Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I hope it drives better than the Auto Union... :P
2 tons of weight and 174 hp of power - it should not be so nervous, but more inert. Auto Union has a lot of excess power. I think for this car in physics need to make large transmission losses so that the power transmitted to the wheels is less.
Thanks pal!
Have you had any further thoughts about how your mods are catalogued? I seem to remember you mentioning this a while ago. I've directed a few people to your blog and they all seem to leave slightly baffled. I know my way around your blog quite well yet still have a real job recognising new mods and updates. It'd be good if there was an obvious list of updates - I still miss new ones all the time.
I'm %99 this is in my tracks.
Anyone ID it? I think the entire course is pretty narrow.

So I came across this as I was going through my tracks. I pick up content everywhere so hard to say from where exactly.

It has a .txt that has some info about it. This isn't mine, it's these folks work...

Rudskogen Motorsenter
Beta v1

it all Started thanks to Alen Pecanin from DistrictPhotos2

Previusly 3D work was done by: Xplanepilot & slave1
Road and buildings, with textures,

The Track is now in Beta v1, wip, by Dazzorm of Dz_

It had a broken AI spline, so I added an AI and Pit lane. The Outline and Map were broken so added those as well.

Its not too bad. Could use some tire marks on the surface and other little details, but pretty decent:!WXZAQaxT!e0hfr_uCQkJ7t9RI60u1it4gz-exzpKsI-o370LSRqU
Aye, they seem pretty well done after quickly trying a few of them. Good spot.
I'm waiting for the time when I actually have an interest in driving modern formula cars in AC. I've got hundreds of them but they just don't appeal to me - yet. That day might come though, so I'm keeping them safely filed away.

funny you say that, im not much of a fan of them either. they are super uneventful to drive. ill drive the 60's and 70's F1 cars all day, even the 80's but the 90's and beyond is where i start loosing interest. where i can only do a few laps and then i go back to street cars.
i may have found the issue with the auto union, check out its suspension model.
now lets look at a different cars that are old

Something is not right with that autounion, the lengths of those suspension components are legit like 3 feet long, we are on a simulator so it must be trying to simulate that in some way? ive never seen the control arms exceed the body in any car. those look like wishbones too, like 3 foot wishbones
upload_2019-12-29_22-7-22.png check out how complex this old suspention is, but still stays within the bounds of the car
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So I came across this as I was going through my tracks. I pick up content everywhere so hard to say from where exactly.

It has a .txt that has some info about it. This isn't mine, it's these folks work...

It had a broken AI spline, so I added an AI and Pit lane. The Outline and Map were broken so added those as well.

Its not too bad. Could use some tire marks on the surface and other little details, but pretty decent:!WXZAQaxT!e0hfr_uCQkJ7t9RI60u1it4gz-exzpKsI-o370LSRqU

I've talked with dazzorm regarding fixing up the track, but he keeps starting new projects. Rudskogen is Norways most popular racetrack and the host of the famous Gatebil events.

(cool aftermovie from this years event)

The Gatebil Extreme is pretty famous for being like a mix between old group A and B mixed in with GT3 but without the horsepower limit.
(in Norwegian) (yeah thats an "918" racecar and the Lotus Esprit is available on Racedepartment)

Track deserves an update :)
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i just noticed signatures are a thing! i never saw them since they blended in so well. ive always been curious what hardware everyone uses and its been infront of me the whole time! i read a ton of them and im Amazed how invested this crowd is into this hobby. absolutely incredible group we have here. we got people with direct drive wheels in a fighter jet cockpit with supercomputers all the way to the modest G29/920 on DIY rigs. simply amazing variety. i love reading those signatures now
i may have found the issue with the auto union, check out its suspension model.
Something is not right with that autounion, the lengths of those suspension components are legit like 3 feet long, we are on a simulator so it must be trying to simulate that in some way? .....
check out how complex this old suspention is, but still stays within the bounds of the car

Not so uncommon. You'll find some weird and wacky suspension layouts on a lot of my mods also. AC can only do DWB, Live Axle (not very well) and Strut (broken apparently). Any other setup requires best guess and trail and error.

My workflow goes revision n+1 until I give up and you either get something that may or not work, or I just throw in the 250F font end (for any car before 1950) However cars with DWB/Live axle suspensions get physics based on what little dimensions I can find.
Strange that I only just now drove the Auto Union, but that thing is a pussycat, utterly benign.
I think it depends, as it does for me, on what you where driving last. Every time I jump in a different 'genre' of car it's a WTF moment. But it only takes 10mins and then the stupid grin returns.
I feel I may have lost many a potential 'Fan' by my cars being too hard to get to grips with in that first ten mins. Although being in perpetual Beta the truth is that some of my stuff is actually undriveable.
.../...Although being in perpetual Beta the truth is that some of my stuff is actually undriveable.
Haven't found one (yet), but I gave up on that Auto Union. Not that it is undriveable, but it absolutely doesn't bring the stupid grin for me... even after 45 minutes of sweating & swearing...
A friend of mine just reinstalled AC and added CM/CSP/SOL.
While trying out he suddenly got this:


and he now has no clue how to undo that.
I tried to reproduce it by checking the debug apps, but I don't get to see these lines.
Anybody has a tip on how to remove them (and what they actually are for) ?
<Link Removed> See page 699 for updated car V2.0
ASTON MARTIN GT12 (Full Rework)
I really slaved on this car, all 100 were sold immediately upon release to collectors so not many are out and about allowing people to take data from them and tests. so finding real data was extremely difficult.
The original car from assetto garage only came with GT3 slicks on 15 inch rims/missing aero components/ top speed over 200..ect EVERYTHING needed harsh revision. This car has no recorded lap times on tracks available in AC but so far it's done around 7:20 on nurburgring(oem tire) and that honestly seems believable, right around ferrari 488 speeds. top speed is 186mph comes with 2 tires, oem&track rubber+ Rewrote engine files to better resemble an aston V12 with incredibly accurate BHP and torque with drive loss calculated in! I really gave it my all boys

Edit: oh and as always plz give feedback on what you think, or if you find errors. thanks!
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I did something accidentally and the sol config app is transparent.How can i make it non transparent again?I tried reinstalling sol and checking the setting but can't find anything.

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