Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Yep, can't wait for this. I've tested quite a few preview builds and it's going to be absolutely awesome. Even in the very early days when it was basically a ribbon in space it was more fun than most tracks out there. I stopped requesting new builds several months ago to maximise the impact of it when it lands in all its finished glory. The wait has been torture..!

Well if it all goes well it sounds like it could well be a Christmas Prezzie for us :cool:
I only discovered Fat Alfie's tracks thanks to @Fanapryde and I can't get over how good they are. Quality on a level certain track makers can only dream of (no names mentioned but I think you know who I mean - cough cough gilles cough cough)
hey i bought a few tracks from a wixsite for 1$ each. and i noticed that a few tracks look fantastic but have absolutly no road feel. legit not a single bumb unless its a big joined area of the ground where its uneven and shakes the car. is there any way a laymen like me can add road texture to a track without the use of 3d software? i was kinda hoping there is like a texture file i can just drop in the track folder or something. then again if it was that easy i doubt a single track would exist without road textures :(
hey i bought a few tracks from a wixsite for 1$ each. and i noticed that a few tracks look fantastic but have absolutly no road feel. legit not a single bumb unless its a big joined area of the ground where its uneven and shakes the car. is there any way a laymen like me can add road texture to a track without the use of 3d software? i was kinda hoping there is like a texture file i can just drop in the track folder or something. then again if it was that easy i doubt a single track would exist without road textures :(

@Masscot posted a few pages back about replacing textures in Content Manager. Quite easy to do but you have to kinda know what textures go where. and which one to replace. I got a bit confused so he's prolly better at explaining it than me

Edit to say Not sure this would fix the "Feel" of a track rather than just the look of it but I'm sure he can clarify
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Imo "cough cough gilles cough cough" didn´t makes or have ever made own scratchmade tracks. Afaik he´s "only" doing conversions from other ones who made their tracks for free. The most craziest conversion I get rid from was a conversion he made from an AC track LilSki made, "New Jersey Motorsports Park" iirc. I thing digga converted it to rF2 and gilles75 took it to corvert it back to AC. :dunce:
The track was a waaay worse then the original AC track. :crazy:

@megolito About textures: unfortunately not. Texture is visual and the ffb effects is physical. The easiest way would be editing the surfaces.ini, but same thing as I mentioned before, you´ve to get the correct naming of objects you want to manipulate. PM me, maybe I can help as I tried to fix some of his tracks before too.
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Just had word from Fat Alfie that a new track is on it's way......Check his youtube for some previews
And please when he does release it, don't upload it to sharemods or anywhere else but use his RaceDepartment link.

Love them elevation changes!
Imo "cough cough gilles cough cough" didn´t makes or have ever made own scratchmade tracks. Afaik he´s "only" doing conversions from other ones who made their tracks for free. The most craziest conversion I get rid from was a conversion he made from an AC track LilSki made, "New Jersey Motorsports Park" iirc. I thing digga converted it to rF2 and gilles75 took it to corvert it back to AC. :dunce:
The track was a waaay worse then the original AC track. :crazy:

I know, I was just trying to make a joke and failing miserably by the sounds of it :D

That is a joke in itself...converting a track that was already made for AC, converted to RF, then converted back to AC even worse than the original. Maybe he made a pound out of it though ;)
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Might be a silly question, but have you tried changing the date to a summer month in SOL when in game? If that helps then I think there is some settings in CM that can set the game to ignore the real time of year.

Thanks for the update! The track still has the "staircase" effect on multiple corners, but the track itself with your fixes and Mike08's textures is becoming a little gem, conversion started by Gilles75 who'd have known :lol:. Like you say all that's needed now really is improved AI, more layouts and maybe a better road mesh or just those staircase corners fixing :D

I was stumped on this one as well but @slider666 pointed out the 3 dots next to the Time on the Drive tab of content manager. I never knew it was there but you can specify a date and year etc in there if SOL isn't working for you.

Do any of the settings in cm (weather,track,temperature,wind) have any impact on the grip?I mean when in game i choose some different settings in sol options does it alter the grip?Which setting has top priority cm or sol?
Do any of the settings in cm (weather,track,temperature,wind) have any impact on the grip?I mean when in game i choose some different settings in sol options does it alter the grip?Which setting has top priority cm or sol?

On that score I have no Idea but I would doubt visual settings have any impact on actual grip. Have a word with @slider666
@MrB00 NP, hope I sounded not harsh, sorry. :)

And to say it more clear, without his conversions many tracks wouldn´t be available for AC. So I´m really gratefull he´s doing this, but the circumstances how he makes them, the mostly very overall bad quality and the fact he wants beeing paid for work other ones made for free without letting them participate on the profit he makes and even worse not even giving them the credits they deserve, makes we really sad.
For sure he invests time in converting tracks, that could be monetized, nothing wrong for that, but this way is imo only crazy. The "quality" is often enough just a kick in the face of his customers AND the original modders. :crazy: :banghead:
Do any of the settings in cm (weather,track,temperature,wind) have any impact on the grip?I mean when in game i choose some different settings in sol options does it alter the grip?Which setting has top priority cm or sol?
Imo this is the main setting to get different grip on track:
@MrB00 NP, hope I sounded not harsh, sorry. :)

And to say it more clear, without his conversions many tracks wouldn´t be available for AC. So I´m really gratefull he´s doing this, but the circumstances how he makes them, the mostly very overall bad quality and the fact he wants beeing paid for work other ones made for free without letting them participate on the profit he makes and even worse not even giving them the credits they deserve, makes we really sad.
For sure he invests time in converting tracks, that could be monetized, nothing wrong for that, but this way is imo only crazy. The "quality" is often enough just a kick in the face of his customers AND the original modders. :crazy: :banghead:

Oh you didn't come across as harsh lol. I prolly should have said track makers and converters. But it's all good.

And yeah I feel the same way about his work. I mean he is actually getting them in the game we all love, but as you said it's a massive shame he basically rips other people's work off and charges money for doing so, and fails to even credit those original creators. Now, after reading various sources it looks like the actual ripping and converting part is the easiest bit if you have a bit of knowledge on how to follow tutorials and guides online and have the software to do so.
What takes time and LOADS of effort is the work required to get that track to a state where it looks good and has the right textures and shading and lighting etc and is acceptable to charge money or give away to those hungry mod users (that's us lot) and whilst some modders genuinely deserve credit or monies for their work, i don't think what Gilles is doing is fair, and yes a pound here and there for a track conversion is fine but not when the quality is generally quite poor.

Anyways, I'm getting carried away ranting as I'm sure this has been said countless times in the past and I should really be spending more time on AC trying to get my lap times down
Would rather it be disabled permanently because I'm quite sure that the 250 didn't have ABS when it was built.
For sure... NO !!!

ABS in race cars is relatively recent... like traction control.
I'm not necessary for the pure "realism police" in a certain way but ABS could be absolutely prohibited with "vintage" cars.

I remember perfectly a debate here about some adjustments with Apexxer and when a car has been done in his original conception without ABS, no purpose in AC option, final point !

Is it making sense ?
As @slider666 has stated, the track grip setting can be set in CM, but i’m pretty sure the temperature also has an effect? Other than that I don’t think anything you change has an effect and is just visual. I could be wrong here, can someone clarify this? I’m not at home at the moment so can’t check.
For sure... NO !!!

ABS in race cars is relatively recent... like traction control.
I'm not necessary for the pure "realism police" in a certain way but ABS could be absolutely prohibited with "vintage" cars.

I remember perfectly a debate here about some adjustments with Apexxer and when a car has been done in his original conception without ABS, no purpose in AC option, final point !

Is it making sense ?

Yep, that makes perfect sense. I agree, if the original car didn't have ABS or TC that option should not be available.
hey just throwing this out there, pm me if you want to make a deal. ill pay the the man who can Optimize Rio to work well enough that i can get solid frame rates in VR (on a 2080super gpu) ill pay whoever can do that, $30
It would NOT have to have AI support or a working pit.
all i want is a forward and reverse layout that i can use to hotlap on my own.

you could then release it to the public for free after for all i care. but i will 100% pay for it if its optimized
hey just throwing this out there, pm me if you want to make a deal. ill pay the the man who can Optimize Rio to work well enough that i can get solid frame rates in VR (on a 2080super gpu) ill pay whoever can do that, $30
It would NOT have to have AI support or a working pit.
all i want is a forward and reverse layout that i can use to hotlap on my own.

you could then release it to the public for free after for all i care. but i will 100% pay for it if its optimized

Just remove the rio4.kn5 before you pay anyone. I did that and it was playable but I'm not sure what it actually removed lol.
Just remove the rio4.kn5 before you pay anyone. I did that and it was playable but I'm not sure what it actually removed lol.
if this works for me ill be beyond happy. then all i need is a reverse layout and ide be done. i wont be able to test it for another 7 hours....when i get off work. ill be praying that this works for me as good as it did for you. rio is top 3 for me on my favorite tracks to drive on period. across all games/sims

Edit: and if it does work, i have a special gift for you
It didn't ?
From another site: """""The 250 TR achieved many racing successes, with variations winning 10 World Sports Car Championship races including the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1958, 1960, and 1961"""""
Results from Le Mans 1958
I can't confirm, wasn't there to watch because I was only 6 at that time... :D

Actually, my mistake: there were some 250 TR's like this model in Le Mans 58: nrs 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 58
But nrs 12, 14 (the winner) and 16 were called '250 TR 58' and had this body shape:

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if this works for me ill be beyond happy. then all i need is a reverse layout and ide be done. i wont be able to test it for another 7 hours....when i get off work. ill be praying that this works for me as good as it did for you. rio is top 3 for me on my favorite tracks to drive on period. across all games/sims

Edit: and if it does work, i have a special gift for you

Well it kinda worked for me when I tried it the other day, but I have no idea what objects it removed but anything is worth a go just to be able to drive this awesome track. Although I could just load up the xbox and play Forza 7 lol
Well it kinda worked for me when I tried it the other day, but I have no idea what objects it removed but anything is worth a go just to be able to drive this awesome track. Although I could just load up the xbox and play Forza 7 lol
If you want REALLY great performance then rename rio2.kn5, rio3.kn5 and rio4.kn5.
Track looks a little sparse but you can't argue with those frame rates..!


(rio4.kn5 seems to be the ocean and terrain, by the way)
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If you want REALLY great performance then rename rio2.kn5, rio3.kn5 and rio4.kn5.
Track looks a little sparse but you can't argue with those frame rates..!

View attachment 874243

(rio4.kn5 seems to be the ocean and terrain, by the way)

Hahaha, I did say I couldn't remember what objects it least I now know it was something important lol.

Bet that runs like a dream though :lol:
It's hardly surprising that Rio is a resource hog, it's got to be one of the most richly-detailed tracks out there, and largely unoptimised.
@megolito, you could optimise it yourself with 3DsimEd if you really do want better performance. I've been looking for the posts on F1 Classic where somebody (I can't remember who, sadly - might have been Terra21 or maybe Jim Lloyd) told how it was done. Anyone remember the instructions? It's apparently not hard, just time consuming.

I think it was Terra21. I found this quote:
Hi guys.. with most conversions for AC reducing the texture/material count to lower D.I.P is a major factor to getting acceptable FPS.. But it also takes a hell of a long time to do. Some times too long to even bother with.. and the FM7 tracks take the cake when it comes to the material count. as each track has literally thousands of getting a grid of say 24 AI working with decent fps is going to be quite the task..

Edit: aha! It was Jim Lloyd who posted instructions:
its pretty straight the kn5s in 3dsimed...the 2 that need looking at are the track and the raceday kn5s

once in 3dsimed open the edit materials tab....then simply search for materials that use the same diffuse texture (dont worry if the shader settings are different at this stage...i can sort that later)

basically its like the game flounders....match the materials using the same texture and name them the same....once you have done a few re-export the kn5 and save over the may not seem like anything is happening but slowly and surely the dip will come down ...if your totally not sure and worried that something has gone wrong just shout and i will help?

Original post here:
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University Alacant V2 2
Mapa creado por la comunidad 10 O´clock Drivers
Cualquier duda o sugerencia las acepto por aqui o por nuestro canal de discord


Mapa Inspirado en la universidad de alicante españa, me ha costado unas 20 Horas hacer el mapa, le faltan unos retoques a el mapa gratuito, dentro de poco sacaré una versión vip de este mismo mapa Añadiendo nuevas carreteras nuevas texturas y muchos más kilómetros!
Link track :

Community-created map 10 O'clock Drivers
Any questions or suggestions I accept here or by our channel of discord
Map Inspired by the University of Alicante Spain, it has cost me about 20 hours to make the map, it lacks a few tins to the free map, soon I will get a VIP version of this same map Adding new roads new textures and many more kilometers!
Link track :
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