Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Agreed. I think FFB Clip App took FFB down to 72% force after a lap or two, so I didn't notice that.

Ok! So you have jhust intorduced me to something magical. I had no idea waht you meant by FFB Clip did it automatically? So i google it, go to RD download it, take the car out and the dam thing auto adjusts the FFB for that car down to 67% (my main gain in game is set to 65) so that a hell of a reduction.

Can i ask, do you check the box in FFB CLip that says run in background or do you only use it when you have a wonky car?

I dont know if i should enable run in background mode as it may mess up my already working cars etc that i seem ti be happy with?

amazing app and thanks for letting em know about it :)
Audi 2020 RS6 by Philip Porter.
**requires CSP 0.1.63 or above**
Lots of cool animated lights and other CSP features.

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I cannot download mate sorry for boring.

How can i download Group C Le mans series please ?

What do you mean exactly? Some specific car of a pack? There are plenty of great Group C / IMSA GTP cars that are free mods and posted in this thread. You can use search function to look for them.
I think i am getting that blur effect (from the windscreen) with this mod, can the windscreen "fix" be added?
Steering and FFB feel a tad off too, heavy and not a lot of ffb from the road etc.
Yes. Extract the file to ....Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\extension\cars

@Shokeus Very nice driving car. But as @IanBowser noticed, this car has a problem of blurry windows if a user uses TAA. This is because it uses the old shader for internal glass material, the "ksPerPixel". This was changed a long time ago from Kunos to "ksWindscreen". All the cars were then changed in an update. And all cars now days use this formula: Outher glas = ksPerPixelReflection (which your car has), all the internal window materials should always be "ksWindscreen" (in your case the "por_961b_86_windscreen material" has "ksPerPixel"). The fix in the attachment fixes this with an CM ini command to change the texture every time a race is run, but it would be much better, if it was changed in the model itself.


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Thank you for your return it is a pleasure !!

Porsche 961 LM V0.91a , Added new version with different rims (BBS and BBS TurboFan)

Link :


Enjoy !

Man this car is so addictive!!
I do a lap then another then another and then I never stop!!!!
Thanks for sharing and for your great job!

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I have a constant 50-60 FPS with 24 cars on these settings:
- Ryzen 7 2700 overclocked to 3.8 ghz
- AMD RX570 4gb factory overclocked
- everything set to off or to read from game in AMD Control Center

And these settings in CM (screenshots inside zip):

I think quite a big one is "far plane" in graphic adjustments of CSP. And I gained quite a lot doing the visible cars fix, we discussed a while back:

Put these values inside graphic_adjustments.ini inside ...\steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config

; hidden
; four values are for: LOD A, simplified render without some extra bits, LOD C and LOD D

MAIN=2, 6, 16, 28
GBUFFER=2, 6, 12, 12
SHADOWS=2, 4, 4, 12

SPECTATING_MAIN=6, 20, 40, 200

MIRROR=1, 2, 8, 12

At which resolution you are getting this 50-60 FPS?
At which resolution you are getting this 50-60 FPS?
1080p. But the number of visible cars I posted, was wrong. I have only 12 visible in front, and 6 at the back. Like this:

; hidden
; four values are for: LOD A, simplified render without some extra bits, LOD C and LOD D

MAIN=2, 6, 9, 12
GBUFFER=2, 6, 12, 12
SHADOWS=2, 4, 4, 12

SPECTATING_MAIN=6, 20, 40, 200

MIRROR=1, 2, 3, 6
Ok! So you have jhust intorduced me to something magical. I had no idea waht you meant by FFB Clip did it automatically? So i google it, go to RD download it, take the car out and the dam thing auto adjusts the FFB for that car down to 67% (my main gain in game is set to 65) so that a hell of a reduction.

Can i ask, do you check the box in FFB CLip that says run in background or do you only use it when you have a wonky car?

I dont know if i should enable run in background mode as it may mess up my already working cars etc that i seem ti be happy with?

amazing app and thanks for letting em know about it :)
It's an amazing app that automatically makes the different FFB for all vehicles on a level playing field. It gets them to the point of clipping and then backs off the force.

I run it in the background but also check it occasionally to see how much it is reducing. It seems on the paid/better mods like URD and RSS, it only dials back FFB to 91ish percent. On poorer mods or ones that need physics work it will dial them back to 60 or 70 percent because the force is just far too much.
Was this mod like a rip of the RF2 mod, RD has removed the posting.
that track was actually a very old version of the track released here by the GTP crew (whomever that is?), missing a lot of stuff, it since had about three updates, and I did the sattelite version on the weekend. a few pages back now. Still 1.31, onlt difference is it uses ksPerPixel for the road instead of the special road shader with normal maps, not sure how big a difference it makes.

Zandvoort 2020, GTP Version, Sattelite Terrain Update.
Based on the V1.31 from GTP.
Use the Circuit Zandvoort 2020 and Circuit Zandvoort 2020 DRS layouts.

Credit - GTP Crew? (let me know who specifically to add here)



- New Terrain Mesh, fixed some holes etc for UVUnwrap.
- Painted out as many shadows/walls as i could find, expect more, have fun painting.
- New GrassFX and RainFX, alter to taste.

Known Bugs:
- Road colour/texture needs to be reverted to original shader
(Can be fixed by original release team?)
- Layouts need to be fixed, first one does not work.

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Hello everyone, information for thought, what do you think is the mod Audi 90 imsa from vrc modding team physics model made all-wheel drive? but her front wheels do not rotate
If you don't have a Race Department account, paste Directlink below

that's not enough ?? ok when not enough .....

I added annotations :cheers:

PS.At the very finish line, 2/3 of the corners before the end, there is no limit to falling out of the route, we fly through the tires.

Thanks. Will have a look (and Bugfix) for it.
Zandvoort 2020, GTP Version, Sattelite Terrain Update.
Based on the V1.31 from GTP.
Use the Circuit Zandvoort 2020 and Circuit Zandvoort 2020 DRS layouts.

Credit - GTP Crew? (let me know who specifically to add here)



- New Terrain Mesh, fixed some holes etc for UVUnwrap.
- Painted out as many shadows/walls as i could find, expect more, have fun painting.
- New GrassFX and RainFX, alter to taste.

Known Bugs:
- Road colour/texture needs to be reverted to original shader
(Can be fixed by original release team?)
- Layouts need to be fixed, first one does not work.

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Is a laser scanned version converted from rf2 or not?
I'm curious to get some feedback on the Tommy78 1991 DTM mods. Who has them and are they worth the money? Around $6 USD per Car is quite a bit.

I bought the Season pass last month for 1991 DTM, mainly buying it for the Mustang/ Audi V8 and from a visual standpoint they don't disappoint. Not top level compared to other paid mod but the 3D modelling comes close to that raised bar.

Negatives - Sound on all cars was something not to be desired, its not just the samples but the way its is programmed just comes across flawed and distracting to say the least. Easy fix but annoying as with paid mod, I would expect at least half decent useable audio.

The other negative I initially didn't notice myself, but there's a replacement physics file by a 3rd party Modder on RD, he says that the physics were a lot of copy paste which is kind of crappy to hear given pay mod. Audi/Mustang I didn't have issues with base mod, but the Omega felt something to be desired in feedback. But these are apparently ground up replacement files so kind of levitates that problem . Haven't actually got round to trying these out yet, might do so tonight If I get a moment to set the rig up.

To summarize, not bad pack that I don't regret buying as got a soft spot for the cars that don't often show up, but has some cut corner issues as mentioned that really shouldn't exist on a full price paid mod. I replaced the audio for the mustang with the Amplified GT40 sound and had a lot of fun with it first night I bought it for sure but given the issues with Audio/physics I would be apprehensive buying next time from him. Fixes are in place/WIP for this DTM pack at least, just be it from a 3rd party and your own audio swaps.


  • Screenshot_t78_mustang_gt_dtm_ks_nordschleife_28-8-120-22-58-53.jpg
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Is a laser scanned version converted from rf2 or not?
who knows.. and the term "laser-scanned" is used very liberaly to intimate landbased laser scanned accuracy, but generally mean "based on dem/lidar" where accuracy is about 1-2m intervals. depends on what you are hoping for in the terms "laserscanned", if the hope is 5cm land based laser telemtry, then, no, probably not from what I can tell. The meshes from those types of tracks are generally a lot denser. two layers physical and visual and triangular mesh. this one is not. May have just been drawn over a lidar scan. Mesh is too regular.
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updated Loch Drummond again. All i got to do now is try to put in some decent trees and colour the trucks and cars, just cant suss out whats going on with them also the sponsor textures seem messed up.
stuck a grass config in that i got out of Mike08's Monti Ciottoli so credits to him for that. i think it fits the track well lol.

new barrier texture if anyone wants it , added to main post
Anyone here with the RSS 1990 V12 notice that AI keep diving into the pits after just 5 or so laps in short races? They do come back out but only after a very long pitstop . . . ruins races against them. I don't know what setting I could even change for the AI, I have already disabled all CSP AI behaviour.
Amazing job on this one. The power is immense as is the grip. Looking forward to further physics tweaks. I noticed the turbo boost % choice has been removed from the pre-race tuning menu.

Has anyone compared laptimes of the mod to the actual race car at LeMans (no chicane)? I'd be curious to know if they are close. The speed seems very quick.

What are your example times at Le mans FM7 (no chicane) 2019 skins?
I'm curious to see if i can get this car around at a similar pace to others :)

This car from @Shokeus is fantastic to drive, thanks to the fix from @ales100i and the absolutely transformed FFB thanks to the FFB CLips app as introduced by @m0parsrt10 i cant get enough of this thing, it handles great, sounds great, and loves to be thrown around, it feels exactly like i expect a high end sports car to feel, its tremendous! It just begs you to drive it again, fantastic!

Let me know your times at Le mans, i dont know Le mans very much its not a track i like or enjoy or race much at all, but im happy to do a trial and give you some times from someone new to that car/track combo :)

@Masscot are you in charge of flying objects for Le Mans FM7 track? if so i found a rogue heli flying backward on Le Mans FM7 1.7 round the back of the track :)
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