- 397
- United Kingdom
Can I ask why so much hate towards that RTM group ? ...I mean, they are selling some stuff, and nobody forces us to buy it.
I can agree that is expensive, but on the other hand, like everything on the net, it suffices to wait for a bit and you can get all of it for free (i mean cracked or leaked).
I have personally tried some of their stuff, and I honestly don't like it... the models are nice, but the implementation in game (the handling and the thousands of small details that make an "immersive experience" are missing.
...but that is not a reason to hate someone ?!?
Could someone spend a few lines to enlighten me about ? obviously I am "new" to AC, so I am probably missing the root of the problem.
I'd just like to understand... nothing personal and no part taking from my side, of course.
I think this speaks for itself.