Let me ask you or anyone else, does anyone get motion sickness or just me? I played Half Life Alyx and almost died LOL havent touched the VR since but I really want to try it with AC. I still get car sick, I have to be driving. I used to get sick on the school bus every day, I just didn't know what the hell was going on because I was in elementary school.
I too got ill at first ... you really gotta ease into it , and start slowly with for example just 10 minute sessions w alot of time in between (you need to get your 'VR legs' as they say).
I definitely recommend starting with the lock to horizon option, and refrain from tracks that have too much elevation changes or banks (eg no 30's Golden Age Sitges by Sergio Loro or Eiger Nordwand).
Also very important that you keep a steady fps !! (any drops in fps - stutters or whatnot will make you sick)
So that is why best to put to 72HZ for example and have it smooth, rather then 90Hz but have the occasional drop in frames.
Also ,
always keep ASW turned off !
and I also put on FOV limiter (I use 0.75; 0.6) , to gain a lot of headroom to always guarantee a steady frame rate
So what this does is render only .75% horizontal image , and 60% vertically, giving your GPU less work and you the added immersion of seemingly having a helmet on! (win-win

this for the Quest (3) ... but I guess other headsets have similar options and would benefit equally
But once you are there (having the VR legs and you have a good setup), it is absolute bliss and no way you will ever want to go pancake again!
(all the people that stick to their triples gave up early and are missing out big time... plain and simple

Nah , seriously , I can totally understand if some ppl just can't or don't want to go through that initial phase of getting some motion sickness ... but I personnally am glad I endured it!
talking about nausia , looking at this GIF for over 2 seconds gives me more motion sickness then driving for an hour in VR on Everest for example