Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi everyone, i was tinkering with the Kunos 962C Short Tail, giving it the more powerful engine from the longtail version for example, and i wanted to change the rims to the BBS version of the longtail, since a lot of liveries uses them. I've found a guy on RD who actually did it, but it doesn't seem to work (anymore), neither in CM Showroom or the CSP showroom.
How can i make it work?
Mmmm... I felt a bit identified with this definition... Let me explain, without acrimony or bad vibes, please, it's not a criticism of anyone, it's just my five cents.

Personally, I start from the basis that I cannot make harsh demands on something that has been given to me. Totally free. Maybe it's that I'm not so picky about the little flaws that a mod may have (absolute perfection doesn't exist), especially if it's a mod from one of my favorite modders, but I insist again, many do it for free! Also, as a general rule, when these small bugs are reported politely, the modder usually fixes them.

And regarding to modders earning money with his work, well, I don't see it as a bad thing, and also, I think it's something that regulates itself; if you're a really good modder, people will end up recognizing you and rewarding you in some way. If you're a cheater who takes advantage of other people's work, people will find out about it and leave you behind. And I think that after a short time in this sim things, we all know who can be forgiven for small "sins" and who cannot be forgiven...

(Philosopher Mode, Off) :D
Define "cheater who takes advantage of other peoples work".
That in strict terms rules out anyone who converts or mods a track or car, Ilija, anyone who makes trees/grass, greener/less green.
Basically 99% of anything people post on here.

I'm currently moved onto to making my own tracks, yet i still use props from other tracks, so what even is scratch made? Every tree hand crafted? Every tyre wall?
People reward others for various reasons, you only need to look at some of the patreon pages to see that if you pay more they offer stuff like 'special gold badge', pathetic things that register with people and make them feel a bit more special than the next guy.
This can be extrapolated into the wider world then you get 'prime' energy drink.....for example.

Its pathetic but easily ignored, there is a world based on removing money from peoples pockets and AC is no different.
Nukedrop to go back to him has video's where he tells you in great detail how to make the tracks yourself.
I'd urge people to do that personally as its much more rewarding (it does get tiresome though).
Bending over backwards and begging and paying people and making false prophets of them (no pun intended) in the hope they will do something you want or they will credit you for a different coloured tree you laboured over. That's not my game.

I'd take nukedrops posts any day over the
"oh hi guys i really wish someone would put this into AC its my favourite track"
or "look a t rex ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Further to that much of the patreon stuff can be found for free if you know where to look, and even if you didn't want to do that you can sign up for a one off (cancel after first month) and get all the stuff that the fools have been paying for for months!
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I finally bought the VRC Touring cars and BOPed them with the other available cars with ballast and restrictor.
At Donington i got the whole grid whishin 1 sec. Silverstone within 2.2 seconds.
Maybe intesrresting for someone

Btw. I am using the nonCSP version cause i am running an older CSP version (and so far i can not complaion about the physics :confused:)
So what i have done was:

PM3 Nissan and Volvo got 130kg ballast
PM3 BMW - no ballast
The VRC cars: Honda, Ford, Vauxhall got 50kg ballast
The f302 cars: Renault, Alfa, Audi - no ballast
GTsupreame - Peugeot (grid filler) got 150kg

All cars except the BMW got addiitonally 3% restrictor.

I am happy with the result for now. It´s like a BOP Version 0.5 :D The cars are good mixed in results.
a little BOP update to my 90s BTCC BoP attemt
---> VRC cars 50kg ballast, 60 was too much.
---> PM3 Volvo 140kg now , no 130kg
Define "cheater who takes advantage of other peoples work"...
Sorry, you're right, I have not been very specific... For me, cheater would be the one who claims that he has made a work from scratch and attributes it as his own, and in reality what he has done is copy and paste the work of others. And if he also wants to do business, then double cheater.

Someone who asks permission to use or modify a work, and also cites the original sources in the acknowledgments, is not deceiving anyone.

As I said before, I think that little by little we are all getting to know each other...
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Never finished I guess. I previously had copied the skin that came with the car (Lola B2k10) but now have looked at lots of crappy video to arrive at this version. The previous one was more the Rolex GrandAm version. Now it's more the ALMS version (a few color blob changes, added the driver names, changed the suit, cockpit)
** This download contains a change to the cameras.ini. Mostly to match the F6 cockpit camera to the SpeedTV camera of the day. Champion added extra sponsor decals to the inside of the right fender to match the onboard camera (at Sonoma). This car only ran 2 races btw, Sebring and Sonoma. (I'll run it the full season) Apparently they had alot of trouble cooling the Porsche engine... (again, this is only 11 megs)

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Never finished I guess. I previously had copied the skin that came with the car (Lola B2k10) but now have looked at lots of crappy video to arrive at this version. The previous one was more the Rolex GrandAm version. Now it's more the ALMS version (a few color blob changes, added the driver names, changed the suit, cockpit)
** This download contains a change to the cameras.ini. Mostly to match the F6 cockpit camera to the SpeedTV camera of the day. Champion added extra sponsor decals to the inside of the right fender to match the onboard camera (at Sonoma). This car only ran 2 races btw, Sebring and Sonoma. (I'll run it the full season) Apparently they had alot of trouble cooling the Porsche engine... (again, this is only 11 megs)
View attachment 1228465

Excellent work.
The opposite. If anything you should be BoP'ing the other gt3 cars to that one (as again, it was made using real data). kunos gt3's have worse physics and most of the acc conversions just use kunos physics
Depending on the point of view. I favor a full gt3 grid i can race against recreating a full season etc. even if the cars do not match the times in real life, over a single car which is maybe much more accurate but i only can hot-lap or practice with.

Its really strange, we have nearly everything in AC but can`t create one of the most popular series with the GT3 cars. :confused:
@jac0 , did you try the mirror config app? Its amazing for fixing aiming and depth of field as well as making monitors work.
View attachment 1228327
yes I tried , but in the case when the right mirror is black , there is also no effect when doing anything with it (eg. switch to Monitor, still all black)
Try unticking 'high quality mirrors' in AC video settings.
doesn't solve the issue unfortunately...
Anyone else has this or am I the only one? (PS: I'm using Oculus as video rendering - this may be a VR only issue... )
Depending on the point of view. I favor a full gt3 grid i can race against recreating a full season etc. even if the cars do not match the times in real life, over a single car which is maybe much more accurate but i only can hot-lap or practice with.

Its really strange, we have nearly everything in AC but can`t create one of the most popular series with the GT3 cars. :confused:
You can try to BOB the GT3 cars with Content Manager. There is a function to save race grids, select the skins you want to use and add/remove ballast and restrictor.
where can it be bought?
It doesn't exists, but i pay for any modder to do. I'm not a modder.
If you can find a version from a older game like GTR2, Grand Prix 4, etc. you can sub to and request a track.
I have this version on rFactor. I'll sub... Thank you!

Never finished I guess. I previously had copied the skin that came with the car (Lola B2k10) but now have looked at lots of crappy video to arrive at this version. The previous one was more the Rolex GrandAm version. Now it's more the ALMS version (a few color blob changes, added the driver names, changed the suit, cockpit)
** This download contains a change to the cameras.ini. Mostly to match the F6 cockpit camera to the SpeedTV camera of the day. Champion added extra sponsor decals to the inside of the right fender to match the onboard camera (at Sonoma). This car only ran 2 races btw, Sebring and Sonoma. (I'll run it the full season) Apparently they had alot of trouble cooling the Porsche engine... (again, this is only 11 megs)
View attachment 1228465

Thank you!
BTCC 1995 Ford Mondeo Skin Pack

preview (3).jpg

preview (2).jpg

preview (1).jpg


Car require - ACME Ford Mondeo BTCC

I know most of the drivers raced the saloon Ghia model, but AC doesn't have that particle mod so I used the hatchback version instead. Some of the logos aren't the original design because I was unable to locate the original designs so I've remade them close to the original design.

Original Car mod link (not my mod) - Download Link

Skin Pack Link - Download Link

You can try to BOB the GT3 cars with Content Manager. There is a function to save race grids, select the skins you want to use and add/remove ballast and restrictor.
Yeah i can BOP with the restrictor and ballast with the vanilla launcher too (do not use CM)
The problem is this BK_Audi R8 is just way different to all other GT3s available. There is an other version (the 2016) but its also too slow in compersation with the opponents.
Yeah i can BOP with the restrictor and ballast with the vanilla launcher too (do not use CM)
The problem is this BK_Audi R8 is just way different to all other GT3s available. There is an other version (the 2016) but its also too slow in compersation with the opponents.
Do you have a AMG GT3 Evo that balances against the newer GT3?s
Do you have a AMG GT3 Evo that balances against the newer GT3?s
Here are possibly the newest version of the ACC conversions:
(I did not test them much, but think the Merc is allright.)

And here is an GT3 pack from ca. 2 years ago, originally found and posted by "fanapyrade". The pack is pretty well BOPed but like anywhere else, the Audi is just too slow.

I let AI drive most of the newer GT3 I have in a separate class when I am in a prototype, with all of the GT cars at 100% strength and I think most are actually pretty close including the 911 GT3 with the altered data.acd, the slowest IIRC was the 720S. But driving them myself the AMG was pretty hard to get up to speed....
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Here are possibly the newest version of the ACC conversions:
(I did not test them much, but think the Merc is allright.)

And here is an GT3 pack from ca. 2 years ago, originally found and posted by "fanapyrade". The pack is pretty well BOPed but like anywhere else, the Audi is just too slow.

Looks like there's newer versions in my library

bk_audi_r8_lms_2019 v1.1
bk_audi_r8_lms_2019_sprint v1.1
acc_bentley_continental_gt3_sprint v0.60
ferrari_488_gt3_acc v2.0
honda_nsx_gt3_endurance_acc v1.9

Must have gotten them from this thread sometime.
If you wanted to put a little work into it, you can always look into the power/weight ratio and match them more closely.
Lower/raise weight in car.ini or adjust power by adjusting power.lut (or possibly turbo if the car has it.)
Of course there could be other considerations like aero or suspension values but the closer you get the power/weight ratio to each car, more even they will race.
If you also mean AI then there other values in ai.ini you can work with.
Before starting a race I used to have a stable cockpit view.
For some reason that has changed (due to circomstances it has been quite a while since I last raced).
I now get to see a orbiting camera view while a white 3-2-1 countdown timer runs (with audible beeps) and only after the '1' I'm back in cockpit view.
I have no idea where it comes from, never seen it before, have searched all (I think) settings in CM, but can't find anything related.
It's pretty disturbing.
Anyone ?

I did read somewhere that a integrity check could help, but it's something I don't like to do and since the texture_trafficlights.png's (green/off/red) are still present in the texture folder... 🤔

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Before starting a race I used to have a stable cockpit view.
For some reason that has changed (due to circomstances it has been quite a while since I last raced).
I now get to see a orbiting camera view while a white 3-2-1 countdown timer runs (with audible beeps) and only after the '1' I'm back in cockpit view.
I have no idea where it comes from, never seen it before, have searched all (I think) settings in CM, but can't find anything related.
It's pretty disturbing.
Anyone ?

I did read somewhere that a integrity check could help, but it's something I don't like to do and since the texture_trafficlights.png's (green/off/red) are still present in the texture folder... 🤔

View attachment 1228573

Some sort of Gran Turismo HUD.
View attachment 1228218
Tried out this one, once you get past the cold tires its quite drivable, still need to play with the setup a bit more to get it stable. The only I'd say especially at Daytona like above is it needs a higher top speed gearing set....
Couldn't agree more on your point of being a limited top-speed on the tri-oval layout (topped out @ 287 km/h with some Aero tweaks)... However, on the Road Course layout it feels spot-on, topping out @ 285 km/h (default setup)... Felt more fun driving it on the road course, as this mod is attuned for better cornering than straight out plain speed.

Porsche 911 GT3 R 2019 __daytona-lap-times.png

Happy racing!
Dobšiná Hillclimb (redux) - v1.0

View attachment 1222603View attachment 1222604View attachment 1222605
A fast hillclimb course set in the Slovenia countryside

  • 2 pit/grid with AI (because hillclimb)
  • full CSP integration including RainFX
  • night lighting (scare yourself!)
  • a JumboTron:tm:
  • new folder name will not overwrite


Please, correct Slovakia instead of Slovenia. :) And yes, a nicely made track. Thank you!
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