Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Here's your mod cake


Of course you can have some. A mod eating a slice of mod cake while reading 45 pages about simdream mods is fine with me 😏
Just be sure to save me and @OooAhh Cantona some.
“Made in a bakery...”

No debating that this is a scratch made MOD.
Hi !
I am working on new animated displays for tracks and extensions and I need to find some videos to create a few of them.
Currently I have created the aramco one, I know there is a Pirelli / PZero one too and probably others.
If some of you have some videos of these it will be a great help... 🙂

Here´s one of the pirelli in the back straight, its quick but i dont think it does more than what you see there:
(also an alternative to the armco one)

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Quick question. I just noticed that none of my cars have headlights that emit light in the dark, so when looking back at the car from the outside I can see they are on but from the cockpit the road is totally dark. Could this be a CSP issue, and does somebody else experience this as well?
I'm stumped, the code which directs the Bayro's dashboard to cast shadows doesn't work. It worked once, but when I changed a line of code below it, it breaks. I'm not sure if its something to do with the formatting or the mesh itself.

MESHES = hd_cpit_alcantara

Am I doing this wrong?

Edit: The shader replacement code ninja'd and oddly worked again :confused:

Edit 2: It suspect that the ext_config code in the main car directory is clashing with the other config files in the custom skins (those without the lumirank code works fine), causing the shadow glitch.

Edit 3: Thought so! Go in to your downloaded skin folder's ext_config file and if you see this line (default URD skins is free of this issue):

SHADER = ksPerPixelMultiMap_emissive
PROP_... = emSkipDiffuseMap, 1
PROP_... = ksEmissive, 200, 200, 200

You can either delete this line, or tell CSP to ignore the code with semicolons. It's the very same line of code in the default config file URD made. :boggled:

I'll share this with you folks and let me know whether it works on your end. That said, I've made some new CSP additions and adjustments to the Bayro:
  • DRL and Tail lamp now stays on, like this
  • Steering wheels buttons are now illuminated
  • Dashboard now casts shadow
  • Added new normal texture for the exhaust pipe, now with a textured look
  • Updated headlight texture, illumination and PBR
  • Updated tyre material properties
  • Added brake disc FX
  • (data.acd edit) RPM LEDs now rise from edge to centre, green, yellow and red. Though, I'm not sure how to make all of them blink red at rev limit.

Please do make a backup of the original extension folder and data.acd

This is great! I downloaded the file, backed up and installed. MY question is - when you wrote "delete the line" you meant the whole Shader Replacement section from the skin you are editing or a single specific line inside that section? I'm SO sorry that i got confused :D
No I know exactly what I am talking about. The exact wording on the website: “High Quality Scratch Made 3D Model”.
Nowhere do they claim to have made the model themselves.
Every model ever used for modding is scratch made though...... at some point.
Playing with words which are dog whistles for modding plebs.

"oooooo look, its scratch made, lets shell out 7.99 on it, i can just feel the authenticity"

Also scratch made can still be crap right?
Same as when somewhere says "locally sourced meat"
Well even the crap abatoirs and farms are local to somewhere right?

Why does 'locally sourced' suddenly mean its some lovely green patch of lush grass with cows happily walking themselves into their impending death with utter (or udder) joy...
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Pescarolo Sport overhaul ver. 0.22
View attachment 981429

Models provided by NielB1971 ( Pescarolo 01 and 01 evo ), and ACT80's ( Morgan LM P2 ).

Now its 3 chasis types with individual aero and suspension; 5 different engines with available skins allocated to correct engine/chasis configuration, which gives 8 cars total. Engine sound samples selection based on various Youtube videos. Specifications of each car and engine done according to the data from: ( link serves as example ).

Feedback always appreciated. I might have overlooked something, let me know if there are issues.
hi has anyone got a working link to this?

or will these be redone again in the upcoming rework?

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This is great! I downloaded the file, backed up and installed. MY question is - when you wrote "delete the line" you meant the whole Shader Replacement section from the skin you are editing or a single specific line inside that section? I'm SO sorry that i got confused :D
My bad, and Yes that particular section in the skin config file used in VN Design's and sickopaul's skins on RD. It's unnecessary and for some reason it made the CAST_SHADOWS section to not work. Also, it doesn't affect the skin's config [LED_PANEL...] section which follows after that.
Hi guys,

I noticed when transferring champ files (C://Documents/Assetto Corsa/Champs) from one computer to another, all championships transfer just fine, but the progress within a championship doesn't necessarily transfer. Any ideas whether the championship progress can be transferred as well? perhaps this is a different file that can be transferred as well?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys!

Edit: Ok figure it out for those that might have interest, you need to transfer the following champ.ini file as well to maintain custom championship progress ((C://Documents/Assetto Corsa/launcherdata/filestore/champs.ini)....hope this helps someone...;)
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Those cubes are parented to an empty, that's the way kn5conv exports them. You could un-parent the cubes, or add your cubes and parent then to the same empty, or just add your cubes and add them to the track as a separate kn5 file

The lines are there because your dummies are parented to something else which doesn't really make sense in this case. It's quicker to just delete them and remake them.
Just add new dummies (arrows are better than cubes to know where they are facing since you need to rotate them from their default position with Z up ) and give them the correct naming.
About the second picture, you showed the locations of start dummies but in the in game picture there are the ac pit guys visible, so I assume those showed there aren't the start spawns, but the pit ones which makes it a bit confusing.

Yes I would just delete them and make new dummies/nulls using the arrows one to see the orientations better. Make one, rotate it the correct way and then just clone it multiple times and place them to make the pits ones. You can then clone them all once more to make the start ones on the grid.
Since they are very quick to make and don't need materials it's faster to just remake them
So I tried making the pits/starts from scratch but the same problem appeared.
Here are they in blender:



And here is the result in the game:


I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could anyone take a look? I wanna learn from the mistakes.
Here are the files:

Hockenheim with the new pits

Project for blender


I managed to make it work.
What I did was:
-Load the track and the spawn objects into blender and export both as a single one in fbx format.
-Than I opened the file in 3dsimed3, added more spawn objects and exported the file as fbx again.
-Than I opend the file back into Blender, and exported only the spawn objects in fbx format
-Opened the spawn objects in KsEditor and exported in kn5 format
-added the kn5 to the track folder and edited the models.ini file

Since it worked I came back to blender and added more pits, which worked too
After all that I still don't know why that was the only way it worked, like.. wtf (?)

But anyway, thank you guys for the help. I'm just a begginer and without your input, I would've probably just gave up.
The reason I'm doing this is beacuase we will race it on this weekend and we're almost at 40 people.

So here's the track with 50 pits in the GP layout

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I'm stumped, the code which directs the Bayro's dashboard to cast shadows doesn't work. It worked once, but when I changed a line of code below it, it breaks. I'm not sure if its something to do with the formatting or the mesh itself.

MESHES = hd_cpit_alcantara

Am I doing this wrong?

Edit: The shader replacement code ninja'd and oddly worked again :confused:

Edit 2: It suspect that the ext_config code in the main car directory is clashing with the other config files in the custom skins (those without the lumirank code works fine), causing the shadow glitch.

Edit 3: Thought so! Go in to your downloaded skin folder's ext_config file and if you see this line (default URD skins is free of this issue):

SHADER = ksPerPixelMultiMap_emissive
PROP_... = emSkipDiffuseMap, 1
PROP_... = ksEmissive, 200, 200, 200

You can either delete this line, or tell CSP to ignore the code with semicolons. It's the very same line of code in the default config file URD made. :boggled:

I'll share this with you folks and let me know whether it works on your end. That said, I've made some new CSP additions and adjustments to the Bayro:
  • DRL and Tail lamp now stays on, like this
  • Steering wheels buttons are now illuminated
  • Dashboard now casts shadow
  • Added new normal texture for the exhaust pipe, now with a textured look
  • Updated headlight texture, illumination and PBR
  • Updated tyre material properties
  • Added brake disc FX
  • (data.acd edit) RPM LEDs now rise from edge to centre, green, yellow and red. Though, I'm not sure how to make all of them blink red at rev limit.

Please do make a backup of the original extension folder and data.acd

Small tiny update:
  • Changed brake caliper labels from the Brembo to Alcon
  • Minor adjustment to headlights, foglamps and hue
  • Added baked VAO


  • Screenshot_urd_bayro_gt3_ddm_gts_tsukuba_14-9-121-9-3-45.jpg
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Really enjoy the care you put into these fixes. Thanks!
Wow impressive!
You really should send to URD your work, like that most people would enjoy these. If you want to have it included in their job
great work! Appreciate it!
You're welcome! Initially I wanted to do some light CSP stuff, but I ended up needing to correct a couple of small details because after looking at the car in detail, the discrepancies didn't sit right with me. I collected, assembled and kitbashed scale models before and the rivet-counter mentality stayed with me. That said, I might argue that 3d car models in sim racing is the new scale models which makes the right noises and you can drive them around on virtual dioramas, which AC and GT brought that realisation to me. 😆

I'm not so sure to share this straight to URD because AFAIK they said they will be updating the cars on Discord, and probably many of these changes may not be applicable in future releases, so hopefully the next update would be better. They got in touch with me on the Porsche here and I'm happy that the changes have made it to the update.

I'm also quite reluctant to share this on RD because there are issues like the yellow DRL lights for example, I can foresee that code in the extension config may clash with the skin creator's code for a different coloured DRL to match the liveries that they are making -- like the Jagermeister livery would have a green one to match and I think that's pretty damn cool! Something I need to try next -- and I'm not sure how people might feel about having codes clashing and things not working, plus some people on RD can be quite mean when things don't work on their end - based on personal experience, I digress.

Anyway, BMW Motorsport is pretty generous with the detailed angles of the car in their latest behind-the-scenes video.

Also, I kinda tried to give the steering that forged carbon look, but it looked off and weird. I'll leave this for now.


  • Screenshot_urd_bayro_gt3_ks_red_bull_ring_13-9-121-22-5-53.jpg
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You're welcome! Initially I wanted to do some light CSP stuff, but I ended up needing to correct a couple of small details because after looking at the car in detail, the discrepancies didn't sit right with me. I built scale models before and the mentality kind of stayed with me.

But besides that, BMW Motorsport is pretty generous with the detailed angles of the car in their latest behind-the-scenes video.

Also, I kinda tried to give the steering that forged carbon look, but it looked off and weird. I'll leave this for now.

Haven't acquired this BMW mod or the Porsche for that matter from URD, but thought to say a big thanks for sharing, and taking your time to make positive changes to the mods. 👍 These comments are based on feedback observation thus far - well done!
Just added a 2020 Super Formula Custom Championship if anyone is interested

Screenshot (785).jpg

Waiting on the 2021 skins for the new Formula RSS Supreme for AC before releasing the 2021 version

Just added a 2020 Super Formula Custom Championship if anyone is interested

Waiting on the 2021 skins for the new Formula RSS Supreme for AC before releasing the 2021 version

Good stuff! :)
Do you know if all the tracks necessary to create the Indycar championship are also available?
Try here for USA circuits [select and right click go to...]- chrome-extension://bigefpfhnfcobdlfbedofhhaibnlghod/mega/secure.html#folder/SOAQVbDL#zAo0G0ix_Vg4r6KEg-_0wg
I can't get that link to work. Besides, what I was really trying to ask in a veeery subtle way was if you have any plans to make an Indycar championship. 😇
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