Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Also, although I know it won't be visible, is there any way to easily increase damage? I race mainly with open wheel cars and I don't think I should able to get away with all but the lightest of taps/crashes. IMHO that is one thing is really missing in AC is a good damage model.

Thank you

You want your car to look damaged more qucikly? there are some lines with values in the suspension file.... not sure about the visual aspect but just look through the different .ini files and search for them...

EDIT: There is a whole file named damage... maybe you should look just a tiny bit into it yourself before asking
Assettoland is alive and kicking.


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That Renault 5 Grp 4 Turbo has been updated again with dashboard instrument lights now.

Not the best mod in the world but I've always had a soft spot for that wide-track Gordini bodyshell.

There's a much more track-friendly '5 Gears Stock' gear set selectable pre-race. Does anyone know how to make this the default gear set? I'm never likely to use the silly ultrashort rally ratios.

Also - anyone know why all the skins from the 'other' version work except for the Repsol one, which is the best?
You want your car to look damaged more qucikly? there are some lines with values in the suspension file.... not sure about the visual aspect but just look through the different .ini files and search for them...

EDIT: There is a whole file named damage... maybe you should look just a tiny bit into it yourself before asking

Thank you. I apologize, but I ask because I don't know and maybe someone has a simple answer for someone who has no idea. Maybe I should just stick with the vanilla game.
This is the previous version, but the Repsol skin works...

As for the selectable gear, I'll check after updating the car

edit: compared to the Europa Cup version, this one got some issues.

edit 2: setup.ini

USE_GEARSET=1 ; Defines what kind of gearset can be used in setup. 0 gives access to various gears sliders. 1 Gives you prefixed compilations of gearboxes

NAME=5 Gears Stock

NAME=5 Gears type UN
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Thank you. I apologize, but I ask because I don't know and maybe someone has a simple answer for someone who has no idea. Maybe I should just stick with the vanilla game.
nah modding is the only reason AC is so popular. Make a copy of the mod you want to change and adjust the values in the damagefile. It is easier than you think :)
edit 2: setup.ini

USE_GEARSET=1 ; Defines what kind of gearset can be used in setup. 0 gives access to various gears sliders. 1 Gives you prefixed compilations of gearboxes

NAME=5 Gears Stock

NAME=5 Gears type UN

THAT'S what I was looking for - thanks. Can't believe I missed it!
Renaming [GEAR_SET_1] to [GEAR_SET_0] and vice-versa swapped the default gear setup for the 'track' version so it doesn't need to be selected every time now. Cheers!
Good evening guys,... just wanted to say hello.. took me a few days to read the complete thread about AC.

Compliments for all the infos and kind shares... great forum!

I just came back form almost a decade of being away from sim racing, and fate wanted to stumble upon Assetto Corsa and Your site.

Been a track builder in the past for the gmotor game engine (grt2, race07, GTL...)

If someone wants to port them to AC, I will gladly give permission to do that... the basic concept seems not to be much different as I can see.

(some of the tracks that could fing its way in AC: Grobnik 2012, Zalužani, Baggersee, Sarajevo 2012, Beranovac, Novi Marof, Preluk 1974... etc... most of them cant be found on or similar online racing sites)

Cheers and glad to meet You all !!!
@menos | M6
Hi, you can check out here:
The Administrator, luchian, he's a modder and on his forum he created some very thorough tutorials about AC modding!
You could drop him an email in case. Let us know.

Thank you very much for sharing this link - insta-bookmarked and it will make for some very extensive reading ;-)

So far I have only noticed wishbone and struts, perhaps I have noticed only these because the cars I have worked on. How did you create a trailing arm suspension system? Is this another type of suspension system AC has? That would be interesting to see this geometry!

That same site that delpinsky posted is a great resource of information, also this thread has some good information:

They also have a nice search function!

Really inspiring to read your post, menos! Let’s keep asking the questions so we can keep learning! I bet some really nice mods are going to come from you!

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge here! All the info that you guys are sharing is so helpful to people who just start with modding ;-)
I have a technical background but am completely new to modding Assetto Corsa.
As a first learning project I have made up a small selection of mod cars that vary in their physics from complete basket cases where I am building the suspension system completely from scratch to cars that need substantial tweaks but are already fairly close to their real world counterparts.
I learn about Assetto Corsa as I go and currently experiment A LOT and cross-reference results with telemetry data and real car specs and figures I am able to source to wrap my head around how the suspension systems work in AC.
The extensive reading material and the willingness to share and help is super helpful for the community!

So far I have only seen 3 different suspension systems in the cars I have touched.
Double Wishbone (which can be "misused" and submitted into a workaround for a semi trailing arm suspension)
Strut (McPherson strut with a single lower wishbone and strut + control arm)
Live Axle

I found that to learn about how these are implemented and how they work in terms of geometry and kinematics it is very helpful to build "test cars" which utilize these systems and then take them on a track run a set of laps and observe geometry changes in telemetry data.
Content Manager is also EXTREMELY helpful in displaying static suspension alignment data upfront in the CM Showroom.

So far I have found that to get close to a proper match of real world wheel alignment sheets to suspension system setup in suspensions.ini to actual static alignments of the car in a session to actual telemetry data one has to take into account differences and variable factors such as (but not limited to):

- conditions of real world wheel alignment setup (such as standard weights and locations and fuel volume during alignment, spring rates, tire pressures, tires used) - all of which are almost impossible to perfectly replicate in Assetto Corsa, hence it is likely best practice to simply take these factors into account and weight them in a reasonable manner

- limitations of simplified Kunos suspension geometries

- linear, static weighted suspension systems in AC - I am really curious how this works out in ACC with newly introduced non linear spring rates ;-)

So I ended up with - building rough suspension best matching specs and alignment sheets - test align (even track and setup menu in session) - test drive - compare specs and measurements with telemetry data - adjust suspension system - start all over ;-)

It is a VERY time consuming process but the longer you work on a car, the better and closer to reality it gets - I love this aspect of the work actually ;-) Also when you find more specs or formerly not known details about the car you can always re-assess the suspension system and further improve it!
Before you place your logos are you converting them to smart objects first? You're using PS to make your skins? I know that no matter what resolution of logo I use in PS, if I don't convert it to smart object first it will pixelate and become really jagged when resizing.

In CM showroom click on the body and open the txDiffuse and check what texture is there. Are you saving your skin with the proper name?

I use GIMP.
i overwrite the dds file im working on all the time and check it in CM Showroom.
with the logos and stickers, even the ones i have to make myself, i usually dont do what you say.

I just place them on the car. the mitsubishi gt3 also has a psd file, i tried to convert it online into dds, but the problem remained.

I would love to make 2-3 fake liveries for it, but no chance when i cant remove the original stuff

What would be really incredible is if CM could compare the data between mod cars. AFAIK, it only spots similarities to Kunos vehicles. It would be fascinating to see if, for instance, all the cars in the Trans Am pack have different suspensions/aero - or if they're identical (and, to be fair, these American cars all had very similar suspension designs).

leBluem on the shader patch discord saw your post and pointed me towards this app which might help?
You place them on the car, as in making a new folder for the skin you made that is placed in the skins folder for the car? Are you placing the skin into the model via CM? I'm sorry, I am not following. I am not sure if gimp has this feature for converting layers to smart objects, it's like a feature that renders scaling in an enhanced way for layers.

If you google smart object layers in gimp you'll come to a lot of information regarding it, apparently it is a much desired feature that is in the early processes of being added to future releases. :cheers:


Here is I hope some useful links for you in regards to dds and gimp

Gimp DDS Plugin

Gimp Normalmap Plugin
thank you. i only have CM open to see what im doing on the skin.

i used a normal skin dds. file and tried to paint over stuff, didnt work. tried with psd. file, didnt work.
i might have to ask some of the skin pros on RD for help. if someone wants to join me server. Australian GT at Barbagallo. Skins Track i keep the server running through the night as well
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• UV Mapping fixed rear wing lower beam,
• Updated car shadows
• Optimised the car chassis main LOD / cleaned and reduced geometry by 2k triangles
• New steering column created and applied to the main steering wheel frame, bugged geometry from a past XFORM settings,
• New seat belts added and applied to Cockpit_LR & LOD_B
• New tyre textures created and more blur applied along with new shader settings
• New steering wheel TX gears added as requested, much improved the resoution
• New previews pictures
• Display textures saved again to remove the known .dds bugs we sometimes see in textures,
• New driver animations, much improved over the previous ones, also shift paddle anims updated
• A general overhaul of textures and settings in the LOD_A and lower
• Exported the main car at animation frame 10, to give a better visual appearence in the showroom, car is lower to the ground like ingame

• Overall volume balancing
• Added new effects samples (tyres, bodywork)
• Reduced turbo effects

• Minor updates to car naming, with short name provided
there are a few things to take in account when making skins....

1. Use Photoshop and Illustrator ! ...if You can't afford it, download a cracked one (go for the CS6 version) ... and if You become a professional graphic designer, than buy the legit versions.
(if you are doing just a few skins for yourself and don't mind not being perfect, you can skip the Illustrator software, but if you want to do it the right way, than you need a vector based software... Illustrator is good for the job)
I am suggesting the Adobe suite, because it is easy to find tutorials and get answers, since it is the industry standard (otherwise, any other vector based software is ok, like Autodesk, any CAD soft. and so on...)
Gimp would be OK, but the problem is that like now for example, I can't help You with it, since I do not use it :(
2. download a dds plugin like suggested above
3. download a good font pack

so, now to the skinning part...
- do not save your skin as dds and then reopen it and fix what you don't like, and than resave it... every time you resave a dds it looses quality

- always have your skin you are working on, in .psd (photoshop) format, end if you need to fix something do it on the original design, not byopening and editing the exported dds.

- logos, stripes and similar things are to be done in vector form (Illustrator), than you export it in photoshop in the size you need it... that way it retains sharpness
(find a copy of the logo that you need on the net, and than rebuild it in Illustrator by tracing the logo... it takes no time once you get some practice.)

- and the last thing is adjusting the correct settings in the dds plugin... (usually it is DXT5 with alpha, with minimal compression, but that depends on the game and for what you intend to use the skins)
For online racing it is adviced to sacrifice some quality and go for a higher compression, and using a low resolution (1024 or 2048) ... for home use go for high resolution (4096)
Info on dds settings can be found here: (click on the tabs) ... it is old, but it has everything you need

*to get photoshop and illustrator search for "photoshop thethingy" ...I used it for Years until I got employed by a company that payed for a private licence for me.

Cheers and have fun skinning... I still enjoy it after so many years to get a break from modeling... it is somehow relaxing :D

If you are having trouble exporting the dds, post your skin here so I (or anyone that knows how to do it) can open it in photoshop and export it for you ;)

post your skin in uncompressed form (png, bmp, etc... not dds !!!)

Back to AC:

I am totally new to this sim, and I need some help (suggestions/links) with good mods.

I am interested in older cars (60-70 era) ... basically the old GTL lineup and older F1 mods; not so much into new cars.
So far I have found the Legends GT classics 2 that are not bad, but lack that something in handling; the superb RSS Formula 79 and a very nice Maserati 1953 that someone posted here a few days ago.

Could someone please post a link or a pm to something that is worth trying ?
(not mods that i have to pay for, since I am very against that... was a modder myself and have always given my creations for free... if you are good enough someone will hire you, but well, that is another argument, not appropriate for this thread)

Thanks in advance!
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I wish you luck; I'm in the same boat but the AC modding scene's nowhere near as interested in the old-school classics as the GTR2 and GT Legends modders were. Probably because those two games had a long, long headstart on mod adaptations (dating back to Grand Prix Legends and Sports Car GT conversions), and also because it seems easier to mod for from a physics standpoint. I've actually started playing a mod-filled Power & Glory again just to get my Group 5 and '60s/'70s WSC fix, and it looks like it'll stay that way until some enterprising AC modders fill the Brickyard Legends Team role of encyclopedic knowledge and deep enthusiasm for old-school racing. (I'm halfway ready to just start asking if anybody's actually back-converted the handful of AC mod Can Am Lolas, Chaparrals, and McLarens to the ISImotor games.)
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.

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