Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
my assetto corsa server app doesnt launch. and the SRS in Content manager doesnt load either, anyone else have these problems?
I wanted to finally try make a own server and it isnt working :/
LOL... but at least the Ford Mustang GT 1965 Shelby (FM7) loads in game now! :D
It's my very first try with 3D Studio Max, so it will take a life...

There's no objective reason. Just for practicality and old skoolness I suppose. I like collecting cars and tracks but dynamic TOD/weather aren't really high on my priority list of things to have in AC. They are nice and I love the ingenuity of modders who can make it happen, but personally the file modifications needed to put it in the game is a bit too involving for me. It feels like there's not a clear one stop shop to download every file you need, and not a clear step by step instruction to do it so I'm wary of breaking the game. Also not all mods (especially old ones) support the full functionality so it's always hit and miss.

My laptop is mid tier from 2014 so I run conservative graphics settings anyway. As long as I can hit 60 FPS on 1080p I'm happy. Not too bothered about 3D mirrors as well since I mostly time trial.

As I've said many times in this forum, I still manually unzip and copy paste every single mod I have (600 cars and 100+ tracks so far). I also have a notepad file with every mod name, source and version/date. I only use CM because the standard AC launcher couldn't handle the number of mods I have anymore :lol: So I'm very paranoid about anything that changes the basic file structure of the game, and because of that I probably won't ever use the custom shader/Sol mod unless it becomes a sort of standalone launcher like the Power&Glory mod for GTR2.
Wow, you are really missing out then. Sol makes AC look as good as PC2. It’s a total game changer to be able to run an hour long race at VIR with time acceleration and watch the sun go down and then race at night.

It sounds like your more into just collecting cars? That’s cool too, but for me it’s about racing them.
I have been trying for days now to get SOL and the last shader patch to work for me, but no luck so far..I have no idea what iam doing wrong. I tried to follow different guides on youtube and RD...I mean, how hard can it be.. :/ I use CM (paid version).
Renault Sport Clio RS, reworked.

v1.3 updated 27.01.2019

- new tyres v10 (street, semislicks)
- new aero with rear diffuser
- tweaked suspensions
- reworked electronic devices (ABS, EDL)
- corrected weight distribution
- slightly faster gear change-up times
- slightly decreased max brake power
- added LODs .kn5 files
- reworked lights
- reworked skins with official colors
- new onboard cameras
- updated ambient shadows
- fixed analog tachimeter
- fixed hands and steering wheel out of synch
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I have been trying for days now to get SOL and the last shader patch to work for me, but no luck so far..I have no idea what iam doing wrong. I tried to follow different guides on youtube and RD...I mean, how hard can it be.. :/ I use CM (paid version).

If you follow these steps, TO A "T" it works, if not your doing it wrong... It worked on the first try for me.

If you follow these steps, TO A "T" it works, if not your doing it wrong... It worked on the first try for me.
Well, i got the SOL to work but still no lights from the car. If I use RESHADE then the lights works on the ground, but when i then enable light shader patch, the game crashes and I get RACE CANCELLED.
Talking about ACU, any chance someone could share their Valencia (Circuit Ricardo Tormo) track, or, even better, point me in the right direction?
I have been trying for days now to get SOL and the last shader patch to work for me, but no luck so far..I have no idea what iam doing wrong. I tried to follow different guides on youtube and RD...I mean, how hard can it be.. :/ I use CM (paid version).

Make sure you disable the patch in mod and delete it once disabled with a right click, then place a link to Discord in mod tool, install the last version from the update section in the Discord from mod tool.
As for sol, follow the instruction in the PDF, it should work flawlessly. Take you time, it is worth it.
Thanks everyone for such generosity! Will try to provide more for the group.

EDIT: Turns out I DID have the Valencia Street Circuit, only by a different name. Therefore, I was under the impression that acu_valencia was Ricardo Tormo.
Good thing is, the acu_valencia version is compatible with the night lightning by Lebleum.
I hope this saves anyone the confusion.
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Thanks for the detailed answer!
The shader patch and Sol can seem overwhelming but are really quite simple once you dive in, but if your hardware is a little dated then I can understand the reluctance. However, my FPS is actually HIGHER with the shader patch, and everything active, than it was in vanilla state. Like, 20fps better. Seriously. There are several CPU/GPU optional optimisations as part of the patch.

The shader patch can also easily be deactivated (it's literally one click) so there really is no risk at all of breaking the game. And updated Sol betas are now a drag 'n' drop installation in CM so couldn't be easier. I've got around 730 tracks and over 2,000 cars and it's rare that they aren't compatible with either.

Do you use VR?

@LeGeNd-1 although I was not going to comment, reading @Masscot post to you, made me change my mind.
At this time, not using the shader patch, is as bad as not using CM, as there is no downside anymore, you get better FPS, better graphics, more features, it is free and will take less time and effort to install than installing a mod car or track.
This morning with introduction of version 43, there is even a one click fonction to enable or disable it, in case some old and ****up mod is misbehaving.
Do it know and thank us later.:D
FYI, I call it ACU.:sly:

Thanks you two for trying to convince me to get Sol. Well guess what, I did downloaded Sol and Ilja's shaders patch. Got as far as unzipping the shaders patch and putting it in AC root folder. Then I tried to enable it in CM....and found out that you need the full version. No thanks :lol: Back to vanilla AC weather for me.

I also took one hour to read the 23 page pdf included in Sol's zip file. Pretty interesting to see how it works although most of that goes over my head. I'm not a fan of one click install so I appreciate that Sol's file structure is very easy and they included clear instructions in the manual. Sad to see that I won't be using it, but not going to lose sleep over it.

Just out of curiosity and to confuse me further (:P) are any of these related to Sol/Ilja's patch:

You might find this hard to believe but I have not touched AC's time and weather selector for 99% of my sessions. I left it at 10.00 AM and Clear so I can compare all mods on equal ground. I drove the occasional sunset at Mt Akina and I also used AC Pursuit's Night weather with Shuto Expressway, but that's about it as far as time/weather. That's all I really need. I don't do any endurance races, nor take any photos or save replays. Don't have VR either, it's still premature tech in my opinion and my laptop can't handle it anyway. So even if I install Sol, I probably won't even use 1% of its full capabilities.

Unlike a lot of hardcore simracers I don't invest my time hugely in any one game. I play everything from Blur to NFS to Grid to GT and AC. No game is ever going to be perfect so I play lots of games to use their own individual strengths and avoid weaknesses. For me AC serves a purpose for testing cars with its brilliant physics. Nothing more, nothing less. I have rFactor installed on my Vista laptop from 2008 which serves as a track database (close to 700 circuits from all around the world). I only drove the vanilla Sauber F1 and Niels NSX in that game despite the many car mods available. For online racing I exclusively use GTS now. Weather? Either ACC or Driveclub (PCARS also suits this purpose but I haven't had the chance to try it).

So you see, I'm not your typical gamer, and under my honest assessment I figured that I really don't need Sol in AC so why overcomplicate things? What I need is cars with good physics. Lots. And lots. Of cars :lol:

Wow, you are really missing out then. Sol makes AC look as good as PC2. It’s a total game changer to be able to run an hour long race at VIR with time acceleration and watch the sun go down and then race at night.

It sounds like your more into just collecting cars? That’s cool too, but for me it’s about racing them.

Pretty much. See my above reply as well. Since I installed AC in 2016 I haven't done a single race. It's just free practice for testing cars and tracks. Even in ACC I just run hotlaps (but that's because running a race with weather and full grid fries my laptop :lol:).

Once again I appreciate the fact that Sol brings a second life to this game and I'm happy that so many people enjoy it. But for me personally it doesn't fit my purpose of what I use AC for. So I'm gonna stick to my guns and keep driving at 10.00 Clear 👍
For those who also wants the point to point full touge version, DL link in comments section of video below:

I also have the Hong Kong and California touge from GRID. Still missing Cote d Azur which I've been looking for years and still no luck :irked: If anyone has any leads do tell.

Yeah, I posted that Okutama touge track a few weeks ago. It looks great when static but performance is absolutely abysmal in motion, rendering it pretty much unplayable for me. It needs some serious optimising. Classic case of a quick rip to get it into the game but without the necessary effort to make it shine. It's a shame, but maybe someone with 3DSimED can group a lot of the objects to get the draw calls down.

Got links to those HK and California touge tracks from GRID that you mention? They don't sound familiar to me.
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