Have you imported lights from another model?You guys know if there's a way to fix the bug of 3DSimED where you export an assetto corsa car model and the lights get messed up? (only 1 headlight and 1 brake light survived for me)
I was a child when I first saw these "Auto Union" in a racing car documentary and I was really impressed by this beast.
'Drifting' wasn't always a "yo dude!!" thing, it was how a race car got around a corner.../...
You guys know if there's a way to fix the bug of 3DSimED where you export an assetto corsa car model and the lights get messed up? (only 1 headlight and 1 brake light survived for me)
Agree with the drifting quote, but if you watch the video above (posted by Elio92) carefully, you'll see there is not too much drifting involved in how this car got fast around corners, even very sharp ones (Nords !)
Also, the real cars seem to have working brakes and corresponding grip to get to a stand still (look at the confident pit crew).
This (and watching several other video's) leads me to conclude that the model here needs some more work (as are almost all mods from this era). They should be hard to drive (by no means like a modern race car), I agree, but not in this "sim stylish" manner (if it's not difficult, it's not a sim..blabla...).
Graphically this is one of the best cars available, but like the physics are now, it's sadly not going to take much of my driving time.
Just my2cts
I agree. But as a "sim is harder than real life" thing...it's actually IMO 'fun' taming it....it handles like an LMP car from forza 4/5/6...... Like its on ice with glass tyres and no clarity in pedal modulation..either its on or off...
It looks so good in replays too.
Exactly how i feel about RSS F1 Mods.it is just overly difficult in a caricatural way
@Cote Dazur
The words were not mine, they were from the author of the mod... but I don't disagree with him.
I confess... I love these kind of cars in many ways but the first way is about the global engineering.
Tremendous torque, 16 cylinders, mechanical turbo, rear engine, a unique and advanced design for his time... and also my total respect for the racing drivers.
For sure, a wheel is absolutely necessary to enjoy at his best these absolute beast and I like the driving challenge.
It's exactly which I expected and It's an absolute pleasure to drive virtually these iconic race car, that's the way I like, I'm not really involved in touring cars... except for some other iconics like "Facel Vega" for example or If It exists one day, a "Tucker" for another example.
True !
I was a child when I first saw these "Auto Union" in a racing car documentary and I was really impressed by this beast.
But wheres the download link for that showroom?the airport showroom.,
6 years old though. it was a different modding scene and there probably wasnt much that allowed modders to have all Forza models available and stuff like we have in ACThis left me in silent.
View attachment 877052
well it says that you should update the flames. Maybe try to copy the flames from a working car to the car's folder. Flames textures are in car_name/textures/flamesView attachment 877059
hi, can someone help me understand how to solve this problem? if I do "fix" it crashes.
It only does this with the Gentle Mind Performance celica mod.
Thanks in advance
Simed has a bad habit renaming things, so check if example front_light_left is now front_light_left__01 and so on,usually it's the case for me, you can rename those in kseditor or re-writing the light.ini
Daily disk-space reminder: don't forget to scan CARS folder and delete all photoshop files (search criteria: *.psd), if messing with those files isn't your thing. You may save a couple Gigabytes.
can you expand a little bit on that, I am on a SSD with zillion mods so every bit counts. What do those .psd file do?