Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I can't remember if I've asked this question here before, so if I'm repeating myself, apologies. But...

Is anyone else having issues with some of Pyyer's extensions where some distant billboards flicker on and off (only at a fair distance, for the most part), revealing parts the original billboards underneath the ones updated by Pyyer? If so, are there any known CSP or config adjustments that will fix the issue?

EDIT: I'm running the latest CSP Patreon build and Pure, just to be clear. I also have the render distance maxxed out in my settings.
In the case of Interlagos or Cota, try deleting the track and reinstalling it from scratch with the version of the link that Pyyer has posted on his Patreon. It worked for me.
Hi @shi

Yesterday I tried to do some races with the Indianapolis 2001 conversion and everything works fine, the AI is very good. There's just one problem: the pit stop slot doesn't appear in the pits. If you try to start from the pits and reverse a little, the slot appears and disappears immediately and never returns, mechanic consequently does not lower the lollipop and it is not possible to make a pit stop. This happens for every team slot in the pitlane.
Is it possible to fix this? Thanks in advance!

Indianapolis 2001

For example Imola
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RSS and VRC F1 2022 Custom Championships

Edit: 17/11/2022 - Tracks updated with the Pyyer extensions and some extras

Hi - Its been reported on several occasions that there seems to be some issues with the VRC mod AI (Weird crashes at start and corners) -

My Solution was as follows:
Have you turned on Extended Physics?
Remove the unpacked data folder if there is one.

Lastly try it with the Non-CSP data.acd file - Remember to rename the original data.acd to something like 'CSP_data.acd' before replacing

This may help:

In case you experience any issues, don't hesitate contacting VRC at:

View attachment 1208840
Original Track - vhe_interlagos
Original conversion: VheEth
Extensions - Pyyer
Crowd SFX - Cozy61

Crowd SFX works best in F3 camera replay mode

To turn off any of the crowd SFX and/or Live displays open the ext_config.ini file (in extension folder of track) using notepad or similar and change the ACTIVE = 1 to ACTIVE = 0

Tracks in GDrive:
great job, is it possible to have a scoreboard with all the results of the GP courses? for instance


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@El Locho - do you fancy working your wonderful wiper magic on this pocket rocket, recently updated?
If any lighting experts out there want to add some refractive glory to the lenses then that would be most spiffing as well.

View attachment 1209120

Ow, thanks. I wasn't aware of the update. I still had v1.1.
So, yes please, some (more) TLC would be welcome for this nice car.
Its a nice mod. I think the landscape is not litten enough by the sun, its too dark. Also the red of the sidestrips is kind of wrong. Thats the thing the vanilla track also had. It should be a stronger red.
It feels like it is desaturated. Also the grass and the pines should have a bigger difference in color.
View attachment 1209107
Maybe the red could be brighter, than in my example. I think its real hard to handle. Idk how often they must paint it. It looks realy different on different pictures.

But i would say the grass is realy bright there compared to the trees. Thats on all pictures i saw:
View attachment 1209108
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I went back and forth on the landscape\grass. I saw pictures with the grass really saturated and bright and some with the grass kind of bland looking. That's why I left the more saturated grass texture in the folder. I can do some config adjustments and try to get a more accurate look. Maybe I have the diffuse values too low.

It's hard to get accurate though because I can use three different filters and the track looks totally different. I can turn off one of the CSP weather features and the track looks totally different. I can make it look right on my end, but I never know how it will look for someone else. Perfect example, your pic doesn't look anything like mine because it was taken with two different filters. In yours, the grass is more saturated and the trees are a lot darker. That's why I always try and explain how to do some self tweaking or have multiple track skins in my mod releases. To account for differences in filters and tastes.

I'll look at the the painted line as well. If you see anything else, let me know.
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Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE 2017

The sexiest GTE ever !

Full AO
Data based on real car

Have fun !

View attachment 1208232

Oreca 07 Update Early Access for Contributor !

New version of the Oreca :

Added Skins
New Body AO
Removed carbon nose
Changing pilot position

Public release : 18/11/2022

View attachment 1208242
Thank you for the great work!
Now, I think there are some wipers mods for this 2 cars, but I can't find them 😕
Can someone help?
Thank you for the great work!
Now, I think there are some wipers mods for this 2 cars, but I can't find them 😕
Can someone help?
Just found out the "Yzd_Aston_Martin_V8_Vantage_GTE" is missing Wiper Animations.
I made one in CSP. its not even near the Quality of El Lochos Wiper Animations but atleast its something for now.
There is no Interior Window Mesh (atleast i think so) for the Rain, so there will be no real wiping in the FPV. I dont have the knowledge to do so.
Maybe somebody wants this small Addition.
I made a simple CSP Version for the Aston Martin yesterday, see Post 109017. If I see it correctly El Locho made some Wipers for the Oreca 07. You can find it in his Wiper Library: El Lochos Wiper Library
Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE 2017

The sexiest GTE ever !

Full AO
Data based on real car

Have fun !

View attachment 1208232

Oreca 07 Update Early Access for Contributor !

New version of the Oreca :

Added Skins
New Body AO
Removed carbon nose
Changing pilot position

Public release : 18/11/2022

View attachment 1208242
it would be cool to have some skins on the Aston. Are them in the working?
Hi @shi

Yesterday I tried to do some races with the Indianapolis 2001 conversion and everything works fine, the AI is very good. There's just one problem: the pit stop slot doesn't appear in the pits. If you try to start from the pits and reverse a little, the slot appears and disappears immediately and never returns, mechanic consequently does not lower the lollipop and it is not possible to make a pit stop. This happens for every team slot in the pitlane.
Is it possible to fix this? Thanks in advance!

Indianapolis 2001
View attachment 1209117

For example Imola
View attachment 1209116

no problem for me .... ???? I don't know

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I can't remember if I've asked this question here before, so if I'm repeating myself, apologies. But...

Is anyone else having issues with some of Pyyer's extensions where some distant billboards flicker on and off (only at a fair distance, for the most part), revealing parts the original billboards underneath the ones updated by Pyyer? If so, are there any known CSP or config adjustments that will fix the issue?

EDIT: I'm running the latest CSP Patreon build and Pure, just to be clear. I also have the render distance maxxed out in my settings.

I can confirm (latest CSP / SOL).
The problem are the old versions of the pyver extensions, that were done in a different way, by changing some of the default textures. That is why you are now getting fighting Z artifacts from old extensions with the new ones. The only way to solve this is to delete the old extensions (which in some cases is very difficult, cause default textures were changed) and install only the new one. If you can't delete the old extension completely (Interlagos one example), the only way to solve it, is to delete the entire track folder and fresh install the track and only the 2022 extension (which also included the 2021 and 2020 extension). Same thing with Hermanos Rodriguez circuit. The biggest problem are the default Kunos tracks, cause clean default folders of the tracks are hard to come by and of course, you loose all the other changes you may have added to the track over the years (other skins, pit extensions, new ai lines,...).
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Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I went back and forth on the landscape\grass. I saw pictures with the grass really saturated and bright and some with the grass kind of bland looking. That's why I left the more saturated grass texture in the folder. I can do some config adjustments and try to get a more accurate look. Maybe I have the diffuse values too low.

It's hard to get accurate though because I can use three different filters and the track looks totally different. I can turn off one of the CSP weather features and the track looks totally different. I can make it look right on my end, but I never know how it will look for someone else. Perfect example, your pic doesn't look anything like mine because it was taken with two different filters. In yours, the grass is more saturated and the trees are a lot darker. That's why I always try and explain how to do some self tweaking or have multiple track skins in my mod releases. To account for differences in filters and tastes.

I'll look at the the painted line as well. If you see anything else, let me know.
Maybe just a bit brighter grass and a bit darker and a bit more saturation red will do it. Overall its realy nice and balanced!
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@El Locho - do you fancy working your wonderful wiper magic on this pocket rocket, recently updated?
If any lighting experts out there want to add some refractive glory to the lenses then that would be most spiffing as well.

View attachment 1209120

Wipers for the Golf:

I made a simple CSP Version for the Aston Martin yesterday, see Post 109017. If I see it correctly El Locho made some Wipers for the Oreca 07. You can find it in his Wiper Library: El Lochos Wiper Library
The wipers file is already included in the mod's extension folder, only needs to be enabled by appending
to the main ext_config.ini

Just found out the "Yzd_Aston_Martin_V8_Vantage_GTE" is missing Wiper Animations.
I made one in CSP. its not even near the Quality of El Lochos Wiper Animations but atleast its something for now.
There is no Interior Window Mesh (atleast i think so) for the Rain, so there will be no real wiping in the FPV. I dont have the knowledge to do so.
Maybe somebody wants this small Addition.
Internal windows for the Vantage GTE attached, enable by pasting this into ext_config.ini:
FILE = vantage_gte.kn5
INSERT = window_int.kn5
INSERT_IN = aston_martin_gte_2017
SCALE = 0.9523809523809524, 0.9523809523809524, 0.9523809523809524
OFFSET = 0, 0.0385, -0.048
ROTATION = 0,0,0


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Red Bull Ring Mod

The finished(?) modifications for Red Bull Ring that hopefully solve the lighting issues if you don't use CSP's WeatherFX seasonal adjustment changes. If you also have Allow Seasonal Adjustments turned off under Track Adjustments, I can't say how this will look.

Special thanks to @Quark67 for the advice on how to make my animated flags work without impacting @Pyyer F1 mods. I ended up using my own animated flags. I took the time to make them, it only seemed right that I used them.

As usual, a few notes:
-- Backup before extracting to be safe. Might overwrite files you already have.
-- The mod comes with a skin and ext_config modifications, but you do not need to use them together. If you have a particular skin you like, my config changes will work with other skins. You may however need to adjust some diffuse and ambient values in the ext_config because I set those numbers based on my track skin textures.
-- If you find the grass lacks saturation, go into the skin folder and delete the file. Rename the grass13C - to It's a more saturated grass texture. If you find things too bright or dark, you can make ambient and diffuse value changes in the ext_config.
-- If you like the darkness modifications I made in the ext_config, you can apply them to the F1 mods by extracting the files in the Pyyer_F1mod_adjustments folder. I also fixed the flags on the 2021 versions, but I doubt anyone even uses the 2021 versions anymore. There was a couple of lines missing in one .ini file that caused the game not to hide the stock flags.
-- Please let me know of any problems. Any and all suggestions for improvements are welcome.

Red Bull Ring Mod

View attachment 1209069

EDIT: Almost forgot, if someone knows how to get the stupid sparkle\shimmer out of the grass, could you tell me how. It's driving me nuts because it's so dumb looking. I've never seen the grass in my yard shimmer before. Same thing on Brands Hatch. Thanks...

As per @Peter Boese suggestions, alternative skin you can try. Adds more grass saturation but cuts the yellow saturation in all textures. Also lightens the tress a tad.

Red Bull Ring Mod Alternative
Added an alternative version based on a few suggestions from @Peter Boese. I'm still tweaking it so expect a small future update.
Wipers for the Golf:

Amazing job as always mate - thanks very much!
The full combined config (with wipers) is attached in case anyone just wants to overwrite the existing one.

Now... any takers for a refractive lights update..?


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Added an alternative version based on a few suggestions from @Peter Boese. I'm still tweaking it so expect a small future update.
I tried to only use the textures and not the ext_config. IMO it looks realy nice now. Maybe the shader levels of ksAmbient and ksDiffuse were too low. So leaving the older ext_config could also be an option. But the textures are realy nice now!

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I tried to only use the textures and not the ext_config. IMO it looks realy nice now. Maybe the shader levels of ksAmbient and ksDiffuse were too low. So leaving the older ext_config could also be an option. But the textures are realy nice now!

View attachment 1209139View attachment 1209138
Not using the ext_config is a viable option. The reason for the config was because a few pages back, people were mentioning that the track was really washed out. I found out that it was an issue with the stock CSP config when you had Use Seasonal Adjustments turned off in CSP's WeatherFX. The config was mostly an attempt to fix that. If you have Use Seasonal Adjustments turned on, then not using my ext_config is a good option to lighten all the textures. I'm still using it though because I like the deeper, richer grass look.

I think i'll setup the extension folder files differently to make it easier for people to enable or disable specific things depending on how they have the seasonal stuff setup under Track Adjustments and/or WeatherFX in CSP. Hopefully the guys who make the CSP track configs will pick up on this issue and resolve it and then my config won't be needed at all.
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Harewood Speed Hillclimb - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.


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Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE 2017

The sexiest GTE ever !

Full AO
Data based on real car

Have fun !

View attachment 1208232

Oreca 07 Update Early Access for Contributor !

New version of the Oreca :

Added Skins
New Body AO
Removed carbon nose
Changing pilot position

Public release : 18/11/2022

View attachment 1208242
Thank you for the great work!
Now, I think there are some wipers mods for this 2 cars, but I can't find them 😕
Can someone help?
I made a simple CSP Version for the Aston Martin yesterday, see Post 109017. If I see it correctly El Locho made some Wipers for the Oreca 07. You can find it in his Wiper Library: El Lochos Wiper Library
Thank you!
Szinpetri Rally Hungary - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.



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[RELEASE] BMW E26 M1 1979 V1.02
Updated By Jerry Wei and GADU
Physics by VR Driving

EXTRA A : Front fog light
EXTRA B : Rear fog light


v1.02 (2022/10/30)
  • new driver animation (steer, shift and feet)
  • added interior leather color
  • fixed damage bumper, hoods and glass
  • fixed front left hub
  • some pbr correction
  • midnight blue corrected

  • enhanced pbr material in and out
  • added VAO
  • added interior glass reflection
  • fixed rim position, dimension and orientation
  • fixed camera position
  • fixed horn buttons
  • fixed F6 camera position
  • fixed inner part on blur rim
  • updated the inertia, collider, fuel tank positon and small tweak to suspension

V1.0 (2022/10/20)
  • Added exterior AO map
  • Added interior AO map
  • Added COCKPIT_HR
  • Added front number plate
  • Added new textures
  • Added wiper animation
  • Added CSP settings
  • Added warning lights
  • Added working gauge cluster
  • Added damage glass
  • Added damage parts
  • Added PBR materials
  • Fixed stitching
  • Fixed collider
  • Fixed data
  • Paintable everything
  • Sorted out dymmies
  • New sound




There's an old adaptation of the McLaren M23 skin ( mod 1973 ).
They are for the start of the 1974 season (Brazilian Gp).
I couldn't do it very well, as it's hard to adjust without the correct "map", it was all "trial and error", a little more for fun.



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