Right, now that I'm more or less happy with my track list, I've decided that I need to be a bit more structured when it comes to my car edits. As such I've decided that I'll be finishing cars to a level of my satisfaction as and when I install them, rather than installing a whole bunch, fixing some stuff, getting distracted, finding out how to change something new, going off on a tangent etc. etc.
What this means is that from now on, I'll be releasing edits of existing cars (and sometimes new cars based on existing mods) as and when I finish them. I'll try to use a bit of common sense when doing this, so for example I won't release my versions of recent ACCR/Beto/ACR mods as I don't want to confuse people with duplicates, or where I've made small changes to an otherwise good mod. Therefore I'll only be releasing stuff where I've made significant changes to the original car, either in looks, performance or driving feel.
It's important to note that I'm doing this for my own game and therefore the edits will be tailored to how I play the game, not necessarily how other people do so don't expect things outside of the scope of my edits.
The things I'll be focussing on are:
- Improved and hopefully correct data for engine/drivetrain/aero/brakes/electronics/flames/lights/tyres
- Driving feel and force feedback
- Realistic performance, both straight line and track, benchmarked against Kunos/Trusted mod cars
- AI ability to match, better or at least get close to my benchmark laptime
- Correct placement of bonnet/hood and bumper cameras as this is the view I use
- External model looks, mostly from changes to shader values, or when really bad, shader/texture replacements
- Standardised UI and class system with performance figures taken from in game testing
- Appropriate sound allocation (and volume editing using the extension method from Legion - to come later as part of a planned massive update)
- Generated LODs for every vehicle when possible
Things I won't be doing:
- Anything to do with the cockpit, there's loads of cockpit issues in most mods, from crappy shifting animation to crazy windscreen reflections, flipped mirrors and terrible shader values. I don't use cockpit view so I save a lot of time by ignoring this, the only stuff I'll fix is driver position when necessary and on occasion, some shader values, lighting or glass transparency if it's making the car look rubbish in replays.
- Creating original sounds, sorry don't know how.
- Going in depth into suspension settings, it's a step to far for my interests, I'll be giving the original mod suspension a fair chance to prove itself in each testing case and then either editing it, or replacing it with something that gives a better feel/performance from a trusted source.
- Bopping cars to match each other within a particular class, especially in historically uncompetitive classes like 1990s GT1. Cars will be setup as best I can to perform in relation to the Kunos Benchmarks. Obviously classes like modern GT3 are very competitive so should naturally play well together.
- Doing thousands of KM of testing per car in every conceivable scenario, each car will only be released if it works on my system, for reference I'm using CSP 0.1.46 and Sol 1.4. There may be bugs using certain settings, CSPs, VR or using certain CSP settings, sorry but I can't test everything.
Releases will depend on my free time but should be quite frequent. I'll try to give appropriate credit where it's due but most stuff was downloaded in bulk some 8 months ago so I have genuinely no idea who's responsible for quite a lot of the original content.