Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I have a BKG2 on my Simetik K2 and, amp aside, I really like it. I have only a few effects enabled via Simhub and they're quite subtle but I think with the DD wheel it really adds something in terms of immersion. Not sure it's worth list price money but I got mine off eBay for not much. It does make a right racket though so ideally you need to be well away from others!

I really like having a Buttkicker adding some 'good vibrations' too. In fact, if I forget to turn it on and start driving, I always start feeling like something important is missing very quickly.

When it comes to "is it worth the money?", well that's a personal choice, but if somebody asked me whether it's more important to have a Buttkicker or the correct sponsor's stickers on the side of a driver's helmet from a race in 1973, there's no contest.
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On the 5.1 Sound thing, I am using a 2070 Super(and before that a 1070) using HDMI and through an AMP. No issue, 5.1 sound no problem. I had issue in the beginning when I first went to a 4K TV and my older amp didn't like it(not to mention no 4K). Got a 4K pass thru capable amp and haven't had any problem since.
A while back I saw a post relating to an issue I'm having with numerous mods and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a fix? I haven't seen any replies regarding it or perhaps I've missed them. I'm currently using CSP 1.66 but this has been going on with the past 2 or 3 versions of CSP. Is anyone running into this issue? It's not happening on every car that is using extended features pertaining to lights, glass and refraction... :boggled:

Having a strange issue with glass shaders on certain cars. Only seems to affect one headlight and brake light at a time:
View attachment 958766

I think it might be CSP related as it only seems to affect cars that are set up to use refraction on their headlights. Any ideas?





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OK, not brightness as said, distance.
Im almost positive its the car (or how the lights are configured).
I have that M8 and plenty more but ul the one you have. If theres no parameter to adjust more then color (many do, like the ks 911RSR), then its in the .data file
It also might have an .ini with just basic parameters - brightness, color etc. If you see an ini with just a couple of lines then more detail is in the .data

Or as M1gaming said, use a quality car. :D Without looking, I think I have 5-7 M8's, some should have been binned long ago. You just might have one of those:D

thanks for your help I'll try to adjust something in the data... Anyway it's the rss gtm bayro 6... I bought it quiet recently and I've spotted this issue with the original skins and with the modded one... hope I can solve this small problem but yeah as you said the quality it's the most important thing and this is probably the best M6 GT3 out there (maybe also the guerilla one is good). Thanks also to @MRM1GAMING for his support I will also try that way as the guerrilla one:bowdown::D
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OK so those darned Porsches are not encrypted for me either. Everything works as normal and I have unpacked the data.acd with no problem for both cars. CM showroom works as does preview update.

My CM is version 0.8.2190.36747
CSP is 1.67-preview1

I am going to download some other encrypted cars and try them out to determine whether all encrypted cars can be decrypted with my CM/CSP or whether these two Porsches are either encrypted differently or not encrypted at all! I agree with Fall Guy they are nice cars worth having.

EDIT: the S2000 API can be unpacked and repacked but the CM showroom doesn't work. Message is that the model is not supported.

The question of what does and doesn't work in CM with encrypted mods' previews all comes down to whether the modder has sent Ilja the encryption key so he can add it to CM.

EDIT: I see others have already pointed this out further down the thread. Oh well..
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does AC support 5.1 positional audio? Looking to setup a smallish audio thingamajoozit for the new rig front L-R back L-R and front sub on a dedicated sb 5.1 pci-e card.

AC has something you might call 5.1 audio, but it's not really the full beans. Still much better than just plain stereo. You do get tyre noises in the right places, engine sound front or back, and things passing by in vaguely the right way.

It's a long while since I set my audio bits up, so I can't be sure any more, but my sound card (Sound Blaster Z) decodes Dolby/DTS audio and I think that's a requirement to make this faux-5.1 work at all.

I combine this with a Buttkicker and a second subwoofer pressed against the back of my seat, then set the balance of all these elements through a little mixer and that's enough to make my neighbours think a car is about to crash into their house.
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I had 5.1 in AC via HDMI but Windows kept treating my amp as a second screen. Nothing but trouble. Now rocking 5.1 via optical and it's been completely trouble free, but I had to do some hackette first as 5.1 via optical isn't natively supported in Windows 10, which must be the dumbest decision since Trump.

Hi Masscot, can you point me to some on getting the 5.1 hack working with Windows 10? I'd love to be able to run 5.1 via optical decoded by my audio receiver, rather than having to decode it through my Sound Blaster audio card. Unfortunately, doing it that way adds enough of an audio delay to bug the hell out of me... and makes fast and snappy gearshifting sound a little less snappy than it should.

EDIT: P.S. If the 'hackette' you used is that one using a modified Realtek driver, I won't be going there again. Nearly lost my system trying that and had to use a restore point to get up and running again.
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A while back I saw a post relating to an issue I'm having with numerous mods and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a fix? I haven't seen any replies regarding it or perhaps I've missed them. I'm currently using CSP 1.66 but this has been going on with the past 2 or 3 versions of CSP. Is anyone running into this issue? It's not happening on every car that is using extended features pertaining to lights, glass and refraction... :boggled:






I got exact same issue, using Ilja's latest Patreon patch
A while back I saw a post relating to an issue I'm having with numerous mods and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a fix? I haven't seen any replies regarding it or perhaps I've missed them. I'm currently using CSP 1.66 but this has been going on with the past 2 or 3 versions of CSP. Is anyone running into this issue? It's not happening on every car that is using extended features pertaining to lights, glass and refraction... :boggled:

I got exact same issue, using Ilja's latest Patreon patch View attachment 965264

Disable shading multisampling in the Reflections FX config:
thanks, I googled before I asked and it seems like a ****fight if I am to believe whats on RD, apparently 5.1 cannot be extracted via passthrough hdmi to amp, (windows 10 issue), and may or may not work with cheaper onboard sound cards irrespective of optical or not, (generic board rivers issue), and LOTS of posts that AC 5.1 just delivers Front L-R copied to the back speakers. so good to know someone act
Hi Masscot, can you point me to some on getting the 5.1 hack working with Windows 10? I'd love to be able to run 5.1 via optical decoded by my audio receiver, rather than having to decode it through my Sound Blaster audio card. Unfortunately, doing it that way adds enough of an audio delay to bug the hell out of me... and makes fast and snappy gearshifting sound a little less snappy than it should.

EDIT: P.S. If the 'hackette' you used is that one using a modified Realtek driver, I won't be going there again. Nearly lost my system trying that and had to use a restore point to get up and running again.
There is always this option:

ehhh... ffs.. SO i like the test Sandevoerde so much I paid for the full one.. except now..

1965 version is this
1967 version a lot of stands invisible and trees missing
1973 works, but drops me to 45 fps.

if anyone has a working version of this release hot/cracked/off the back of a truck, please send to me, I have legitimately paid for it, and not in the mood to fix a paymod.

well.. turns out its not the track, its how its installed... (got an offline tip) drag and drop into CM gives these errors, even though it appears everything is copied.. (manual versus CM the folder file count and size is exactly the same), manual copy the folder into tracks and it works perfectly.. wonder how many other tracks that I have turfed as rubbish are actually just the CM installs gone bad? or cars..
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Hi Masscot, can you point me to some on getting the 5.1 hack working with Windows 10? I'd love to be able to run 5.1 via optical decoded by my audio receiver, rather than having to decode it through my Sound Blaster audio card. Unfortunately, doing it that way adds enough of an audio delay to bug the hell out of me... and makes fast and snappy gearshifting sound a little less snappy than it should.

EDIT: P.S. If the 'hackette' you used is that one using a modified Realtek driver, I won't be going there again. Nearly lost my system trying that and had to use a restore point to get up and running again.
No worries, I posted about it back in April.
Not sure if this is exactly what you tried but it 100% worked for me and has been trouble-free ever since. Worked on my old PC, works on my new PC.
well.. turns out its not the track, its how its installed... (got an offline tip) drag and drop into CM gives these errors, even though it appears everything is copied.. (manual versus CM the folder file count and size is exactly the same), manual copy the folder into tracks and it works perfectly.. wonder how many other tracks that I have turfed as rubbish are actually just the CM installs gone bad? or cars..
Probably quite a few. I was also experiencing similar problems with some cars and tracks when I was still using the cm "drag in" installer. Since I started doing it the old fashioned way, it seems much better.
well.. turns out its not the track, its how its installed... (got an offline tip) drag and drop into CM gives these errors, even though it appears everything is copied.. (manual versus CM the folder file count and size is exactly the same), manual copy the folder into tracks and it works perfectly.. wonder how many other tracks that I have turfed as rubbish are actually just the CM installs gone bad? or cars..

Sorry mate but the problem must be elsewhere here. I always install the tracks via drag&drop to CM (as well as the cars) but on my end it works fine. No issues with that track as described. Maybe you haven´t done a clean install when there has been an update done to that track?
Sorry mate but the problem must be elsewhere here. I always install the tracks via drag&drop to CM (as well as the cars) but on my end it works fine. No issues with that track as described. Maybe you haven´t done a clean install when there has been an update done to that track?
can replicate this... delete folders completely, drag and drop, fails, copy works. same zip file directly from Sergio.
Will whip out total commander and do comparison on both, (one copied out) and find out what differences are there.. maybe file permission settings or something?
Probably quite a few. I was also experiencing similar problems with some cars and tracks when I was still using the cm "drag in" installer. Since I started doing it the old fashioned way, it seems much better.

if i get failures or bug I will certainly remember this..
if i get failures or bug I will certainly remember this..

I have had quite a few problems too with drag and drop, and long ago gave it up. I use Winrar to unzip directly into the track or car folder (or assettocorsa or Content - I always check the folder structure before unzipping). This seems to me just as simple and quick as drag and drop. As I have three installs of AC - one as a Steam app, one on an SSD and one backup on another partition, this method allows me to keep all three up to date.
No worries, I posted about it back in April.
Not sure if this is exactly what you tried but it 100% worked for me and has been trouble-free ever since. Worked on my old PC, works on my new PC.

Thanks Masscot, but that is the 'fix' I tried and I won't be going there again as it made changes in my registry that I had to undo to get ordinary things running normally again. Glad it works for you and some others though.

At the end of the day, I'm pretty happy with where my audio is at, other than the tiny delay that's created by encoding the Dolby/DTS surround in the SoundBlaster software. It's really so subtle that most people probably wouldn't even notice it – and as I also have 5.1, plus bumping things on my chassis and rumbly bits in the back of my seat, it's all pretty immersive.
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I have had quite a few problems too with drag and drop, and long ago gave it up. I use Winrar to unzip directly into the track or car folder (or assettocorsa or Content - I always check the folder structure before unzipping). This seems to me just as simple and quick as drag and drop. As I have three installs of AC - one as a Steam app, one on an SSD and one backup on another partition, this method allows me to keep all three up to date.
If you always select 'clean installation' from the drop down then drag 'n' drop is pretty flawless in my experience, and is obviously the quickest and most convenient method. I can understand people wanting to check folders/file structure for peace of mind and do it a more longwinded way but I'm not convinced it's necessary any more. CM drag 'n' drop only used to install car or track folders but it was improved quite a while a go to cater for fonts, configs etc etc and file them all in their correct locations.
'Clean Installation' is certainly the key.
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AC AI.. is there anything that can be done to fix them.. they slam on brakes right in front of you in a corner that a downshift can handle.. for example on Suzuka coming out of 6 into 7 (beggining of dunlop) i have high accident/crash count as they go from insane racing machines then suddenly slack off to smell the flowers? Is this an AI line AI hints thing, or just a AC thing?
Can you please tell me, if it is possible to get the track out of RRRE?

Any good tracks I should try racing in RRRE? I went gungo and bought the track/car bundle that included everything.. silly boy that I am..
and my takeaway was its like rf1 meets grid autosport track quality, but with horrible cars and horrible ffb, horrible physics, horrible ui, horrible load times.. and , well , basically, just horrible so never bothered again.
I'm wondering if anyone could give me a little help with something . I found a groupc mod on some random random Japanese blog . so most of them work great accept for one the TOYOTA Ts010 . every time i try and load the car it crashes the game . I did all the "fix car" and still the same issues . I know in this awesome community can help . Much appreciated

Hi ! I have got the same problem but I fix it, but the interior is not very good.. Did you want the car ?
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