Those cubes are parented to an empty, that's the way kn5conv exports them. You could un-parent the cubes, or add your cubes and parent then to the same empty, or just add your cubes and add them to the track as a separate kn5 file
The lines are there because your dummies are parented to something else which doesn't really make sense in this case. It's quicker to just delete them and remake them.
Just add new dummies (arrows are better than cubes to know where they are facing since you need to rotate them from their default position with Z up ) and give them the correct naming.
About the second picture, you showed the locations of start dummies but in the in game picture there are the ac pit guys visible, so I assume those showed there aren't the start spawns, but the pit ones which makes it a bit confusing.
Yes I would just delete them and make new dummies/nulls using the arrows one to see the orientations better. Make one, rotate it the correct way and then just clone it multiple times and place them to make the pits ones. You can then clone them all once more to make the start ones on the grid.
Since they are very quick to make and don't need materials it's faster to just remake them
So I tried making the pits/starts from scratch but the same problem appeared.
Here are they in blender:
And here is the result in the game:
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could anyone take a look? I wanna learn from the mistakes.
Here are the files:
Hockenheim with the new pits
Project for blender
I managed to make it work.
What I did was:
-Load the track and the spawn objects into blender and export both as a single one in fbx format.
-Than I opened the file in 3dsimed3, added more spawn objects and exported the file as fbx again.
-Than I opend the file back into Blender, and exported only the spawn objects in fbx format
-Opened the spawn objects in KsEditor and exported in kn5 format
-added the kn5 to the track folder and edited the models.ini file
Since it worked I came back to blender and added more pits, which worked too
After all that I still don't know why that was the only way it worked, like.. wtf (?)
But anyway, thank you guys for the help. I'm just a begginer and without your input, I would've probably just gave up.
The reason I'm doing this is beacuase we will race it on this weekend and we're almost at 40 people.
So here's the track with 50 pits in the GP layout
Download File vhe hockenheim