Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
i agree. once i have gotten finished with Suzuka....this will be my next project...the (i presume abandoned) malagoli version is a really great starting point...i have already started fixing stuff up on this version (namely fixed the big gaping hole in the exterior terrain and added a nice titular mountain...trees next etc etc...i will try to do it justice i promise
What's the latest on Suzuka build? I'm itching to drive the recently updated Chivas GT cars on a newly refreshed Suzuka.
Infuriating, and a little disrespectful...

When you try to tell a "modder" that there's an issue with their cars when using them with a dialed-in sim-rig setup, and they constantly argue with you and respond with "I have no problems testing them with my CONTROLLER."

I have nothing against those who use controllers, and even respect those who do well with them, but when someone argues with me that there isn't an issue with their mod, and they don't have a wheel... it's time to move on to something else.

In this case, it's a shame, because without this snap oversteer and easily breaking traction, even without throttle, this would be an incredible mod.
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Just extract the 7z file in a separate folder, then compare files in data folder and ui.json file with the original from A3DR.
Have a nice day,
I do not want to offend you, but the author of this car is an excellent master of his craft! I have to compare files to see what you changed? What if I'm a beginner and don't know what to compare? Why would I do this if the car is already great. You hide your changes and I have no desire to try your version!
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stop the bickering.. enjoy some WiP

can anyone find a horribly obvious historic issue in one of these shots?
Actually you know - what I'm deleting this post
Don't need a fight about controllers and modders not listening to feedback
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He also responded very politely when I asked him about the 'elbows out' driver posture, thanked me for pointing it out and fixed it almost immediately. He clearly has a passion for this class.

Re the handling, these felt like superfast GT cars to me, not formula-style (of which I'm not a big fan). No time was needed to adapt, they felt perfectly natural from the off. I really hope people manage to resolve their handling issues and get to enjoy these cars as intended. A few apologies sent in Chivas's direction might hopefully be appropriate as well.

Blimey the GTR is fantastic. The brakes are excellent as well, allowing for a bip on the brake to lower the nose for turn in without scrubbing off much speed. It took me 3 laps to get into the 1m07s at Goodwood, with more to come I'm sure. The handling is similar (but more realistic feeling IMO) to the AVR500, basically the 2020 version of this, and one of my favourite mods. The engine noise is more exciting in the Chivas car, although in the AVR you get a lot more of the bangs and rattles on a rough surface, which I like. I found it almost ridiculously tractable out of the box, with wonderful sharp turn in especially trail-braking. It's hard to imagine people finding it hard to control unless the handling is very much improved in the latest version. Masses of grip as has been said. OK if you put a wheel on the grass you can be in trouble but that's not that unrealistic. My new favourite, along with the Group A M3 E30 at Bathurst.

An example of something I do find hard to drive is Legion's Alfa P3 monoposto on the Avus tyres. Huge power and no grip!

Edit: I've just realised the difference in engine noise is because the 2013 car has a 3.4l V8 but the 2020 Nismo GTR has a turbocharged inline 4. So another bit of realism and a motorsport history lesson for me courtesy of Assetto Corsa!
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Yes must be infuriating but it is what it is. I'm wondering why only some people are having issues with this mod (i presume you are talking about Chiva's Super Gt mod) but I am only reporting my experiences with it, and yes I have a controller but you know what who cares right.

Did you not read this part?

"I have nothing against those who use controllers, and even respect those who do well with them, but when someone argues with me that there isn't an issue with their mod, and they don't have a wheel..."

I started out with a controller myself, 22 years ago, and used one for about a year, then the early wheels were horrible with only a spring to provide resistance. I've raced online with those using controllers. If someone using a controller can challenge me, that's great. The point I'm making is that the creator has no way of gauging the experience of using his mod, other than using a controller, and he keeps ARGUING with me about how I shouldn't be having an issue with his mod, as I'm using a wheel (and I've triple checked the steering angle to make sure that wasn't an issue).

Overall, moving on, though I hate to because it should be a good mod. I just finished a two-hour session with five different cars, most of them other mods, and as always, thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
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Did you not read this part?

"I have nothing against those who use controllers, and even respect those who do well with them, but when someone argues with me that there isn't an issue with their mod, and they don't have a wheel..."

I started out with a controller myself, 22 years ago, and used one for about a year, then the early wheels were horrible with only a spring to provide resistance. I've raced online with those using controllers. If someone using a controller can challenge me, that's great. The point I'm making is that the creator has no way of gauging the experience of using his mod, other than using a controller, and he keeps ARGUING with me about how I shouldn't be having an issue with his mod, as I'm using a wheel (and I've triple checked the steering angle to make sure that wasn't an issue).

Overall, moving on, though I hate to because it should be a good mod. I just finished a two-hour session with five different cars, most of them other mods, and as always, thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Yep, that's why I deleted my post cause I got angry and jumped in and then read it properly and edited/deleted my rambling. Sorry

And I do genuinely wonder why so many wheel users are having issues but then others aren't so it may just boil down to the whole no user has the exact same setup (what with CM/CSP/PC/Graphics I could go on but you get my point) but I do agree that a modder should be listening to feedback and actively trying to help everyone and not answer with "but it works for me on my controller" and leave it at that
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I do not want to offend you, but the author of this car is an excellent master of his craft! I have to compare files to see what you changed? What if I'm a beginner and don't know what to compare? Why would I do this if the car is already great. You hide your changes and I have no desire to try your version!

Something hidden in ini files what a big joke... :rolleyes:

So this is a diff file showing all differencies in the data directory :
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Can somebody help me what setting I need to change to make an AI car not literally stop in front of a slow hairpin? Trying to bop the Mercedes 190e II with the other cars from Tommy and for the love of me can't find what else to adjust in any ini file. I get the car to run similar to Tommy cars on a straight line and in middle and fast corners, but when a hairpin comes, the AI Merc looses up to 3 seconds in a single corner. It was similar with the Kunos e30.
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lol, one of the best physics guys I knew used a controller only... no idea how he did it. (R.I.P R.Stratton)

As well... due to physical limitations of only having one hand, I use an old Momo Racing wheel modified so I can paddle-shift with a vice-grip providing a extension for my thumb ('cuz button shifting is lame).
Surprisingly my physics seem to be very well regarded. I also run 4k using only a 980ti.
Not everyone has the best rigs or the same circumstances as some others..


R.Stratton had severe MS and couldnt use a wheel/pedal, perhaps other modders are the same and people should not criticize.

edit: I will say that someone who only plays w/controller and isnt a modder etc, complains about "handling", no sympathy
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It's weird that some people are finding these cars quite planted and others are struggling to drive them at all. Maybe there's a setting somewhere that needs activating.
Try tyre blankets on, factory ABS and TCS, and stability control at 50% and see how you get on.

I reply to you because you don't comment trying to guess, what other peoples do. And because I like you (in a respectable way).

I have all SIMS and not SIMS since before Geoff Crammonds revolutionary racing games.

I never test a car 2 or 3 laps in a single track and bin it, if I don't like the 1st impressions.
One thing I do always, is test with stock setup.

From above, I then try some changes if needed.

Super GT cars are almost Formula cars, and what many don't know about (just guess...) is that the mechanic and aerodynamic downforce of this cars is impressively huge!

Super GT Boss Masaaki Bandoh: “The GT500 cars are developed with the idea of high downforce and high grip tyres.

I'm not here to teach anything to anyone and I don't think I own the true of things.

I had the previous Chivas Super GT 500 (in fact all Chivas cars) the driving was fabulous. The last update of the new version, is not well!
Obviously, if we smash a throttle of a very powered car without TC, with the wheel with some turning degrees, the car will spin or at least slide.
Big deal, I didn't know this. Each car have its own driving. Big deal, I didn't know this aswell.

Just for the record, I am not desperate for Suprt GT cars - I have 20 in my garage!

Btw, if some never watched a Super GT race, just go to Youtube and see how these cars are driving hard and perfectly controled due to the grip.
Watch how drivers exit corners without eggs under the throttle and fight door to door as TCR cars, due to grip high level!

IMHO, this Chivas MOD isn't accurate in physics side. IMHO.

Who enjoy and enjoy everything just because the modders are well knowed, carry on, keep enjoying. (Please, I'm not adressing to anyone).

I will not extend this anymore. There is no need to.

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Who enjoy and enjoy everything just because the modders are well knowed, carry on, keep enjoying. (Please, I'm not adressing to anyone).
agree with this TRUTH... too may sim "fan boys" opinions.

Have seen this through the years. Started with Neils H. doing physics for his rFactor Corvette.
Everyone was praising the physics.. they were CRAP and his magic tires were CRAP and so was the Vintage mod after they adopted his CRAP tires.

Yet they still cheered and praised.

BTW: I have YET to install the most talked about mods, SOL or CSP in weeks, observing all the furror over this dont work, problems, issues, helpme, blahblah. I will wait for the hype to go away, mods fixed and Mr. Wood will be cool as a cucumber....

In all honesty, MOST of the highly praised mods... are inaccurate and drive like CRAP
for example... VRC LM and IMSA cars are PUKE
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Infuriating, and a little disrespectful...

When you try to tell a "modder" that there's an issue with their cars when using them with a dialed-in sim-rig setup, and they constantly argue with you and respond with "I have no problems testing them with my CONTROLLER."

I have nothing against those who use controllers, and even respect those who do well with them, but when someone argues with me that there isn't an issue with their mod, and they don't have a wheel... it's time to move on to something else.

In this case, it's a shame, because without this snap oversteer and easily breaking traction, even without throttle, this would be an incredible mod.
From Chivas just now on FB:

"Well I heard some of you loud and clear, I dialed down the difficulty required to drive the 2013 GT500 cars.
They are now bit easier to handle where you can now definitely push these cars to their limits easier than their real life counterparts.
So expect this on the next update release."

Welp! I'll definitely be archiving the current ones in case the update turns them into trains, but hopefully this update will address the issues that some people are having, but I still believe that different people are experiencing two very different levels of grip due to some tick box or setting parameter somewhere.
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I never test a car 2 or 3 laps in a single track and bin it, if I don't like the 1st impressions.

As this part is clearly directed towards my comment, just want to say, that, as you, me as well was not singling out nobody, especially not you. I was speaking of a broader general problem we are all a part of and a hole we all often fall into with so much new content coming out daily. My general opinion is that we would all enjoy cars more, if we drove them more. But it's sometimes bloody difficult if almost every day we get a shinny new toy. And there are a few cars I hated at first, but they grew on my with time. Just as many that I loved on first lap, and then with time lost all interest in it.

So don't be offended, was just a calm conversation about why some cars sometimes receive such mixed reactions from people. This time it was you in the other side, next time will be me. No big deal.
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Just to put your message in perspective, you start arguing against people sharing the mod, and then advise to share with friends.

It was sarcastic (or I tried to be sarcastic at least) hence the Pro tip for saving 30 or 50 cents. I'm not a native speaker but I think it is understandable.
It doesn't matter anyway because Paulo doesn't think he has to reply after he was wrong... twice. He is on another level I guess.

Afterwards, you pass judgement on a modder's skill, although this modder has a few works with tens of thousands downloads and many dozen positive reviews, including from well-known users and well-regarded modders in the community.

He is a very nice guy, very helpful member of the community etc. I don't want to offend him but his cars aren't good physics wise IMHO. Download and try them, instead of checking statistics. Oh, and try his reworked physics I'm talking about and we can discuss it as well if you are interested.

I'm guessing 2D clouds are no longer an option in recent Sol builds? Shame if true, although 3D clouds do seem to have improved a lot since I last tried them.
Been running some races in the heaviest thunderstorms possible with lightning strikes all over the shop and track wetness and rain intensity maxed out. Holy crap! It's mental. Just missing the rain noise now to top it off. I got fed up with having to add it in manually every time I updated the CSP so will wait for it to be implemented properly but.. holy crap. Mental!
I do not want to offend you, but the author of this car is an excellent master of his craft! I have to compare files to see what you changed? What if I'm a beginner and don't know what to compare? Why would I do this if the car is already great. You hide your changes and I have no desire to try your version!
"Alberto Daniel Russo is an excellent master", i think i mentioned it
"What if I'm a beginner and dont know what to compare". If you dont know how to compare two files/folder it's urgent you learn how to
"You hide your changes..." Really? not very well hidden.
"...I have no desire to try your version!" Alleluyah, I don't force anyone to do it
I always mention my sources by a link in the description of the car and sometimes (often also) the performance and / or characteristics of the mod are relatively far from reality. I allow myself to modify them but you are not obliged to download.
Just one example, it is very very rare to find mods with the right tire sizes, which modify both the RPM for a given speed and obviously the maximum speed. But to play arcade you don't need all that.
have a nice day
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I always wanted to build a Nürburgring GP 2001 version based on the Kunos track.
I think we don't have a good one, or am I missed something?
Do you know guys/girls an accurate source for the missing part (Castrol S, Veedol chikane)? Maybe the rFactor one?
I always wanted to build a Nürburgring GP 2001 version based on the Kunos track.
I think we don't have a good one, or am I missed something?

We don't have a good one, all we have is a Gilles' version of it. But we are in desperate need of that good one. :)
I seem to remember that there was an option in CM that said something like "use data folder if no data.acd exsists"

I know that there is an option for this on the quick drive menu, but i was sure this was a global like setting somewhere in CM, does anyone know off the top of their head if that's still a thing, or if it ever was XD
I seem to remember that there was an option in CM that said something like "use data folder if no data.acd exsists"

I know that there is an option for this on the quick drive menu, but i was sure this was a global like setting somewhere in CM, does anyone know off the top of their head if that's still a thing, or if it ever was XD

I'm no CM-expert, but vanilla-AC uses always data-folder when there's no data.acd. I don't know why CM should be any different in that matter...
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