Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I noticed some interest in requests for the Peugeot 908. The only easily available one is at Assettoland. I have had a real interest in these cars and been using NeilB1971 LMP pack, making the cars work and putting some grids together. The 908 mod from Assettoland posted here by YETIsaj back in page 1052 had some good work done on skins for 2007-2009 but the car didn't feel right and lacked grip especially front downforce in fast corners.
After much time and work I completely overhauled all the data/physics:

-engine now has higher boost pressures as expected in the real 908.
-torque curve adjusted in conjunction with boost to simulate engine 703bhp and 1200Nm torque.
-centre of gravity slightly adjusted
-aero completely reworked
-ai redone
-suspension and setup completely reworked
-fuel consumption, inertia, brakes etc adjusted
-some slight changes and addition to drivetrain ratios
-tyres completely redone in line with Kunos LMP1 standards
-enduro lights added to the side lights
-Extension config for CSP for audio volume adjustments and interior night light.

View attachment 973744

The car really needs the assistance of the skills from the likes of flying_saucer to get working wipers to be complete.
If we can get this done then I can complete and upload a 30 car 2007 Lemans grid.

Credits to date:
Original author is unknown.
Car updated by Assettoland
Skins and update by YETIsaj
Sound is from Ford Transit mod by ACFAN - diesel sound that varies from the Audis.

The base setup is close for qualifying, just adjust the Traction Control where you like it.

The 908's competition partner is also updated with BoP. Many thanks again to NeilB1971:
Audi R10.

If you already have the YETIsaj mod and the Audi R10 from NeilB1971 pack then these will overwrite so back up first if you want to preserve the old data.

Created single objects aligned and now I'll start creating axis to prepare animation. Stay tuned.

I apologize if it might seem like a sin to some, but after driving both the Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO (RSS Lanzo V10) and the Emil Frey G3 (BTW, the latter seems a bit easier to drive than the former, but still both great cars nonetheless), I kinda wanted to improve the exterior of the G3 a little bit using those Kunos shader values I downloaded here from @GIBBONS long time ago to try and replicate the look from Competizione and also because it honestly seemed a little bit too bright to me.

But sadly it seems that front lights glass and some carbon parts aren't really affected that good with those values, since the glass turns too much white and some carbon parts get messed up a bit. So I hope in an update to see those glass parts made clearer and those carbon parts fixed by perhaps separating them if possible at all.View attachment 973725 View attachment 973726 View attachment 973727

Detail UV Multiplier on shader settings needs to be at its original (450) to fix the carbon. On the headlight glass there's two methods you could use, either export the texture and use photoshop the darken the headlight colour, or fork the material of the headlight glass and then replace the texture for the forked material with a darker flat one of your choosing.
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What's about this. The model is from GT Sport

It's pretty much a massive: why?

edit: neils mega pack pretty much did the 2010 hdi which is pretty much better cause we got it for free (and i've overhauled the physics of the creation, hpd and zyteks for you)
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My apologies folks,

Somehow I forgot to include the AI hints for RT Mont Tremblant GP and GP Variant layouts. It's actually the same file, no folder structure in the zip, so extract it to each of these data folders:

"your copy of Assetto Corsa"\content\tracks\rt_mont_tremblant\gp\data
"your copy of Assetto Corsa"\content\tracks\rt_mont_tremblant\gp_variant\data
Ok for GP but for GP Variant an Ai hint file is already present.
It is missing (don't know if it's useful) in the Data of GP Reverse, GP Variant Reverse, No Chicane, No Chicane Reverse and North Reverse.

Great tracks, thank you 👍
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I have a question for you do you also have a strange "flickering" at Assetto Corsa with lights that are a little further away use CSP 0.1.60 As soon as I go closer it goes away and with CSP 0.1.64 everything on the car flickers or everything that is illuminated or white hope you know what i mean attached a short video
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Hello everyone! I'm fascinated with the Rain FX and would like to use it for my online server races. I've tried with no luck selecting rain weather on server setup and also checking Rain box on the Rain Fx window previous to connecting to the server... And nothing, just black clouds but no rain... Any ideas?
In single player mode works like a charm, but can't figure out how to implement it to my server.

Im only assuming given I solely play in singleplayer, but is it possible with it still being a preview build non public that multiplayer implementation is restricted?
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I'm using a specific car here, but it applies to many...

There are two versions of the 1937 ERA Type B. One at Velo's Mod Workshop and one at Legion's site. As near as I can tell, the Velo one is an update of the Legion one. Neither is well-documented as to origin, etc. My problem is not with where the model came from, etc. etc., but with how on earth do I know which one is better and/or more accurate? I've never driven a 1937 ERA and I can't even know what info the authors/updaters used in their modeling.

My immediate, if crude, question: are the Velo mods generally good?

My bigger concern: it would be really nice if mod creators and updaters would document their sources and reasoning. For example, "I changed the power curve in this direction because so-and-so's biography said such-and-such about the whatsit GP of 1937".

I don't mean to slag any mod creator because this is all about interpretation of -- usually -- incomplete data and "anecdata". It's probably impossible to know if a given model is accurate (whatever that means), but I'd like to understand the reasoning so I can make informed choices.
Ok for GP but for GP Variant an Ai hint file is already present.
It is missing (don't know if it's useful) in the Data of GP Reverse, GP Variant Reverse, No Chicane, No Chicane Reverse and North Reverse.

Great tracks, thank you 👍
only the 2 GP layouts needed a hints file as far as I could tell, if there's any AI problems with the other layouts, let me know

EDIT: the GP_Variant layout seems to already have the hints file now? Well, I'm not sure what happened, I thought it was missing from both layouts. That hints file can be copied from the GP Variant's data folder into the GP layout's data folder for a quick fix, as long as the hint file is there to copy from ;)
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Im only assuming given I solely play in singleplayer, but is it possible with it still being a preview build non public that multiplayer implementation is restricted?

Maybe... But I understand rain is available since previous versions I think... Or maybe I'm wrong, but this could be great for endurance racing.. Maybe someone who has endurace server know this?
Hey all, I made some updates to Brno '65 and released an update at RD.
  • Fixed AI side-lines
  • Added collision to some objects that it was missing from before
  • Added smooth_normals to the road and grass to enhance the shadows and rain puddles (this should make the shadows on the road edge less harsh and have a more uniform blend with the road)
  • Fixed a texture on a house that was wrong
  • Added more space between starting positions
Grab it here:

Aaaaaaaaaaannnndddddd this. This fantastic work I didn't mention, well I mention now.
Many thanks, what a fun to drive. Drove in Brno65 many years ago, don't remember if GPL, GTL, GTR2 or rFactor.

My apologies folks,

Somehow I forgot to include the AI hints for RT Mont Tremblant GP and GP Variant layouts. It's actually the same file, no folder structure in the zip, so extract it to each of these data folders:

"your copy of Assetto Corsa"\content\tracks\rt_mont_tremblant\gp\data
"your copy of Assetto Corsa"\content\tracks\rt_mont_tremblant\gp_variant\data

I'm upping this at the request of @RobertFlagg.

It could use some Grass FX and a VAO if anyone is interested
EDIT: and maybe a balloon or other from that masked dynamic air objects maker we have somewhere around here.

View attachment 973755
termaslargo - including complete AI and UI package by LiquidSkyMan.rar 116.3MB

Aaaaannnndddd this, somethimes I forget that if I have fun racing, is aswell because guys like LiquidSkyMan. 👍

My immediate, if crude, question: are the Velo mods generally good?

Partly answering my own question. I compared (in CM) the power curves) of the TC Legends (Bazza, etc.) 1966 Lotus Cortina MK1 and the Velo version. They're radically different. A web search let me to a site with the power curves for that car. The Velo version seems -- disclaimer, I don't know a lot about this stuff -- to be far closer to "reality" as represented on the site as "generated by the ProfessCars™ software, based on the factory datagenerated by the ProfessCars™ software, based on the factory data".
I'm using a specific car here, but it applies to many...

There are two versions of the 1937 ERA Type B. One at Velo's Mod Workshop and one at Legion's site. As near as I can tell, the Velo one is an update of the Legion one. Neither is well-documented as to origin, etc. My problem is not with where the model came from, etc. etc., but with how on earth do I know which one is better and/or more accurate? I've never driven a 1937 ERA and I can't even know what info the authors/updaters used in their modeling.

My immediate, if crude, question: are the Velo mods generally good?

My bigger concern: it would be really nice if mod creators and updaters would document their sources and reasoning. For example, "I changed the power curve in this direction because so-and-so's biography said such-and-such about the whatsit GP of 1937".

I don't mean to slag any mod creator because this is all about interpretation of -- usually -- incomplete data and "anecdata". It's probably impossible to know if a given model is accurate (whatever that means), but I'd like to understand the reasoning so I can make informed choices.

You will get a load of different accounts of this from people here and most have some validity. I don't think having driven a real ERA would give you much enlightenment. I am not a professional driver, far from it, but I have been fortunate enough to have driven a range of sports cars on various tracks in the UK. What I can say is I do get a pretty good simulation of real driving in AC but not because of the accuracy of the physics - there are too many compromises and shortcomings of the physics model. What I can say is if the Auto Unions we have in AC, for example, handled and lost grip like they do in the sim, Bernd Rosemeyer would have been killed on his first lap of the Nürburgring. Yes the brakes were crap, yes they had massive power to weight ratios and could induce wheel spin in top gear etc, but they were driveable. You can learn to drive them in AC but it's not really like real driving.

I have spent some time in the new RSS Lambo. One of what I consider the most realistic feeling cars in AC is the RSS Ferrari 360 GT-N, but the Lambo is a handful. It understeers like a bastard and also snaps into oversteer unpredictably with unrealistic ease when going over a kerb at Suzuka say. Yes I can get a much better lap time in the Lambo than the 360, but it doesn't feel real to me. If you constantly adjust setup to improve matters that's fine, but you can end up with completely unrealistic handling, even though you're faster. The tyre breakaway on most every car is predictable in real life - though of course they vary in the skill and experience needed to drive them. Most powerful cars in AC are not like that. In reality. even early 911s, which are notoriously tail-happy, are fine when you get used to them.

So what I am suggesting is go out and drive the cars and use your imagination as to what a racing car like the Type B would drive like. Both the Legion and the Velo versions are good enjoyable cars in my opinion. They are both free to try. On the whole both produce good cars to drive and I have collected all of them I enjoy Legion's Alfa P3 Monoposto Tipo B, but I know the real car doesn't squirm under power in a straight line like the one in the sim.

EDIT: just tried both ERAs. Both are based on the same 3D model it seems. I prefer Legion's physics, even though the car seems a bit too torquey. Lap times at Goodwood are closer to reality in Legion's car.
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