with your mate, and you can get the latest version for 0,5 EUR. Or even cheaper, if you have more friends. But don't share it please!
The problem is with the replacement physics, that the guy who made it isn't very good at physics (based on the cars he made) so I highly doubt it is better

Just to put your message in perspective, you start arguing against people sharing the mod, and then advise to share with friends.

Afterwards, you pass judgement on a modder's skill, although this modder has a few works with tens of thousands downloads and many dozen positive reviews, including from well-known users and well-regarded modders in the community.

All right then...
I think someone was asking about NeckFX settings recently?
This video was made by one of Ilja's friends.
(needs subtitles turning on if you don't speak Russian)
I really like RHM ACC adapted for AC but this might help someone.

I recently switched to using Neck FX rather than RHM. (I'm a non-VR user on single screen.) I needed to test settings 1 by 1 to see their effects, and now my setup is good to go. I'll check out this video to see if there are more setting that I should consider adjusting. Thanks for the video!

What is the RHM ACC adapted for AC? Any significant upgrades from the original RHM for AC?
hello when I want to try the Lamborghini Huràcan Super Trofeo Evo from Rollowers Mods a message indicates when launching a test session SETUP INVALID CLICK TO CHECK AGAIN Does anyone have a solution to this problem thank you
What is the RHM ACC adapted for AC? Any significant upgrades from the original RHM for AC?

I *think* (from memory) RHM AC stopped working properly, but someone found out that RHM ACC worked perfectly well with a couple of file name changes. Can't remember the exact details, but it was something like that.
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