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  • Thread starter daan
I still believe that different people are experiencing two very different levels of grip due to some tick box or setting parameter somewhere.

I dont even know what car we are talking about here, but, in the realms of possibility is that the modder released them with rainfx physics enabled in the data, and newer CSP has a bug respecting that command irrespective of rainfx being turned on or off.. the rain physics have some work to be done, make the car slippier than a fat girl watching porn..
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We don't have a good one, all we have is a Gilles' version of it. But we are in desperate need of that good one. :)
Find me the source that Gilles used (rF/GTR2/etc), I can do a "clean" conversion for public use.

I'm no CM-expert, but vanilla-AC uses always data-folder when there's no data.acd. I don't know why CM should be any different in that matter...
true on both [use data folder option in CM is if you have BOTH ./data and data.acd]
lol, one of the best physics guys I knew used a controller only... no idea how he did it. (R.I.P R.Stratton)

As well... due to physical limitations of only having one hand, I use an old Momo Racing wheel modified so I can paddle-shift with a vice-grip providing a extension for my thumb ('cuz button shifting is lame).
Surprisingly my physics seem to be very well regarded. I also run 4k using only a 980ti. Not everyone has the best or same circumstances as some others..

View attachment 963376 View attachment 963377

R.Stratton had severe MS and couldnt use a wheel/pedal, perhaps other modders are the same and people should not criticize.

edit: I will say that someone who only plays w/controller and isnt a modder etc, complains about "handling", no sympathy

That is amazing. Love the monkey wrench mod.
I'm guessing 2D clouds are no longer an option in recent Sol builds? Shame if true, although 3D clouds do seem to have improved a lot since I last tried them.
Been running some races in the heaviest thunderstorms possible with lightning strikes all over the shop and track wetness and rain intensity maxed out. Holy crap! It's mental. Just missing the rain noise now to top it off. I got fed up with having to add it in manually every time I updated the CSP so will wait for it to be implemented properly but.. holy crap. Mental!

Are you missing the rain noise? it's there for me (using 0.1.67 preview 1 and Sol 2.0). It's quite loud. Not sure why you aren't hearing it.

btw try taking Dan Bucsa's Lusso out at Brands Hatch in a thunderstorm with rain/water maxed and see if you can get round without crashing. It's impressive the jolt when you hit a puddle, but it's like there are serious oil spills under the water, I suspect this might be because we need new rain tyres with much greater water dispersion than the current tyres. I am not sure current tyres do that at all.
I dont even know what car we are talking about here, but, in the realms of possibility is thatr modder released them with rainfx physics enabled in the data, and newer CSP has a bug respecting that command irrespective of rainfx being turned on or off.. the rain physics have some work to be done, make the car slippier than a fat girl watching porn..
It's the Chivas GT500 cars. I did try them with a non-rain CSP build and they still felt great to me (CSW v2.5).
Chivas recommends turning TC ON (not factory, but ON) and 50% stability control.
Has anyone here who is struggling with grip actually tried this?
Are you missing the rain noise? it's there for me (using 0.1.67 preview 1 and Sol 2.0). It's quite loud. Not sure why you aren't hearing it.

btw try taking Dan Bucsa's Lusso out at Brands Hatch in a thunderstorm with rain/water maxed and see if you can get round without crashing. It's impressive the jolt when you hit a puddle, but it's like there are serious oil spills under the water, I suspect this might be because we need new rain tyres with much greater water dispersion than the current tyres. I am not sure current tyres do that at all.
I'm on a much older Sol at the moment so am using an earlier rain build too. I might update later - cheers.
does anyone know how CM can be used to unpack and repack car data from the command line? I am sick of paddle downshifting into reverse in the heat of things, and I already have heaps of code snippets for recursively looking up files in folders and editting the content programatically for all my cars to set the downshift protection parameter to active and neutral lock to active. Will post a request to ilja to add a downshift protection tickbox to race menu in some later builds as well if he can.
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I'm on a much older Sol at the moment so am using an earlier rain build too. I might update later - cheers.
Are you able to run Sol with a Rift? I try to from time to time but it just eats too many fps for me.
I go from smooth 70fps (Quest) with default controller/implementation to almost fixed ASW (35fps) with Sol controller/implementation

EDIT: RTX 2070Super+Ryzen3600
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It's the Chivas GT500 cars. I did try them with a non-rain CSP build and they still felt great to me (CSW v2.5).
Chivas recommends turning TC ON (not factory, but ON) and 50% stability control.
Has anyone here who is struggling with grip actually tried this?

No, but I can confirm that I am driving these cars in pro mode, i.e. Factory TC and no stability control. They seem fine to me like that. i have compared them to earlier versions (0.5 Beta and Alpha) and yes, they are a bit looser but not that different. I use a G27. I have compared the handling to the AVR500 as I said earlier and also the URD 2016 Nissan GTR. I think I like the Chivas cars the best. Also when the track is slightly wet the car slides beautifully around corners and can be caught, unlike some.
It's very good that you mention it, believe it or not, I don't have a wheel and I play, improve and do physics from scratch using ....... joypad from Xbox One, because I have a problem after an accident with my left leg and I resigned from the steering wheel more than 3 years ago.That's why I've met with opinions before that I can't set up an FFB, now you know why...;)

lol, one of the best physics guys I knew used a controller only... no idea how he did it. (R.I.P R.Stratton)

As well... due to physical limitations of only having one hand, I use an old Momo Racing wheel modified so I can paddle-shift with a vice-grip providing a extension for my thumb ('cuz button shifting is lame).
Surprisingly my physics seem to be very well regarded. I also run 4k using only a 980ti. Not everyone has the best or same circumstances as some others..

View attachment 963376 View attachment 963377

R.Stratton had severe MS and couldnt use a wheel/pedal, perhaps other modders are the same and people should not criticize.

edit: I will say that someone who only plays w/controller and isnt a modder etc, complains about "handling", no sympathy

@RMi_wood, @JakubP all modders

You cannot imagine the strong sense of gratitude I feel towards you and the whole community of modders of this forum. I have already expressed this thought of mine several times, not by mere flipping I firmly believe in what I am telling you. I think repeating it and remembering it does not hurt indeed it is an incentive for all of you and to avoid stupid non-constructive criticism.
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when they shipping your new sim gear in three seperate parcels.. wheel, wheelbase and shifter... now you sitting there at 4AM hitting the refresh button on the tracking page like a crack junky hitting that pipe.. no inidication of which item is in which parcel.. two parcels tracking numbers are now in your state, but, that one.. still says that its in original location, and not looking like it will make it by friday... now you are trying to calculate the likelyhood that the Auspost will loose one parcel, and if not, the odds that the late parcel will be the shifter, and how likely you are to be racing by this weekend..

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when they shipping your new sim gear in three seperate parcels.. wheel, wheelbase and shifter... now you sitting there at 4AM hitting the refresh button on the tracking page like a crack junky hitting that pipe.. no inidication of which item is in which parcel.. two parcels tracking numbers are now in your state, but, that one.. still says that its in original location, and not looking like it will make it by friday... now you are trying to calculate the likelyhood that the Auspost will loose one parcel, and if not, the odds that the late parcel will be the shifter, and how likely you are to be racing by this weekend..

View attachment 963405 View attachment 963406 View attachment 963408

Welcome to the world of logistics where nobody scans or re scans a parcel between warehouses so loose half the tracking for shipment that is very frustrating. I have that problem all time with people in my industry.
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when they shipping your new sim gear in three seperate parcels.. wheel, wheelbase and shifter... now you sitting there at 4AM hitting the refresh button on the tracking page like a crack junky hitting that pipe.. no inidication of which item is in which parcel.. two parcels tracking numbers are now in your state, but, that one.. still says that its in original location, and not looking like it will make it by friday... now you are trying to calculate the likelyhood that the Auspost will loose one parcel, and if not, the odds that the late parcel will be the shifter, and how likely you are to be racing by this weekend..

View attachment 963405 View attachment 963406 View attachment 963408
Fairly accurate. The anticipation is just ridiculous on the brain.
From Chivas just now on FB:

"Well I heard some of you loud and clear, I dialed down the difficulty required to drive the 2013 GT500 cars.
They are now bit easier to handle where you can now definitely push these cars to their limits easier than their real life counterparts.
So expect this on the next update release."

Welp! I'll definitely be archiving the current ones in case the update turns them into trains, but hopefully this update will address the issues that some people are having, but I still believe that different people are experiencing two very different levels of grip due to some tick box or setting parameter somewhere.

Well he made a poll, looks like the physics are staying put. Which suits me as they drive great for me too.

Always loved test cars - prefer them to the fully fledged liveries, so here are some test liveries for the Chivas SC430 2013 :


Replicated the many test liveries used throughout its existence (2006-2013). Will work on the teams' crews (still using the stock ones and I cannot be arsed anymore. What should've been a quick breeze took me all afternoon - had to separate each wheels on the 2007 TOM'S #1C cause the left side uses red wheelnuts whilst the right uses blue ones. ****ing egregious).

Enjoy !
This car is out there, hope it’s ok to post... not sure who made it. If someone has it and would share, cool! I posted a month or so, saying someone should do this car... I guess it was


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Are you able to run Sol with a Rift? I try to from time to time but it just eats too many fps for me.
I go from smooth 70fps (Quest) with default controller/implementation to almost fixed ASW (35fps) with Sol controller/implementation

EDIT: RTX 2070Super+Ryzen3600

I've just tested the Chivas GTR plus 10 cars at a track day with Rift S, RTX 2060 Super, i7 7700. Resolution is 2560 x 1440p. I got a solid 70+ fps with the rain set to 0%, but it dips to 40 with Rain at 100%. That is still driveable for me, especially with pixels per display dialled back to 1.4 from 2 where I usually have it. It is pretty smooth actually.
It's the Chivas GT500 cars. I did try them with a non-rain CSP build and they still felt great to me (CSW v2.5).
Chivas recommends turning TC ON (not factory, but ON) and 50% stability control.
Has anyone here who is struggling with grip actually tried this?

I run pro mode: factory ABS/TC and 0% stability. Had no issues with his cars. Felt very grippy. Low end high torque in 1st gear for the HSV which spun me a bit. Felt they were very manageable.
Hi M8,

Any progress on this? Do you mind posting the carbon skin?

Speaking of Brand New Models while I'm on the topic of that. I managed to get my hands on the dumpster fire known as the Simdream C8r and I have done some optimizations to improve it.

The rear lights now using the chrome area for braking where the actual C8r would use them, and the front lights have been massively brightened as the C8r boasted one of the brightest lights at daytona (Don't worry, it won't whiten out any car or blind the rear view mirrors). Though, an ext_config still has to be done in order to create a ray-tracing like effect to make it appear like the light source is giving off light.

The Michelin Tire Texture has been redone in order to make it more sleek, and bold in color as many racecars tire rubber appear very dark when fresh, adding onto the sharpness and appeal in a racecar's design. Dunlops have also been planned as a choosable option for skinners to use when making a fictional, real, or adaption livery for the car (maybe, just MAYBE a Larbre Competition Design adapted to this car).

For skinning appeal, the option of multiple Antennas/Radio Equipment has been built-in to the new LODs to personalize car coming with a: Default Antenna Set which will always be on the car (a Singular Antenna in the center of the roof, subtle yet flashy), IMSA Spec Radio Equipment (Check the No. 3 Car), A Hood Antenna (Check the No. 64 Car), and a Silver Antenna which goes just in front of the default (Check the No. 58 and No. 59 Car).View attachment 886092 View attachment 886096 View attachment 886097 View attachment 886106

The underworks of the skin has also been changed, which now comes with a Fresh, Plain black Carbon Design. To Access the Carbon, or portions of it, cover the areas in which the carbon will show with full alpha using Adobe Photoshop. Here are some quick pictures of the Carbon Finish Below:
View attachment 886105 View attachment 886107

The Physics of the car has undergone massive changes as well, being redone from the ground up, bar tyres and suspension, which borrows from the mixture of the URD Detroit's old suspension setup, and the URD Porsche 991.2 RSR Tire Setup. The car boasts a completely new aero setup, capable of making over 1150kg at it's top speed of nearly 285km/h, as well as Optimized Braking Force, reworked gearing, slight changes to drivetrain, Disconnected ABS, optimized TCS, changes to AI and a Brand new N/A Engine capable of making upto 505BHP@5800RPM with a maximum RPM of 6400 respectively (Also comes with a nearly accurate soundmod with Clear and Lively Internals and Externals).

The car has already undergone 15 hours of AI BOP Testing across Singapore GP and Sebring Int'l Raceway against it's other GTE Competitors and results are looking fairly optimistic. On Track Days it remains within half a second of the Performance Benchmark car (The 911 RSR). The car has strong Mid-to-High end acceleration making it a challenge to beat in the straightaways, and very stable grip in high-speed corners allowing the handling to be pushed a little further compared to it's competition, with tradeoff to exits in low speed corners, as it's powerband isn't ideally set-up on that end, so it's best to be wary of competitors coming into hairpins and other various sharp corners. Tire wear and fuel have been BOPed Respectively in order to keep racing close and promote strategy.

As of now, the mod is FAR from finished and I still have to do a couple other optimizations before I could post a Final Version. Although I know it is safe to share the data.acd, I don't know if I'd be allowed to share my LOD edits, as it is a payware mod, and I'm unsure how posting policy would work even if it's just the LODs with no extra pieces that would allow the car to work. If anybody could update me on that, that would be nice.
Are you able to run Sol with a Rift? I try to from time to time but it just eats too many fps for me.

I am in the same boat, gtx1080ti/CV1. I can run 90 fps in most scenario without SOL, but stuck at 45fps with SOL, it is a shame because sol looks so good, but it is very heavy on FPS.
The next from the disk .... i downloaded it and forgot to paste here,anyway scripted Suzuki Swift Tuned from Esprit3905 probably not published earlier.....

View media item 68783 - 80.1 MB

thanks for this, the suzuki swift == holden barina, and I have a model for the barina but no "guts", bought my son a barina to do his learners licence with and been trying to get one in game for him for ages now, this might do the trick.
I've just tested the Chivas GTR plus 10 cars at a track day with Rift S, RTX 2060 Super, i7 7700. Resolution is 2560 x 1440p. I got a solid 70+ fps with the rain set to 0%, but it dips to 40 with Rain at 100%. That is still driveable for me, especially with pixels per display dialled back to 1.4 from 2 where I usually have it. It is pretty smooth actually.

I use 1.4ss all the time. I couldn't see any difference between 1.6 and 1.4 but it saves a ton of pixels, and people say 1.6 is the sweet spot. Anything after that is into severe diminishing returns, and at 2.0 you might be crippling your system with very little visual benefit. Try sticking with 1.4 for a while and enjoy those extra frames (or up the world detail/effects)

I am in the same boat, gtx1080ti/CV1. I can run 90 fps in most scenario without SOL, but stuck at 45fps with SOL, it is a shame because sol looks so good, but it is very heavy on FPS.

I'm on a 7700k/1080ti/CV1 combo and can really only hot lap at 90fps, but I've always been pretty happy running 45/ASW. I do have my graphical settings quite high though, but I'm happy with the current balance.
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