SLIP_RATIO_LIMIT=0.22 ; Slipratio limit before TC engages
CURVE= ; Slipratio lookup table with different slipratio limits, in order to define TC levels if present. Leave blank for a single level given by above line. ctrl+T to toggle
PRESENT=0 ; 1 if present in car, 0 if not present (TC always work if TC assist is activated from realism menu UI)
ACTIVE=0 ; 1 will make the car start with TC active (if present), 0 will make the car start with TC inactive (even if present). ctrl+T to toggle
RATE_HZ=100 ; TC pulse frequency. It's better to insert the actual TC pumps refresh rate, than the ECU and sensors frequency
MIN_SPEED_KMH=40 ; Traction control is set automatically OFF under the min speed value in km/h even if selected as assist by the user.