- 657
I'll have to dig veeeerrrrrryyyyyyyy deep to find motivation to do 2013. Maybe for fun I'll convert the classic cars.This looks great, are you planning to do such mods for 2006/12or 2013, early 200s and late 90s are also missing but yeah, it looks just very good
2006, I'm not going to do it, doesn't mean you won't have one, TheRaceProject is trying to remaster it, and i'm helping him in that task by converting all the aero kit updates from the CTDP mod (😭😭😭)
2012, I won't do it myself, but another modder wanted to give it a try (named forbys)
Early 2000s, Not interested. I'm happy enough with MSF 2004 mod.
late 90s, Only season I was somewhat interested in doing (1999) is already being done by someone else in this forum.
Also on a wider view, I doubt I'll do another full season, I would have done 3 full seasons (2008, 2010, 2011) and the FVA mod which would make a total of 42 cars converted for Assetto Corsa. In around a year and half. That's a lot, and too much for me. While my passion for these seasons allowed me to convert, convert and convert, I've reached the end of my own request list and kinda reached burnout state. And my relationship with Assetto Corsa is at an all time low with all the ******** I had to put up with and its shenigans that made modding annoying. While this is mostly caused by the fact that I used a low spec laptop (4th gen i7 processor, powered by intel hd graphics 4400.....) that was more of a windows 8 tablet rather than anything, Assetto didn't help on his side either.
And I can't even enjoy what I'm doing which is the most frustrating part. I discover how my cars look through screenshots from other people driving my cars and onboard lap video they do. Seeing people praising your work, thanking you, it gives the same frustration as seeing the neighboor kid licking his lollipop while you're too poor to afford tasting the taste.
So after these are done, I'll just retire from being a full time modder. I'll just be available to help others in their own projects like I'm doing with TheRaceProject for his 2006 remaster.
I'll also take this occasion to post the conversion guide I wrote last year, where I compiled all the knowledge I gathered while learning how to mod so that 1 I don't forget how to do stuff when I do a break of 2 month. 2 Anyone can gather the courage of doing the first step to enter the modding scene. Usual modding guides you can find are kinda raw and aimed at people who knows their stuff, this one was made so that a total beginner can convert his first F1 car from start to finish.
I may retire, but that doesn't mean that those seasons will be forever abandoned. Just need that someone (like me for 2008,10,11) to take the step and do the job.
How to convert a car - Assetto Corsa Conversion (gitbook.io)
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