Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi everyone, I know that this could sound like an inusual question but are you aware of a performance version for Maple Valley? I think that the real problem of that track converted from FM it's probably related to the high number of movable objects present on the track which cause a big loss of FPS on my side (not high performance PC).
Please let me know if I can do something or if you know an optimised version. Thanks in advance, you are the best guys😊
Hi everyone, I know that this could sound like an inusual question but are you aware of a performance version for Maple Valley? I think that the real problem of that track converted from FM it's probably related to the high number of movable objects present on the track which cause a big loss of FPS on my side (not high performance PC).
Please let me know if I can do something or if you know an optimised version. Thanks in advance, you are the best guys😊
my pc is quite old, but with the version that was released not long time ago + my (re)config+cams, i have good performances alone on track. Which kind of performance issue do you have?
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Hi folks im running latest csp and content manager and its been fine (except i couldnt get the showroom to work which i posted on here) . Now strangely it wont launch the game or replays but the showroom works and it has a new menu from quitting in game ( i played a few games last night) . Is there any reason this might happen? Is there a way to do a clean install like you would with windows? The only thing i think i did was install mods and a ppfilter , surely they wouldnt break it? All i get is race cancelled no errors?

Figured it out folks it was ffb clip app.
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Released : Ginetta G60-LT-P1 (2018)
3D Model: Turn 10
3D modelling: F302 (Rims)
Skins: Turn 10
hope u enjoy the Carps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.1.80-preview115PP filer GT Sport 1.4 have fun! To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simplydrag'n'drop archive to Content Manager. Download:
Released : Ginetta G60-LT-P1 (2018)
3D Model: Turn 10
3D modelling: F302 (Rims)
Skins: Turn 10
hope u enjoy the Carps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.1.80-preview115PP filer GT Sport 1.4 have fun! To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simplydrag'n'drop archive to Content Manager. Download:
View attachment 1298640
Can't thank you enough for your work and car's, glad to have you in the AC community!
Anyone else remember Speedworld Challenge back in the day? Currently researching entry lists and hunting down cars to put together some sort of field. Had so much fun mixing GT500/GT300/JTCC the other day, i want to do it again.

This time i want to try:
The 3 DPs we have (gosh i wish we had a full field like in rF1)
NAGT ( Volvo S60R, CTSV, Viper CC, Mustang )
Speedworld Challenge ( EP3, B4, Neon, etc)

I figured theres gotta be a pack out there cause I'm finding NAGT cars here and there with the right liveries.
I downgraded CSP to preview346 and it stopped crashing for me
I had to downgrade myself, crashes, errors and some cars quit working.

Small rant but the ACFL guys will never learn eh ?

And they expect us to give them money for THAT. Can't even align the bloody wheels.

View attachment 1298389
honestly, the ACFL 2000 mod is their best work lol. Of course thats my opinion but I cant really stand the other years of F1 cars. I lied the ACFL 2006 mod is okay.
Spa 2022 Update

This is my take on the excellent Spa 2022 mod by guigui0256. I cannot stress enough how I take no credit for this what so ever. Please do not give me any credit or thanks for this. I did basically nothing other than fix a couple of technical issues with the treeline lighting and altered a few textures. I realize this is not a cool thing to do to alter someone else's work without permission. I did reach out to the creator awhile back about these issues and he said he was happy with the track so I don't feel like I am doing anything wrong. If he sees this and asks, I will pull it.

The download is rather large because it is a full track folder. I run the track as it's own separate track, not as an addon in the original Kunos Spa folder. Reason being, his extension impacted how the original Spa looked and I didn't want to change that so I made it a separate track. It also includes the @Pyyer F1 mod (untouched) for 2022 which adds to the file size. Sorry for the big download.

Spa 2022 Update

Spa 2022 Update to work with original Spa Folder. Won't alter the original track.

Spa 2022 Update for original Spa Folder

View attachment 1205882

One note. If you want the sound effects back, open up the ext_config file and set the ext_config-audio section at the top to ACTIVE = 1. It does weird things on my system so I had to disable it.
Links are updated with slightly new versions. Nothing has really changed except that I trimmed the fat off of the tracks so to speak. The original mod from guigui0256 made a lot of texture and shader changes via the ext_config file. I baked all of those changes directly in to the .kn5 file so I could eliminate the need for the texture folder to save some disk space. The folder had a ton of textures in it that he wasn't even using. This also makes it easier for people to make their own track skins because it can be done the traditional way.

Some changes:

-- Shader tweaks to a number of materials. Any shader values I changed in the kn5 file are also included in the ext_config under the SHADER STUFF section so you can easily tweak anything I changed that you don't like. There is also an ext_config_original file you can rename to go back to the shader values from the previous version.
-- If you find the trees lack shadowing, there is a VAOs_darker folder. Just copy those to the main track directory and you'll get more tree shadowing. I don't care for the darker ones because they create too many black areas. I prefer the lighter ones and then I turn on 'Trees receiving per-vertex shadows' in the Track Adjustments option in CM to bring back some shadowing.
-- The main mod is a standalone track. If you have the old version, it's probably best to delete it or back it up somewhere safe first. The version of the mod that is an addon for the original Spa folder was a bit of a pain to get to work right. I'm still not sure I got it correct. If you use that version, then I can't stress enough to make a backup of your current Spa folder in case my mod screws up anything.
-- Added a couple of Summer Grass track skins that add some brown patches to the grass areas for some character.

As always, please point out any errors so I can correct them.

On a side note, I noticed that the lighting angle on the standalone version is different than on the mod used with the original Spa folder and I couldn't figure out why. The lighting.ini files are the same and so are the geo tags. If anyone has an idea of why they are different, i'm all ears. I'd love to get them to synch up between versions.
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Caesar's Palace 1982 (it's not good by modern standards)
Hello mate,
Do you know where I think the relay camera of this track?
Where do I find a fix for that?
Released : Ginetta G60-LT-P1 (2018)
3D Model: Turn 10
3D modelling: F302 (Rims)
Skins: Turn 10
hope u enjoy the Carps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.1.80-preview115PP filer GT Sport 1.4 have fun! To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simplydrag'n'drop archive to Content Manager. Download:
View attachment 1298640
Holy cow! This thing is AMAZING!
Anyone knows how to fix this rearview camera issue? I have it in all the cars with camera's. The image is a bit purple with lines.

View attachment 1298756
That's working as intended. It's supposed to simulate the appearance of an LCD screen. If you google "LCD close up" you'll see. You can disable the effect though. Untick the Active box under Smart Mirror -> "Digital screen shader".
Links are updated with slightly new versions. Nothing has really changed except that I trimmed the fat off of the tracks so to speak. The original mod from guigui0256 made a lot of texture and shader changes via the ext_config file. I baked all of those changes directly in to the .kn5 file so I could eliminate the need for the texture folder to save some disk space. The folder had a ton of textures in it that he wasn't even using. This also makes it easier for people to make their own track skins because it can be done the traditional way.

Some changes:

-- Shader tweaks to a number of materials. Any shader values I changed in the kn5 file are also included in the ext_config under the SHADER STUFF section so you can easily tweak anything I changed that you don't like. There is also an ext_config_original file you can rename to go back to the shader values from the previous version.
-- If you find the trees lack shadowing, there is a VAOs_darker folder. Just copy those to the main track directory and you'll get more tree shadowing. I don't care for the darker ones because they create too many black areas. I prefer the lighter ones and then I turn on 'Trees receiving per-vertex shadows' in the Track Adjustments option in CM to bring back some shadowing.
-- The main mod is a standalone track. If you have the old version, it's probably best to delete it or back it up somewhere safe first. The version of the mod that is an addon for the original Spa folder was a bit of a pain to get to work right. I'm still not sure I got it correct. If you use that version, then I can't stress enough to make a backup of your current Spa folder in case my mod screws up anything.
-- Added a couple of Summer Grass track skins that add some brown patches to the grass areas for some character.

As always, please point out any errors so I can correct them.

On a side note, I noticed that the lighting angle on the standalone version is different than on the mod used with the original Spa folder and I couldn't figure out why. The lighting.ini files are the same and so are the geo tags. If anyone has an idea of why they are different, i'm all ears. I'd love to get them to synch up between versions.
Great! Did you add the new grandstands on the straights?
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