- 490
- Hessen
Release '68 Shelby (Ford) Mustang 500KR (from @PedroBLR)
AO in and out
All Skins new made, some has oem colors and shelby stripes and/or different interior wood colors and rim colors
New Tyres
New Lights
I reworked the V3 from @PedroBLR , please expect some bugs.
Missing things and Bugs (please help if you can)
The car overwrites your Pedro Version bec same structure
Due to the non splitted meshes there are many things missing, like:
Wipers and Rain effects (only exterior Car paint)
Better/other missing CSP effects
AO in and out
All Skins new made, some has oem colors and shelby stripes and/or different interior wood colors and rim colors
New Tyres
New Lights
I reworked the V3 from @PedroBLR , please expect some bugs.

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Missing things and Bugs (please help if you can)
The car overwrites your Pedro Version bec same structure
Due to the non splitted meshes there are many things missing, like:
Wipers and Rain effects (only exterior Car paint)
Better/other missing CSP effects
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