Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Is that converted from rfactor's SCC Mod? If so, looks pretty damn good considering it's 2006-2007 mod.
i believe so, it's atm got a bit of niche but it's still not enough for public (yet) plus i've been working on the 2012 LMP1s (LM, WEC and ALMS) and they've only been discord exclusive public release (you'll find them easily, atm 3 cars are released).
...aaaaaaand today's random glitch: AI cars using headlights during the day.
Any ideas?
I use mods without headlights, so thats an easy fix, or on the odd occasion I do use a car with headlights, I remember the italian in the Ferrari in the movie Gumball rally, "whatsa behind me, is nota important" and snaps the rear view mirror off.
Sorry im no help at all
on a side note, I've got that PP filter resetting to default again, started happening when I added a new car, but haven't used it in game, only viewed it in CM showroom.
OK, fixed it. Worth remembering.
Weather on the DRIVE screen was set to overcast. Changing this to CLEAR stopped AI using headlights during the day, even though these 'DRIVE screen' weather options are overridden by Pure.
It depends which CM version you have. With the new CM 0.8.25... and CSP 0.1.80p218, you will have new menus in the drive weather and there you select the weather + controller.
You can also set the trigger for automatic headlights in Pure like in Sol. There are 3 conditions which are used to activate them:

...aaaaaaand today's random glitch: AI cars using headlights during the day.
Any ideas?
I noticed this on the URD Darche 992 Cup car. But it was also with the car I was driving myself. I shall check whether Clear weather in Sol Planner resolves this.
Opel GT 1900

This v0.1 is only a working conversion of the Forza model, it does not contain other AC stuff.
Easy to drive, enjoyable.
I wanted to make the hood/door/wiper/lights animations, I tried for two days, but it didn't work. My knowledge is not enough.
If anyone likes this car and knows how to add the moving stuff, feel free to develop this - I did the initial steps, saved a lot of time.
Thanks, cheers!

Circuito de Pedralbes 1951 Spanish Grand Prix - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here, thank you @gutbomb:

Quick and dirty rfactor track conversion. Circuito de Pedralbes. 1951 Spanish Grand Prix. It's got bad AI. no cameras no extension or anything like that.

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX

  • With track skin for several things.




  • GP
    5.3 MB · Views: 24
Opel GT 1900

This v0.1 is only a working conversion of the Forza model, it does not contain other AC stuff.
Easy to drive, enjoyable.
I wanted to make the hood/door/wiper/lights animations, I tried for two days, but it didn't work. My knowledge is not enough.
If anyone likes this car and knows how to add the moving stuff, feel free to develop this - I did the initial steps, saved a lot of time.
Thanks, cheers!

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  • Screenshot_opel_gt_1900_ks_red_bull_ring_24-4-123-5-46-33.png
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  • Screenshot_opel_gt_1900_ks_red_bull_ring_24-4-123-5-46-25.png
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Hello, I am back with some new Targa Florio skins. This time, the Ferrari 250 GT SWB gets the star treatment. I hope you enjoy!

View attachment 1258909View attachment 1258910View attachment 1258912

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View attachment 1258915
Love these mate, nicely done! There's an updated version of the mod coming very soon with some others, i'll send it over to you in PM so you can check it out before release.
OK, fixed it. Worth remembering.
Weather on the DRIVE screen was set to overcast. Changing this to CLEAR stopped AI using headlights during the day, even though these 'DRIVE screen' weather options are overridden by Pure.
if i remember right, the ai turn on headlights at a set brightness level. Maybe it is set to high currently. There is a setting in the pure settings that shows this I believe.
Kumberg Rally Austria - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX

  • With track skin for grass.



  • Kumberg
    6 MB · Views: 15
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I absolutely love AC in vr using quest 2 (3070ti)

Has anyone also got GT7 with PSVR2, am I missing out on anything, or would you say stick to AC? I do have the PS5
Sorry! On my PC everything is fine...I use just Kunos AC without any other problems.

i will sort this out a bit further.

  • ive done some uvscalling,
  • shader fixes,
  • texture changes,
  • removed unesscary materials brought the kn5 down to 1/3rd its size.
  • mesh transparencies etc.etc

etc etc. can you send me the mesh for the drivers side window or fix it and send me the model. i will then do the shadows and some AO stuff and upload it for someone to do animations and any data work

heres how it loojks after a quick fix to the cockpit


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It depends which CM version you have. With the new CM 0.8.25... and CSP 0.1.80p218, you will have new menus in the drive weather and there you select the weather + controller.
You can also set the trigger for automatic headlights in Pure like in Sol. There are 3 conditions which are used to activate them:

View attachment 1259088
Thanks Peter, I'll check this out.

Did you have any further thoughts about a setting that allows the user to always drive in mid summer, no matter where the track is located?
i will sort this out a bit further.

  • ive done some uvscalling,
  • shader fixes,
  • texture changes,
  • removed unesscary materials brought the kn5 down to 1/3rd its size.
  • mesh transparencies etc.etc

etc etc. can you send me the mesh for the drivers side window or fix it and send me the model. i will then do the shadows and some AO stuff and upload it for someone to do animations and any data work

heres how it loojks after a quick fix to the cockpit

View attachment 1259173

View attachment 1259174
Super... thanks!
I absolutely love AC in vr using quest 2 (3070ti)

Has anyone also got GT7 with PSVR2, am I missing out on anything, or would you say stick to AC? I do have the PS5
this may not answer your question exactly, buy Linus tech tips did a review of the new playstation vr set and compared it to all the others and the psvr set came out ontop:
I absolutely love AC in vr using quest 2 (3070ti)

Has anyone also got GT7 with PSVR2, am I missing out on anything, or would you say stick to AC? I do have the PS5
GT7 is good but AC is better. Sell the quest 2 and get a reverb g2. Best headset when you factor in cost, performance, ease of use etc.
Miles better infact.
heres the updated version

I dont have time to fix the glass, not sure where its going. its all correctly placed in the kn5. maybe an animation is moving it? not sure but dont have time to fix.




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I noticed this on the URD Darche 992 Cup car. But it was also with the car I was driving myself. I shall check whether Clear weather in Sol Planner resolves this.
This diddn't help unfortunately. Anyone got a solution for the always-on headlights on URD Darche 992 Cup 2021?
Even in broaddaylight it casts shadows on AI cars.
I absolutely love AC in vr using quest 2 (3070ti)

Has anyone also got GT7 with PSVR2, am I missing out on anything, or would you say stick to AC? I do have the PS5
I recommend you enjoy your Quest 2 for now, because it won't be too long that most current headsets will become irrelevant. Headsets with 4K OLEDs with absolutely no screen door effect and higher NITS, with no "sweet spot" and wider FOV, and in a light form factor, will be coming soon. They may cost $1k or more at first, but the upgrade will be substantial.

As for using your Quest 2, focus primarily on quality first, then hz and FPS. Set your render resolution as high as possible, even if you have to settle for 72hz. While I enjoy 144hz on my ultra-wide monitor, it's not worth it in VR if the graphics quality isn't good.
if you recommend buying the G2, as being the overall best choice now for pcvr (assetto corsa) in particular,
I would beg to differ ... , I would say the Pico 4 is... While i do not own either (i'm on Q2 still) ,
the Pico 4 is more then 200 EUR cheaper (420euro ) and gives a much better image quality then the G2, going by what i see in this through the lens video (Assetto Corsa part)
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here a through the lens comparison Q2 AC vs PSVR2 GT7
around the 3:30 mark in the transition the g2 looks much shaper with better blacks

alot of flight sim guys state the pico has better lenses but is overall not as bang for your buck.

weirdly enough i could sell my g2 and get a pico 4 and have money spare.

no display port, no headphones etc etc. the g2 really is a tried and tested go to vr headset for sim racing.

this is coming from a guy whose now owned many vr headsets
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around the 3:30 mark in the transition the g2 looks much shaper with better blacks

alot of flight sim guys state the pico has better lenses but is overall not as bang for your buck.

weirdly enough i could sell my g2 and get a pico 4 and have money spare.

no display port, no headphones etc etc. the g2 really is a tried and tested go to vr headset for sim racing.

this is coming from a guy whose now owned many vr headsets
ok you convinced me not to go for the pico 4... :) esp the no displayport is an important factor.
But I'll wait for upgrading to a reasonably prised oled one (end of the year maybe, seeing Bigscreen broke the ice , I guess other companies will follow soon...)
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