Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Didn't know about that GT Repository! Got a folder from racedepartment, so combining with this should be pretty covered for logos and things.

Guessing I got to spend a good bit more digging still then, all part of the fun I guess though ;)

Thanks for the tips!

no worries. The GT logo place is pretty useful but just doing a google image usually works out the best way for me. Also don't forget to add things like PNG and set the size to large when searching images.

As for number / race plates you can usually find some on RD but for some of the more obscure ones like that Hillman it's prolly best to make your own.

Or drop a post here and someone will usually help out with what font to use or message me and I'll see if I have it in my collection of fonts.
I feel your frustration... a month ago I uploaded (both here and at Race Department) a rain fx package which included Macau. I literally worked on it for four days straight, creating stream edges and points for every track side building and object that looked good in my opinion. My wrist and fingers were locking up. It was pretty arduous, but in the end, I was happy with how it came out.

This week I notice someone has uploaded a config for the same track, with a total of 2 stream edges and 1 stream point. Really? And now he is trying to figure out a way to upload to GitHub. Wow.

Updating is great if you are improving things, but some people need to slow their roll a little. Do searches to see what's been done before, and for god's sake, please test your work.

Good day everyone.

EDIT: Found it and blimey no wonder your fingers fell off! Excellent work :bowdown: - Sometimes less is more for me as I'm not too worried about all the streaming edges/points when whizzing past

Yep my bad - it happens sometimes - apologies but in my defence, I'm not going to trawl all the past entries here or RD as my first port of call for the rainfx is Github ac-custom-shaders-patch/acc-extension-config and if it hasn't got one I'll make one and share - if you got a link to yours I'll remove mine. Maybe you could add yours to the Github tack configs?
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Anyone know how to fix the berks? The track is Phillip Island.

Thank you in advance.

Do you have a solution for this kind of problem with AI?
I race with GT3, about the same performance for the cars, same strength for the AI drivers (between 88.3 and 88.5) but the winner turns 5 seconds faster than everyone else and finishes 55 seconds ahead.
The other Audi R8 had "normal" performances
There is a parry to this kind of problem that often happens during the races?
Thank you.
View attachment 993228
Seems to be one of the limitations of AC. The P1 AI is unabated by any traffic so seems to go about it's business without any delay while other cars in close proximity to each other tend to swerve and lift here and there.
I hope that - if it even gets published - does not include those 🤬🤬 trees from the actual track we have... :odd:
Literally keeps me from driving there (or keeping the track installed).

What trees would you be talking about? I have the current rf2 convert version, the v3.5, dont see any issues
Don't know how and if the better version is still in development, but for personal use i've updated Easter Creek (i always update all the tracks that i like most then i keep for myself most of the time because people don't like to have many version out there, but sometimes ext_config alone is not enough in order to make it better).

For EC i don't remember if i edited the KN5 or not, but i made from scratch a new EXT_CONFIG featuring RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX, new VAO patches and includeed track cams by DaBaeda. If anyone wants it i can upload and share with you, it's now works fine for night racing, al leat works fine on my (not high end) setup.


Here's some images

Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.02.21 -
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qualcuno sa dove posso trovare questa pelle?
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It was not easy, but I found it!

I can't exactly found the AC skin, but as the car, all of skins was converted from Race07 or GTR2. I found the skin for Race07.

The story of the searching for the skin:

- It is the first Seat in BTCC. They (Plato and Huff) raced with this livery in 2004.

- I have some big skin/championship packs for R07 and GTR2 games, but I only found the BTCC 2005 Toledo livery. (Yellow-Silver too)

- I found, that Baika made this skin for the "BTCC 04 mod", made by AndreasFSC.

-But no BTCC 2004 mod ever released. They released the BTC-T mod for R07. It contains several years of BTCC from 2001 to 2004.
But as the name of the mod, the recent version contains only the cars, which is BTC-t specification cars. (Astra coupe, Alfa147,Honda Civic, Peugeot, Proton, etc.) So no S2000 cars included in the latest version.

- BUT!! In the old 1.14 version (2016.02.11) you can found the S2000 cars too! :D

1. So you can download it from here:
2. Search in the ""\Gamedata\Teams\WTCC_2006\ folder, and you can found the .dds texture files of the skin.
3. Copy one of the AC skin folder (in e-wtcc-toledo), and rename it. (write something unique in .json file for skin name, example: BTCC04 SEAT)
4. Rename, copy and overwrite the chassis, and windows texture files.
5.(Update the preview pictures with CM)

This is the "short" story of finding of this skin. :D
I did experiment with some different grass textures but was getting some weird effects so left it largely as-is. If you mean the length of the grass, it's deliberately short. I think most grass configs are OTT and far too long. It's a race track that has a maintenance department with tractor mowers, not a meadow for feeding cows.

+1 from me. Often the very first thing I do with new grassFX configs is give them a proper haircut. I'm constantly amazed at how shoddy the groundskeepers are at many tracks. Looks like they take months off at a time and just head down to the pub while the grass is left to grow out of control as they sink another couple of bottles. :indiff:
What trees would you be talking about? I have the current rf2 convert version, the v3.5, dont see any issues
I had no idea it was a rF2 convert, but mine is from R1CHO and Rainmaker, updated by ChrisT86 v 3.5.
I hate these trees, all strangely colored and shaped, looking very unnatural to me.

It's getting late and I'm getting tired. Maybe that's why I don't get it ?
I see Sonny & Tubbs, Miami Vice, but ... :rolleyes:

Don't know how and if the better version is still in development, but for personal use i've updated Easter Creek (i always update all the tracks that i like most then i keep for myself most of the time because people don't like to have many version out there, but sometimes ext_config alone is not enough in order to make it better).

For EC i don't remember if i edited the KN5 or not, but i made from scratch a new EXT_CONFIG featuring RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX, new VAO patches and includeed track cams by DaBaeda. If anyone wants it i can upload and share with you, it's now works fine for night racing, al leat works fine on my (not high end) setup.

Here's some images

View attachment 993305 View attachment 993306 View attachment 993307 View attachment 993308 View attachment 993309 View attachment 993310 View attachment 993311
I have your updated track v3.5 in my 'storage' but as I mentioned above...these trees... :crazy:
@Fanapryde to be honest i didn't noticed anything strange with the trees, they are maybe not the best looking ones, but i saw TONS of worse trees in AC.

Did you alredy have my updated version? Which? I did it yesterday from scratch (i've made it the past and i forgot it? hahahaha)
This seems to come and go with different CSP builds so I wouldn't worry about it too much, it'll hopefully finally be fixed for good in an update.
If it does bother you, copy the mirror texture dds from a Kunos car in CM Showroom and swap it for the red/blue calibration one that the 'bad' cars probably use.
Or try changing to another CSP build, of course.
I'm not sure if there's a mirror setting in one of the many CSP options that might be affecting it too - might be worth having a poke around there as well.

This is awesome, thank you! I was playing around with this and I'm sure there's a way to swap this with an extension.ini as well but if you save the Kunos mirror texture into a car's specific skin folder as "MIRROR_PLACEMENT.png" that'll work too. Image attached here (remove .txt extension) and an easy .bat file you can run to place it in all skins folders of a certain car is below, just edit the locations of where your MIRROR_PLACEMENT.png is located and the folder location for the car you want to fix

@echo off
for /D %%a in ("[REPLACE WITH YOUR AC LOCATION]\assettocorsa\content\cars\[CAR YOU WANT TO FIX]\skins\*.*") do xcopy /y /d [MIRROR TEXTURE FILE LOCATION]\MIRROR_PLACEMENT.png "%%a\"

Hope this helps!


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@Fanapryde to be honest i didn't noticed anything strange with the trees, they are maybe not the best looking ones, but i saw TONS of worse trees in AC.

Did you alredy have my updated version? Which? I did it yesterday from scratch (i've made it the past and i forgot it? hahahaha)
Well, not the one from yesterday, but a v3.5:
-complete new ai
-new previews and UI data
-fixed missing circuit tag (for Content Manager user)
-reworked tree shader

There's nothing 'wrong' with them, I just find them awful.

While I have indeed seen worse trees in AC, tracks that have bad trees are going into the bin immediately. I'm rather picky in the tree/shrub department :D.
Bad ones spoil the whole immersion...just can't stand them.
I also don't like a lot of the new grassFX, mostly wrong color, way too long etc...
+1 from me. Often the very first thing I do with new grassFX configs is give them a proper haircut. I'm constantly amazed at how shoddy the groundskeepers are at many tracks. Looks like they take months off at a time and just head down to the pub while the grass is left to grow out of control as they sink another couple of bottles. :indiff:
Sorry, but in the future we should all pay more attention to sustainability. This certainly does not include mowing the lawn on a huge area every day of a week. ;)

Many, like me, have set Thursday as the day of mowing. So, who prefers short grass, sets Thursday or a following day.
Who, like me, through the more varied terrain, better perceives the speed, use Wednesday. Where is the problem? :odd: :D
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Sorry, but in the future we should all pay more attention to sustainability. This certainly does not include mowing the lawn on a huge area every week. ;)

Many, like me, have set Thursday as the day of mowing. So, who prefers short grass, sets Thursday or a following day.
Who, like me, through the more varied terrain, better perceives the speed, use Wednesday. Where is the problem?

No problem at all. Not everyone likes the same length rug... and everyone can do a bit of their own lawn mowing if they want. :dopey::P:)
Well, not the one from yesterday, but a v3.5:
-complete new ai
-new previews and UI data
-fixed missing circuit tag (for Content Manager user)
-reworked tree shader

There's nothing 'wrong' with them, I just find them awful.

While I have indeed seen worse trees in AC, tracks that have bad trees are going into the bin immediately. I'm rather picky in the tree/shrub department :D.
Bad ones spoil the whole immersion...just can't stand them.
I also don't like a lot of the new grassFX, mostly wrong color, way too long etc...

I don't think it was my updated version, or at least my brain have deleted the fact i did it in the past ahahahah
Btw, the new version is way better for RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX and sorround lights which give the track more life. Btw the trees are the same as before ;)
Does anyone have any knowledge to share around adding Launch Control (/two step rev limiter) to cars? I've seen it in quite a few cars now, such as the one here:
or here
Following up my own post here - I may have found what I was looking for. I'll hopefully test it out later today, but here is a guide I found on Facebook to add Launch Control to cars.
+1 from me. Often the very first thing I do with new grassFX configs is give them a proper haircut. I'm constantly amazed at how shoddy the groundskeepers are at many tracks. Looks like they take months off at a time and just head down to the pub while the grass is left to grow out of control as they sink another couple of bottles. :indiff:
I've just finished tweaking and baking new grass textures into Okutama and redoing the GrassFX config, so hopefully a separate grass skin won't be wanted any more. It's been a pain in the ass trying to blend everything together (the track really needs remapping I think, there is some really weird texture scaling) but I'm happy with the results. I even left it a little longer than I personally prefer (but not cornfield-styleeee) so you might want to trim it yourself. Some other changes have also been implemented and hopefully a couple of other issues will be resolved before release, including that weird flashing rocks thing if you exit a tunnel at night in the wet. It's had a few of us scratching our heads for most of the day.
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It's getting late and I'm getting tired. Maybe that's why I don't get it ?
I see Sonny & Tubbs, Miami Vice, but ... :rolleyes:

We see the same thing. I had been seeking lights config for Miami Bayside for a long time, and after I got it I took the 512 TR there after sunset, with my Miami Vice -themed billboard and palm tree -skin and got that old familiar feeling; this kind of stuff is possible only in AC. :D
Don't know how and if the better version is still in development, but for personal use i've updated Easter Creek (i always update all the tracks that i like most then i keep for myself most of the time because people don't like to have many version out there, but sometimes ext_config alone is not enough in order to make it better).

For EC i don't remember if i edited the KN5 or not, but i made from scratch a new EXT_CONFIG featuring RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX, new VAO patches and includeed track cams by DaBaeda. If anyone wants it i can upload and share with you, it's now works fine for night racing, al leat works fine on my (not high end) setup.


Here's some images

View attachment 993305 View attachment 993306 View attachment 993307 View attachment 993308 View attachment 993309 View attachment 993310 View attachment 993311

Thank you so much for doing this!!!

Would you be willing to update the night lights to match the SuperNight round of the V8's when they raced there?

Thanks :)


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    4.3 MB · Views: 29
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I had no idea it was a rF2 convert, but mine is from R1CHO and Rainmaker, updated by ChrisT86 v 3.5.
I hate these trees, all strangely colored and shaped, looking very unnatural to me.

I have your updated track v3.5 in my 'storage' but as I mentioned above...these trees... :crazy:

Shouldn't you be looking at the track surface and corners while your racing, not at the trees??? Maybe that's where your going wrong :confused:

The track originally was a rF1 creation, ported through to rF2 and then obviously to AC, where it has been updated numerously as you can tell.
Shouldn't you be looking at the track surface and corners while your racing, not at the trees??? Maybe that's where your going wrong :confused:
Nothing kills immersion quite like an eyesore off track. Not saying it is one in this case, but the statement is true regardless.

Plus, AC is no longer just a racing game. I spend longer working on photography or casually cruising and enjoying the sights than I do actually racing, but I guess I should just focus on the track surface ;)
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