there are a few things to take in account when making skins....
1. Use Photoshop and Illustrator ! ...if You can't afford it, download a cracked one (go for the CS6 version) ... and if You become a professional graphic designer, than buy the legit versions.
(if you are doing just a few skins for yourself and don't mind not being perfect, you can skip the Illustrator software, but if you want to do it the right way, than you need a vector based software... Illustrator is good for the job)
I am suggesting the Adobe suite, because it is easy to find tutorials and get answers, since it is the industry standard (otherwise, any other vector based software is ok, like Autodesk, any CAD soft. and so on...)
Gimp would be OK, but the problem is that like now for example, I can't help You with it, since I do not use it

2. download a dds plugin like suggested above
3. download a good font pack
so, now to the skinning part...
- do not save your skin as dds and then reopen it and fix what you don't like, and than resave it... every time you resave a dds it looses quality
- always have your skin you are working on, in .psd (photoshop) format, end if you need to fix something do it on the original design, not byopening and editing the exported dds.
- logos, stripes and similar things are to be done in vector form (Illustrator), than you export it in photoshop in the size you need it... that way it retains sharpness
(find a copy of the logo that you need on the net, and than rebuild it in Illustrator by tracing the logo... it takes no time once you get some practice.)
- and the last thing is adjusting the correct settings in the dds plugin... (usually it is DXT5 with alpha, with minimal compression, but that depends on the game and for what you intend to use the skins)
For online racing it is adviced to sacrifice some quality and go for a higher compression, and using a low resolution (1024 or 2048) ... for home use go for high resolution (4096)
Info on dds settings can be found here:
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6152?tab=description (click on the tabs) ... it is old, but it has everything you need
*to get photoshop and illustrator search for "photoshop thethingy" ...I used it for Years until I got employed by a company that payed for a private licence for me.
Cheers and have fun skinning... I still enjoy it after so many years to get a break from modeling... it is somehow relaxing
If you are having trouble exporting the dds, post your skin here so I (or anyone that knows how to do it) can open it in photoshop and export it for you
post your skin in uncompressed form (png, bmp, etc... not dds !!!)
Back to AC:
I am totally new to this sim, and I need some help (suggestions/links) with good mods.
I am interested in older cars (60-70 era) ... basically the old GTL lineup and older F1 mods; not so much into new cars.
So far I have found the Legends GT classics 2 that are not bad, but lack that something in handling; the superb RSS Formula 79 and a very nice Maserati 1953 that someone posted here a few days ago.
Could someone please post a link or a pm to something that is worth trying ?
(not mods that i have to pay for, since I am very against that... was a modder myself and have always given my creations for free... if you are good enough someone will hire you, but well, that is another argument, not appropriate for this thread)
Thanks in advance!