Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
probably someone else has done this already, but if not, its only a 2 minute job anyhow

RainFX Daytona RT
PUDDLES_MATERIALS = road_dayt_asphalt?,road_dayt_rumb?,road_dayt_roadline?
SOAKING_MATERIALS = road_dayt_asphalt?,?cement?
;LINES_MATERIALS = ?roadline? ;uncomment if you like but some tarmac is shared by this material.
View attachment 980351
Thanks for this. Did you set it so that puddles don't form on the banked sections or does RainFX do this automatically by factoring in the angle of the surface? Either way, it's a neat detail, as is the way a continuous puddle forms at the bottom of the banking where it transitions to flat.
Being Florida it's very effective creating a stormy-looking sunny sky (say, 'Windy' preset) with a post-cloudburst wet track. Fits the atmosphere superbly.
I got excited, alone during the holidays ya know?
Looked for them tracks, didnt see them.

Seems I can do just Crema then ;(
(and Prato)
Aww sorry, if you want a track project, if you could find or work on a decent Brainerd (MN) and/or Pocono, that would be amazing
Hello guys. I am new to Assetto Corsa and i want to ask something. Can i run sol without CSP( i have a 32 bit pc )??

Merry Christmas to everyone and stay safe!!

LMP1 pack released, link in the video description

Thanks for this! 👍
Only wished I would be able to edit some materials to get the best visual effects...:cheers: It can even be better, than it is right now.

Material body-> ksPerPixelMultimap-damage_dirt
windows->KsPerPixelReflection, etc.
some chrome effect in the headlights
Subaru test tracks - Bifuka proving ground for Assetto Corsa

G'day, mates.

Latly i was working on one track, located in the north of Japan. Track, that far from being famous. This tracks is also far from motor-racing.'s kind of unique. Big test park of Subaru company, made for different types of road car testings.

And being Subaru Legacy owner, i would like to bring more Subaru stuff to virtual world.

What i did is took the track is remade this Proving ground to race track! (some imagination)

Some brief overview of location:

This is a Subaru test course スバル美深試験場 (Subaru Research and Experiment Center Bifuka Proving Ground) in Niupu, Bifuka-cho, Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido. The Bifuka Proving Ground was opened in 1995. Until the test site was opened in 1995, we had repeated driving tests on ordinary roads in this area. Established in 1995 as a research and development base for winter snow tests, we have been conducting research and development mainly to build cars that can be driven safely even in cold regions.

In addition to various test roads and handling roads in the total site area of

361 hectares, a high-speed circuit was added in 2003, and various tests are conducted throughout the year as a test course that looks like an actual public road.

Location on google maps

Track made from scratch, using RTB, google maps, and some Kunos objects.

Track contains 4 layouts:
#1 High-speed circuit - total length 4.2km. Can be extended in future updates with extra loop already presented on 3D map.

Really interesting high speed road with old chool racing turns. The track is fun for road cars and classic retro race cars. Modern GT3 is not best choise for here, my oppinion.

Release version Support race (not weekend) with 27 Ai and good replay cam.

Onboard video on Youtube + Porsche 804 onboard video from the track. It's fun!

Replay cam video on Youtube

#2 Mountaing toge course is 2.0 km. Short, but very very tricky road.

Probably this test course is usnig for suspension tests or even for mud running. But i saw it has potential to be high-level toge circuit with up and down hill combined. No rail guards, so should be carefull here =)

Release version Support race (not weekend) with 1 Ai and good replay cam.

Onboard video and replay cam from 1:16 min on Youtube

#3 Sprint track is 1.17 km short route connecting Office area and Montain route with High-speed ring.


Just for fun. Nothing more. Release version Support race (not weekend) with 1 Ai (dumb one). No replay cam.

#4 Drag strip - presened but not playable now. Dear subscribers, do you really need it?


#5 + FREE ride circuit. Drive wherever you want!


I hope you will enjoy the ride!

3 skins: default (autumn), summer and winter


If you are not a Patreon fan but would like to support me: welcome here

Thank you for attention

Download the track from Google drive


Wow thanks so much for this... looking forward for the Balocco Alfa Romeo proving ground test track (I've done this request a few months ago). Give it a try please
Hello guys. I am new to Assetto Corsa and i want to ask something. Can i run sol without CSP( i have a 32 bit pc )??

Merry Christmas to everyone and stay safe!!

Yes I think you can, I don't know if the new version support the 32 bit or not but you can give it a try, it's all write in the guide installation
Nice bridge with those Breil billboards... but I still can't get rid of the flickering shadows on the trees beyond it. I've tried following leBluem's instructions, but I don't see any change.

Maybe I'm being just a numpty and doing something wrong with the config "uncomment" instruction, but I don't know what it is! :confused:

EDIT: Hmmm. I think I am doing the right thing as when I "uncomment" the line in the config, there are less trees on the distant mountainside, but... what's still there flickers anyway, just like before (only with less trees).

Try to disable the dynamic shadows via CM. Helped for me (had this flickering with Trento Bordone from KS).

Hi. Tried that but just crashes when using F3 to change cams. It's a if it's not picking up the cam sets. I can press F3 once first set shows, press again nothing, press again nothing, then again last cam shows. Strange. Any other ideas would be appreciated. Many thanks.
Sol 2.0.1 update
Sol - Updates | RaceDepartment

Sol 2.0.1 Changelog

- apps: 10.6
# weather plan is activated after created one in Sol_weather_planer app
# Rain control in Sol_weather app fixed
# sol_weather app v10.5 - fixed not applying new weather plan after creation (file was written, but plan not enabled)
# sol_weather app v10.6 - fixed initial reading values from "ctrl_config.lua"

- skysim: fixed blinking 2d clouds with sunangles between -4.5° and -7.5° and activated "cpu split"
- skysim: fixed dependency of clouds vertical position and camera
# You can now reach the clouds...

- skysim/layer, Cumulus Mediocris: some changes to brightness, sharpness and scattering

- stars: fixed brightness and interaction with night light pollution

- custom config: updated config checker to prevent crashes with wrongly programmed custom configs

- PPFilter/custom config: added __Sol_Camcorder
# a template to develop a filter, acting like a camera

Does this replace RC4?
are you sure you have camera.ini and not camera.ini.txt ???
i think so. i open the track folder go to data and open. there are the camera sets as in Camera_1 ect. if i click on them i get a text sheet with all the detail and set name as in TV1 ect. Hope that makes sense.
We are enjoying and grateful to you for using your Alfa Romeo 33tt12 regularly. There are 2 things, though (using the .99g version) that we can't improve physically, though. When taking a fast turn, the car will have a snap where it loses grip for a moment (sliding a few yards) and then recapturing itself grip after part of a second or so once one backs out acceleration. Later in a race, say 7 or 8 laps in, also while taking a fast turn, one's tires will lose grip and slide and slide and slide sideways and one is taken off the wide side of the track. Otherwise, the car is the best and perfect. Have you a later version after .99g or a final physics alteration?
Thanks very much !!!
Alfa Romeo 33TT12 - Alternate Physics "v0.99c"

These are the original physics for the Alfa that I developed
prior to 3rd parties being involved, trying to improve things.

dyno tuned engine
spec gears based on archives

this is the 99c physics adjusted to work with the new LODS
all other settings have been left untouched

rename current data.acd to data.acd.bak
copy version 99c data.acd and LODS to cars folder

:: happy merry, merry happy ::

note: car name in list will change
if this seems ok, I will put on RD after a few corrections.
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Alfa Romeo 33TT12 - Alternate Physics "v0.99c"

this is the 99c physics adjusted only to work with the 99g LODS

if this seems ok, I will put on RD

I think that lods are named wrong at lods.ini

At the car folder you have 1,2,3 and at the lods.ini b,c,d resulting in game crash

Take a look please.

PS 0.99g downloaded from RD

Merry Christmas to everybody in this community
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seems Loch Rannoch WAS taken down from RD due to copyright violation from Codemasters

Please refer to mirror links here, or my Patreon for all RMi mods released (and unreleased).
All future mod output from RMi will be on the (free) Patreon first (minutes, hours, days, weeks) before wide distribution / release to other outlets including GTP.

thank you all for the great support, encouragement and enthusiasm over the last year, and the future to come!
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