Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Changing PP filter helped somehow, but after all these hours spending on that problem, I can´t exactly define what to do in what order.[/B]

It was the filter with me. I am sure its filter related. Did you try the filter first? Or it the last thing and after that it was fixed? That info will be very important.
@GIBBONS I can't open the data.acd file, what program should I use? I don't understand much about it :embarrassed:

Do you have content manager? If not then download and use it (I resisted using it at first for some reason, but trust me and pretty much everyone else, it's much better than the default launcher), you can get it here:

Once you have it you need to enable developer mode I think, it's been ages since I did it but I think it's done by going to the 'About' tab within CM and then clicking a bunch of times on the version number. Then you should be able to unpack the data as per the following screenshot:

Slowly getting a good overall picture about what still needs to be done (and there is a lot, I assure you).
I have written a whole list about the shapes and sponsor logos that need fixing during the later stages of the process to keep track of everything and I will sort them out one by one - and also double check the ones done so far, once I have the book with the rest of the reference photos.

Also worth to mention, that there is a number tricky connection points present, causing texture warping and mismatch despite of the car's relatively simple and sleek bodyline, but "patience is the warrior's greatest weapon" as the saying goes.

For anyone interested, I have optimised the ACReboot version of Zolder. I know many of you have stated that Pascal's is more accurate to drive, but I have really liked this version since I first drove it and the recent discussion got me doing a fair few more laps on it! The wind turbine constantly popping into the display when coming back around towards the main straight has really bugged me though, so I fixed it. As the track seems pretty much abandoned, I kept fixing a few things, working turbines would be nice though! So if anyone would like to check it out, here it is and if you spot any problems let me know:

by AC Track Reboot Project

Optimised and slightly refreshed by nrms


-see through tents fixed
-marshal stuck in van moved
-zolder sign on building, normals fixed
-some windows made transparent
-broken normals on Audi board fixed

v1.4a hotfix

-broken normals on Pirelli board fixed
-also fixed a couple of holes that appeared


-more general optimisation
-working windmills
-flags shader corrected
-various small fixes


-optimised trees and some track objects
-increased LOD's for "popping" objects such as wind turbine
-added LOD's to some objects that had none
-enabled some shadows on certain objects for a better look

-merged additional lights kn5 created by leBluem and amended his ini file to work with this version, located in the extension folder
-created VAO patch
-improved grass by @slider666

The DIP calls are significantly reduced in this version so higher grids should be possible where people were struggling to run them with the original. The track is in a different folder so you can still use both if you wish.
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Slowly getting a good overall picture about what still needs to be done (and there is a lot, I assure you).
I have written a whole list about the shapes and sponsor logos that need fixing during the later stages of the process to keep track of everything and I will sort them out one by one - and also double check the ones done so far, once I have the book with the rest of the reference photos.

Also worth to mention, that there is a number tricky connection points present, causing texture warping and mismatch despite of the car's relatively simple and sleek bodyline, but "patience is the warrior's greatest weapon" as the saying goes.


Looking good. If you manage to find out where the inner wing struts (??) are could you let me know as I want to add Gulf logos there but couldn't find where to put them. And yeah you're right about some of the connection points being a bit hard to find. I had so much trouble matching my numbers up and it took ages to get right but your number 3 looks good.
Looking good. If you manage to find out where the inner wing struts (??) are could you let me know as I want to add Gulf logos there but couldn't find where to put them. And yeah you're right about some of the connection points being a bit hard to find. I had so much trouble matching my numbers up and it took ages to get right but your number 3 looks good.

I asked GzeroD to update the 3D model of the car, which he was kind enough to do it, so there is an option now to paint the tail fins of the rear wing (inner and outer side separately and the killswitch on the front also got moved to the left fender just like on the rear one). You just need to generate a new AO and wireframe in CM, once you have downloaded the latest version of the car from his blog.

PS.: Thank you and yes, the door is definitely one of the harder parts to paint, I spent a solid 30-40 minutes to set the correct angle / size / texture match for the number 3 there.
I asked GzeroD to update the 3D model of the car, which he was kind enough to do it, so there is an option now to paint the tail fins of the rear wing (the killswitch on the front also moved to the left fender just like on the rear one). You just need to generate a new AO and wireframe in CM by downloading the latest version of the car.

Sweet. I'll get that downloaded and update my skin. Need to add a few more details on it as well.
Do you have content manager? If not then download and use it (I resisted using it at first for some reason, but trust me and pretty much everyone else, it's much better than the default launcher), you can get it here:

Once you have it you need to enable developer mode I think, it's been ages since I did it but I think it's done by going to the 'About' tab within CM and then clicking a bunch of times on the version number. Then you should be able to unpack the data as per the following screenshot:


yes, I have the content menager, but when I go to "Unpack Data" I get a message "OOps can't create the data.acd Make sure there is enough space."
I asked GzeroD to update the 3D model of the car, which he was kind enough to do it, so there is an option now to paint the tail fins of the rear wing (inner and outer side separately and the killswitch on the front also got moved to the left fender just like on the rear one). You just need to generate a new AO and wireframe in CM, once you have downloaded the latest version of the car from his blog.

PS.: Thank you and yes, the door is definitely one of the harder parts to paint, I spent a solid 30-40 minutes to set the correct angle / size / texture match for the number 3 there.

Definitely the hardest bit for sure...the orange stripe doesn't quite line up on mine either but shhh don't tell anyone!!

I think it took me an well over an hour and at least 4 cups of tea to get the 18 right on my skin. Next time I'm making it number 1 ;)
is there any theme mod for the AC launcher that you know?
i found three on RD and they were, IMO (allow me to use an italian phrase), buttati in croce
For anyone interested, I have optimised the ACReboot version of Zolder. I know many of you have stated that Pascal's is more accurate to drive, but I have really like this version since I first drove it and the recent discussion got me doing a fair few more laps on it! The wind turbine constantly popping into the display when coming back around towards the main straight has really bugged me though, so I fixed it. As the track seems pretty much abandoned, I kept fixing a few things, working turbines would be nice though! So if anyone would like to check it out, here it is and if you spot any problems let me know:

by AC Track Reboot Project

Optimised and slightly refreshed by nrms


-optimised trees and some track objects
-increased LOD's for "popping" objects such as wind turbine
-added LOD's to some objects that had none
-enabled some shadows on certain objects for a better look

-merged additional lights kn5 created by leBluem and amended his ini file to work with this version, located in the extension folder
-created VAO patch

The DIP calls are significantly reduced in this version so higher grids should be possible where people were struggling to run them with the original. The track is in a different folder so you can still use both if you wish.

Thanks for your work! Can I safely delete the existing zolder.ini in extension\config\tracks\loaded now? Do you know why the lamp posts are still lit on during daylight?
Thanks for your work! Can I safely delete the existing zolder.ini in extension\config\tracks\loaded now? Do you know why the lamp posts are still lit on during daylight?
You’re welcome. You can safely delete it but I personally would just leave it as, it won’t do any harm.

Regarding the lights, I did notice but didn’t really look into it. I’ll have a look when I get time, I think it’s just probably a config issue or a condition not set correctly.
For anyone interested, I have optimised the ACReboot version of Zolder. I know many of you have stated that Pascal's is more accurate to drive, but I have really like this version since I first drove it and the recent discussion got me doing a fair few more laps on it! The wind turbine constantly popping into the display when coming back around towards the main straight has really bugged me though, so I fixed it. As the track seems pretty much abandoned, I kept fixing a few things, working turbines would be nice though! So if anyone would like to check it out, here it is and if you spot any problems let me know:

by AC Track Reboot Project

Optimised and slightly refreshed by nrms


-optimised trees and some track objects
-increased LOD's for "popping" objects such as wind turbine
-added LOD's to some objects that had none
-enabled some shadows on certain objects for a better look

-merged additional lights kn5 created by leBluem and amended his ini file to work with this version, located in the extension folder
-created VAO patch

The DIP calls are significantly reduced in this version so higher grids should be possible where people were struggling to run them with the original. The track is in a different folder so you can still use both if you wish.
You did an amazing job. The track looks at least 10 times better now, thank you!
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The arms were not, the flags were waiving in the wind though. If this is something that was happening before then my bad. I had never noticed. I read something about dynamic flags though and thought it may of had something to do with that.
I made the tyre machines but not any of the algorithms or original tyre sets. Everything was created using the tyres from Kunos cars and very occasionally what I would declare 'top tier' mod cars. The settings I use are the default settings with padding set at 50% as follows:


Back to your question, you're correct that you won't be able to generate a set of modern slicks for a DRM car due to the size difference. When creating for example the 'Medium Slicks Modern GT' set, if I remember correctly I ticked for the generator to use the Medium compound slick tyres from all the Kunos GT3, GTE and GT2 cars. The resulting tyre is a hybrid of these three types but due to the similar wheel and tyre size that these modern racing machines use, there isn't a lot of flexibility in the size for the generator to use.

To enable generation of a 'Medium Slicks Modern GT' set for a DRM car, I would go re-create the tyre machine, but this time I would add just one set of older tyres to the algorithm, so for example I might add the vintage slicks from the Kunos 1972 Porsche RSR or one of the tyre sets from one of the DRM revival cars. I'd then save this as 'Medium Slicks Modern GT X'. This would dramatically increase the possible size range that could be generated, but it would dilute the quality of the tyres slightly as now, let's say 5% of the final tyre properties would've been derived from 1970s slick tyres. This is why in my existing machines, there's an instruction to use for example ' Street -> Street X -> Street X-Treme ' in that order, as the quality of the tyre generated gets slightly less accurate as you add other tyres to the mix to increase the size range.

I should add that I'm speculating here, as with the majority of CM/CSP functions there's no user manual so I'm basing the above assumptions purely on the results of my own experiments. If it's unclear and you want additional machines added, I'm happy enough to create some more if you give me the parameters you're looking for, it only takes a couple of minutes per created set.

On the Guerilla/other encrypted stuff, I'm sorry but you won't change my mind on it. Anything encrypted goes straight in the bin out of principle, it goes totally against the spirit of this community and modding in general and if it becomes more widespread, all the knowledgeable/helpful people that offer advice and improvements on threads like this will slowly move on to other games and projects.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain. Thanks. I understand what you're saying. I don't want to undermine the integrity of the tire. I'm going to experiment some more with what we have and maybe just creating a new folder but adjusting only the values that except a certain "odd" size range of tire.
For anyone interested, I have optimised the ACReboot version of Zolder. I know many of you have stated that Pascal's is more accurate to drive, but I have really liked this version since I first drove it and the recent discussion got me doing a fair few more laps on it! The wind turbine constantly popping into the display when coming back around towards the main straight has really bugged me though, so I fixed it. As the track seems pretty much abandoned, I kept fixing a few things, working turbines would be nice though! So if anyone would like to check it out, here it is and if you spot any problems let me know:

by AC Track Reboot Project

Optimised and slightly refreshed by nrms


-optimised trees and some track objects
-increased LOD's for "popping" objects such as wind turbine
-added LOD's to some objects that had none
-enabled some shadows on certain objects for a better look

-merged additional lights kn5 created by leBluem and amended his ini file to work with this version, located in the extension folder
-created VAO patch

The DIP calls are significantly reduced in this version so higher grids should be possible where people were struggling to run them with the original. The track is in a different folder so you can still use both if you wish.

Thanks for your excellent job!
As one who is been a marshal there is my pleasure to drive there !!!!
yes, I have the content menager, but when I go to "Unpack Data" I get a message "OOps can't create the data.acd Make sure there is enough space."

Never had that before and don't know what it means I'm afraid. If @safi hellie is correct and the car is encrypted then it's not the same version of the car that I have. Due to forum rules I can't post the version I have, but it is out there if you're prepared to do a bit of searching.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain. Thanks. I understand what you're saying. I don't want to undermine the integrity of the tire. I'm going to experiment some more with what we have and maybe just creating a new folder but adjusting only the values that except a certain "odd" size range of tire.

It won't make a significant difference to the tyre, I'd wager you probably wouldn't notice the difference in a back to back test. Probably a good third of the cars I've edited have my 'Street X' or 'Semislick X' generated tyres and they're fine. Just crack on and create a new machine, you can always get rid of it if it's rubbish, I went through dozens before settling on the ones I'm happy with now.
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