Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi Has anybody not been had any trouble with rain not wiping off windscreen with CSP 1.70 with cars
that used to work fine. Happy New Year to all fellow sim racers
First of all I wish you all the best for the upcoming year;)

Just two question:

1) How can I fix the trasparency of the trees?

2) How can I add a flag for a fantasy country in CM?

As always, stay safe my friends:cheers:
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anyone know what the red car is at 3m33 and if its in AC? (its at the mercedes museum)

edit: is it this?

oh, and HNY, may your hangovers be less severe than mine...

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So...nobody remembers the Longlife (BP) billboard above left hander step up section on monaco_1966_v1.2 as being faded white on the left as one passes under?
So...nobody remembers the Longlife (BP) billboard above left hander step up section on monaco_1966_v1.2 as being faded white on the left as one passes under?

I'll see if I can replicate this next time I get a chance, but I don't remember seeing it - there's a good skin on Racedepartment which I always use though, are you using any track skins?
Jaguar G3 Emil Frey ACC Sprint & Endurance V1.0

View attachment 973605



by GTPlanet Modding Team

The original team:

The testers:

The additional physics consultant:

The Jaguar team & driver suits:

The Jaguar G3 Soundmod:
_Fabr_123 (corsamode on RD)

** Thank you guys for this long and amazing work! **



— 3D car conversion
— added internal glass for raindrops visible
— added damage glass
— added chassis damage and dust
— created wiper animation
— created driver animation
— created brakes animation
— created new MOTEC LCD and Racelogic fonts
— added internal light "extension" for night racing
— added Lumirank DRIVER ID
— added wobbling safety net, air pipe, antenna, exhaust
— added Jaguar suit, gloves and helmet
— added 3 gear sets
— added SAS (driver info) digital box*

* the SAS digital box works only as placeholder, ON/OFF. It can't display anything else now, until CSP will add INPUTS related to flags, warnings and other race events.


Crash when starting the race with lights-patch-v0.1.70-preview1-full
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Modding Plea #767

It occurs to me that, as a track converter, that there is one very simple thing that could help performance in a great way.
What is that?

A dedicated WALL collision mesh.

Without a dedicated collision mesh, tracks must use (sometimes) very complex 3d meshes to provide the collision boundaries.
Some tracks (particularly city tracks) can have hundreds of WALL meshes doing calculations all the time. This is most apparent with many AI on the track. I try to use original collision walls, but not all tracks have them or changes to a track make using the original a no-go.

We here on this forum have many talented "specialists" that do AI, Cameras, shaders, etc... but!

Unfortunately I cannot use 3d software well due to physical limitations.
Is there anyone willing to try their hand (pun) at doing collision walls for WiPs?

I know that feeling bro. I can help you with some tracks depending on model, they are time consuming when converting xD.
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So, that's total misunderstanding of an update;-)
There are big changes atm and i can recommend to use this function.

Just zip the car before Update. Then you can restore it in case you don't like....
In case you want to disable the update for the car change version to 999 or whatever and save.
So you don't get any update till version 1000 :-D

And if you have improvements for physics or whatever you do in data.acd archive it will be nice to share your thoughts/files via PM.

For me and many others (it would seem), the problem with updating via CM is that you just don't get to properly monitor what's being changed and what personal edits you may lose in the process.

Having to zip existing mod files and/or make safety backups and/or change version numbers before auto-installing an update is also a very long-winded way of doing things, especially if there are a lot of mods on the auto-update list.

Even worse is an auto-update update making changes that you don't get around to trying for days or weeks, then when you finally jump back in a car, you wonder why and when it went wonky.
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So, that's total misunderstanding of an update;-)
There are big changes atm and i can recommend to use this function.

Just zip the car before Update. Then you can restore it in case you don't like....
In case you want to disable the update for the car change version to 999 or whatever and save.
So you don't get any update till version 1000 :-D

And if you have improvements for physics or whatever you do in data.acd archive it will be nice to share your thoughts/files via PM.
I'm sorry to be 'that' guy, but I refuse to use the CM auto update for several (imo) valid reasons.
I just wonder why a link for the updated car(s) isn't possible ?
Yep amazing stuff he has brought into AC.
Is there a way I can remove the tint in the windscreens of the Rover? The Jag has a tint too, I assume something to do with being based on Aussie series, problem is on a windy wet day in old blighty its not needed!
I've got a few mods with tints that I find to dark, actually I'd like to be able to replace most windscreen tints with just plain glass. I can't seem to find any detailed info on how to do it. I've tried CM, Kn5converter, and KS editor, but can't see a way to do it. I've no experience with this kind of thing, and so may be making a mountain of a mole hill.
Any help gratefully appreciated, Jim
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