- 276
- Franconia
Did you ever try Pure LCS, as this version of Pure is much more stable with less micro stuttering than Pure Gamma versions. You should try this in combination with CSP 0.2.3 / CSP 0.2.4-preview1 (not with CSP 0.2.4 / CSP 0.2.5-preview1 as the AI is broken). Since I use Pure LCS my VR experience is totally smooth without micro stuttering. Just give it a try.That's why I still support @Peter Boese even though I haven't used any newer Pure versions in a year or two. At least if I have a question, even for the old version I use (Pure0.193) he takes the time to try and help.
And a big THANK YOU for your great track updates. The tracks just look so good, the brightness and colors are perfect in VR with my Oculus Rift. I can't stop playing your Pacific Raceways update since several days. It's so much fun.
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