Schleizer Dreieck update
Sorry, Beez had to take a short break.

I've come quite far, but there's still a lot to do.
Anyway, someone pointed out to me that the 100th anniversary of the Schleizer Dreick was just celebrated.
So I looked for a current config etc., but found none.

Now I've started working on one of gilles75's tracks again in order to get some more out of it.
Although, again, a new conversion would certainly make more sense. But that will have to wait.
Here is a config, vao-patch, new map and new surfaces.ini. But the originals are also available, renamed, and can be easily restored if desired.
Config contains of course grass_fx, rain_fx and some brightness adjustments and fixes. The skin includes fixes to the horizon to avoid the thin black lines that can be caused by the config.
I also fixed a lot of wrong vertex normals, but for the most part that only works in the kn5 file. Unfortunately, I can't simply share it.
But that's why all the rest is here.
The pictures are before and after comparisons.
Have fun with the changes I made.

I hope I didn't make anything worse. Unfortunately, there was no time for long testing because of working on Beez and RL.