Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
yeah you need to overwrite with the files from the "666"-dl, if you want that time-behaviour

btw this hides the now also open gate for the tourist open layout, "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\ks_nordschleife.ini":
find this section (around line 25) and add last line "HIDE=Object137"

; metal gate
After 9 posts saying about the same thing, I'm starting to think you reported nothing at all and are just here trolling.
Anyway, there's a ignore list and you'll be happy to hear you're the first one on mine...

It may have happened on another site, but I did do what I said I did.

And how do you propose to "see about that"?

By leaving it at that if that's what you're asking me to do.

IMSA at Road America is a ton of fun :D
bad mods and rips have also their place in the modding community... for your information, there are loads of people that instead of driving prefer fixing broken or bad mods. It is also a kind "game" for them.

this is not theft, and besides, credits to the original authors are almost always given, so everyone knows where the original mod came from.

At the end after a few tries, eventually, you as end user, will get what you are looking for: "a decent quality mod"

Just to give you another perspective to the whole thing, with an example:
- I take a Javelin from gt legends and convert it to AC.
- that conversion works fine in AC, but the physics is bad according to what you are saying, from that moment onward, no one is aloud to make that car drive and look better until I give him a permission ?!?
I agree that asking for permission and to notify the original author is a polite and nice thing to do, but there are cases where the original author/converter doesn't bother to respond, or he just left the scene...

It just happened to me with a series of vintage american muscle cars I am having fun with, by rebuilding the physics and adding details that I like to the 3D models; but the original author/converter (smallblockhero) doesn't respond to my request.
I shall wait another week or so, but eventually I will release the mod if I get no response, with all the credits addressed to him.

Does that make me a thief ?!?

I don't want to make you forcefully change your mind, but just consider that situation, and take in account that a modding community enjoys more modding instead of driving... A gamers community on the other side, is a different story.

So please think twice before you report someone somewhere.

Cheers, and make at least a skin to share with all of us, if you already haven't, so that way maybe you will get a little bit closer to what modding and a modding community is all about ;)
I am a little disappointed with some of you, I thought we all could recognize a troll when we see one and that we all new the best way to get rid of one is to ignore it.:rolleyes:

I came here to set the facts straight with @gladbecker82, and after this post, I was willing to leave it at that, but it's not my fault you guys kept going. And this all I'm going to leave the issue at.
Anyone able to edit the ini files on this car?

found on:

It is the last car I'd like to add to the series I am building, but I am unable to edit the physics and proviewnodes.
Of course, I could use another car as a template to rebuild the whole thing, using only the 3D model of that shelby, but it would be much simpler and faster being able to edit the files in the original data folder.
He's just a troll who's into my little pony (not kidding!) and I guess sim racing when he feels liking trying to be a I suggest we all ignore him moving forward.
also on reddit he likes to talk a lot about other peoples case fans for some reason :lol:
I came here to set the facts straight with @gladbecker82, and after this post, I was willing to leave it at that, but it's not my fault you guys kept going. And this all I'm going to leave the issue at.
i dont know what you had to set straight, Nick, it was quiet clearly simply a irrational mass flagging by you, with things that were 10 months old and didnt break any rules, in case of the Mercedes CLR for example which was a free scratch made mod which went undercover on the internet.

Actions like yours would distraught some guys from doing more content, but not me. Some cool skins are already done or under way.

In case you would ever contribute something to this community let us know.
But i doubt you ever will. take care.
unpacked with quickbms and this script:
# Assetto Corsa DATA.ACD extractor (script 0.1a)
# the key is the name of the folder so don't modify their name
# script for QuickBMS
edit: "" is a 7z archive


    9.6 KB · Views: 26
    2.5 KB · Views: 32
You know how hard it is to make a scratch made model? Where is the problem with using models from billion dollar companies if you dont make money of them? You dont have to download these mods but why report them? Many other people dont mind driving mods with ripped models as long as they have good physics so dont make it harder for them to download mods they like. Why dont you use your time in a more efficent way and report all the websites which stream movies and series for free? Those guys "hurt" the companies and not one guy who wants to drive a car in a videogame. I would advise you to leave this forum because EVERY person here as far as I know shares my opinion. Bye
Thank you for speaking out what we think. Immer diese Moralapostel.
yeah you need to overwrite with the files from the "666"-dl, if you want that time-behaviour

btw this hides the now also open gate for the tourist open layout, "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\ks_nordschleife.ini":
find this section (around line 25) and add last line "HIDE=Object137"

; metal gate
yeah you need to overwrite with the files from the "666"-dl, if you want that time-behaviour

btw this hides the now also open gate for the tourist open layout, "assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\ks_nordschleife.ini":
find this section (around line 25) and add last line "HIDE=Object137"

; metal gate
I´ve finally tried this track and it does what I intended. One warmup lap on the short circuit plus a a full lap on the green hell. And the time registered via sidekick app is the long lap even if you do a second cooldown lap on the short circuit. Perfect :) So...many, many thanks :)
no but I support sharing. I dont know where you come from but in Germany (and I think in like alomst every other country) it is legal to use something from someone else as long as you give credit and dont make money of it.
This is not true for software.
i suddenly have problems with the driver head showing on some cars. helmet clipping into view in VR. for instance on the Formula Hybrid 2019. what's the best fix for this? :)
I'll just leave this here.

  • You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

If any of you have issues with anyone from another forum/website, then that stays on the other forum/website. Don't drag us into your drama. Don't drag your drama here.
unpacked with quickbms and this script:
# Assetto Corsa DATA.ACD extractor (script 0.1a)
# the key is the name of the folder so don't modify their name
# script for QuickBMS
edit: "" is a 7z archive

Hmmm... I was using the same "tools", but ended up with a completely garbled ini files ...probably I already changed the folder name before unpacking the data folder ? (shayt happens :D )
Will try again... thanks, as always !!!
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