Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
... thanks Peri i will re install and move the steamapps folder first, if i loose all these mods i may end up in jail tonight
Naaah, thanks to Quikslvr, who is the one who found out where the problem was.

And don't let it happen to you like me, that I reinstalled the "steamaps" folder in the wrong place and when I opened Assetto again, I got the vanilla version and thought I had lost all the mods hoarded for years...

For a moment, I stayed like this...

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Naaah, thanks to Quikslvr, who the one who found out where the problem was.

And don't let it happen to you like me, that I reinstalled the "steamaps" folder in the wrong place and when I opened Assetto again, I got the vanilla version and thought I had lost all the mods hoarded for years...

For a moment, I stayed like this...

View attachment 1389129
i'm about to dive in and start sweating..........
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Donington Park 2018 Mod

This is an updated version of the test mod I put out a few days ago. Because of the number of changes, it got difficult to do it as a mod to the original track. I made it a standalone track so as not to fool with the original version. All credit for the track goes to the original author Brun. It will come up as Donington Park 2023 in your track list, but the year is not indicative of how the track is represented. I just needed some way to recognize which track was which. You can edit the ui files and give it whatever name you want.

Please let me know of any problems or suggestions so I can try and make it better.

Donington Park 2023

Changes from past version:

-- Added original author's name and version number to the track ui files.
-- Made the 40 pit layouts from Paprika work with my changes.
-- Added geo tags to the ui files.
-- Animated all of the flags that were not animated. I'm not real happy with the new flags, but at least they are animated. I wanted flags that were attached to the pole and did not arc in heavy winds, but I couldn't figure out how to make them. Plus they have an odd shading. In some directions, they are very bright and in other directions they are darker. Most likely a fault in the way I made them from lack of knowledge. If I ever find a way to fix these issues, I will update the flags.
-- Some tweaks to the night lighting and also enabled the lights to turn on when it rains.
-- Incorporated my grass changes directly into the kn5 file so it would be easier for people to make their own track skins.
-- Little tweaks to the ai sidelines to keep them off the raised kerbs. If you use a 3rd party ai already, then you may not need this.
-- Re-made the starting position file for the 40 pit GP layout from Paprika. Thanks to @Quikslvr for pointing it out to me. It must have been created for online use because he had the cars lined up in a position of the road that wasn't part of the track. This caused the ai cars in the back not to move at the start. It's not perfect and the tail end cars take some time to get moving, but at least they move now.
-- Fixed blurry Paddock area texture
-- Added semaphore lighting to start lights

One thing I still want to do is find a way to bring back the mow lines that the real track has. I've got some ideas on a way to do it, but I didn't want to hold up the release just for that.

View attachment 1286295
Beautiful stuff, wasn't difficult to delete my other version.
Naaah, thanks to Quikslvr, who the one who found out where the problem was.

And don't let it happen to you like me, that I reinstalled the "steamaps" folder in the wrong place and when I opened Assetto again, I got the vanilla version and thought I had lost all the mods hoarded for years...

For a moment, I stayed like this...

View attachment 1389129
thanks to @Quikslvr and yourself (and everyone else who replied)

uninstall/re-install DONE

working as it should
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maybe i spoke a little to soon.

i uninstalled steam and re-installed it and then placed the steamapps folder back where it should be

i can now go into "showroom"

but when i go to the "drive" tab it says i have missing DLC so i unistalled AC and then realised that i may be removing the "steamapps" folder if i do that so i stopped it from uninstalling by restarting my computer and then moved the "steamapps" folder again and then unistalled AC.

before i uninstalled AC i had 25g left of storage after uninstalling i still have only 25g of space left

now i cannot re-install AC because i don't have enough space..........i need 47g and i apparently only have 25

im pretty confused right was just can i not have enough space?
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did you compress the game files (CM/Win10 compress)?

If so then yes that is why you dont have enough space.
yeh i compressed all files using the tool in CM

all cars in "steamapps" are still compressed

is it the DLC that has been uncompressed i am guessing?

oh hang on! i deleted most of the "kunos" content aswell slowly over time that will be the issue aswell

i should of thought of that
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View attachment 1389147

(Every time I have to make a change of this type I lose years of life, of the nerves I go through...)
i'm at a loss here. i have a 142g compressed in "steamapps" but i cant do anything with it, with this storage used up i cannot install AC there isnt anything else on my computer i can remove. I cant 7-zip the "steamapps" folder as it will take 10 hours to compress and i cannot upload it to either mega or sharemods

i will try some other sites the only option i can think of is uploading it to some cloud somewhere so i can re-install AC and all DLC'S then remove what i dont want and do the compression in CM then get the "steamapps" folder back in its place

question is what cloud will take 142g of files for free..........not many at a guess looool
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... i have a 142g compressed in "steamapps" but i cant do anything with it, with this storage used up i cannot install AC there isnt anything else on my computer i can remove...
Bufff, I had not thought about the detail of the capacity of the hard drive... In my case I have 2Tb of which I have a little more than half free, so I have had no problems...

I'm not an expert on these issues, but logically, everything points to what you mention; before, you had everything compressed, including Assetto vanilla mods. When trying to install now Assetto from scratch (uncompressed), I guess you don't have enough space...

Can't get an external drive, borrowed or so, to save the "steamapps" folder, install vanilla Assetto, compress it and reinstall "steamapps" then?
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Bufff, I had not thought about the detail of the capacity of the hard drive... In my case I have 2Tb of which I have a little more than half free, so I have had no problems...

I'm not an expert on these issues, but logically, everything points to what you mention; before, you had everything compressed, including Assetto vanilla mods. When trying to install now Assetto from scratch (uncompressed), I guess you don't have enough space...

Can't get an external drive to save the "steamapps" folder, install vanilla Assetto, compress it and reinstall "steamapps" then?
yeh its a case of things becoming uncompressed e.t.c i literally did not give it a second thought

i don't have an external drive im affraid but thanks for the idea that could of worked

i have been cleaning up space on my computer i need another 3g of space and i should have enough room to install AC. Once thats done i should be able to remove all the car's that i removed over time anyway (not interested in road cars) and then compress what is left and then move the "steamapps" folder back to its correct place

BOOM! job done (in my head anyway)

time will tell
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New car dropped by URD

AC Dallas VSR Hybrid
Couldn't resist and went for it.

Nice mod overall but so far it hasn't made a strong enough impression on me compared to ChemFlummi's version. At the moment I would say it's not worth buying, ChemFlummi's free version feels really close if not equal quality wise.

Will need to spend more time driving it for a definitive opinion.
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Couldn't resist and went for it.

Nice mod overall but so far it hasn't made a strong enough impression on me compared to ChemFlummi's version. At the moment I would say it's not worth buying, ChemFlummi's free version feels really close if not equal quality wise.

Will need to spend more time driving it for a definitive opinion.
And to think that it was announced last January; almost 10 months of work... I was already skeptical but you confirmed my feeling
Screenshot 2024-09-14 164507.png

I'm stunned. I actually finished a race with this car. Since I bought it I think this might be the 2nd or 3rd race I've actually finished. It took three attempts here at Interlagos but I actually finished it. And I really was afraid of Interlagos because of all of those slow tight turns which is my kryptonite with this car. I usually spin it out at places like the bus stop chicane, La Source, first turn at Monza etc. any place that requires low speed and tight turns.

Now I've probably jinxed it and it will be another 40 or 50 attempts before I can finish another race. Usually after about the 7th or 8th attempt I'll move on the something else I can actually drive but as for now, I'm quite proud of myself.

So, this is version 0.5 of the Z3. It's not over yet, still missing:

1) Seat belts
2) Some adjustments to the meshes
3) General optimization
4) Physics adjustments

The original mod is that of BEM and I integrated it with new 3D parts and physics interpreted from GTR2. The exceptions are:

1) Calipers and discs (Kunos)
2) Tire model (Kunos)
3) Steering ratios (Kunos)

As for the physics, as I said before, it's all from GTR2 with some tweaks (engine and aero). The aerodynamic part (only the lut files, not the wings themselves) is what I have used so far on the TVR. Does this mean that the two cars are aerodynamically the same? No, but the TVR will practically be redone and its aerodynamic part is more compliant with the z3, so I reused it (so yes, spoiler, the tvr will be redone and optimized).

The differences between the GTR and the FIA GT are:

1) Aerodinamycs (slightly more pronounced at the rear of the GTR and slightly less invasive on the FIA GT)
2) The FIA GT has less acceleration while maintaining the maximum speed (I boosted it a bit, on GTR2 it doesn't exceed 230 per hour)
3) Both are very focused on the front and tend to understeer, as I read online. The FIA GT tends to lose the rear more easily than the GTR

The brakes lock, I know. Once you have found the right braking threshold and if they have been brought to temperature, in theory it should brake adequately (braking can be managed in the setup).


1) The windshield wipers do not work on the FIA GT
2) The FIA GT skin is not accurate
3) The brakes doesn't glow yet (I have to configure the csp brakes as best as possible)
4) Not all lights are optimized (I switched from gamma to LCS and changed PPfilter, so hopefully I'm not destroying anyone's corneas LOL)
5) Seat belts are still missing (I'm looking for an effective way to create them without resorting to bezier curves)
6) Sound needs further improvement

EXTRA A (FIA GT ONLY) --> Additional front lights (since I always call them "endu lights" I decided to make it a brand LOL)
EXTRA B (BOTH VERSIONS) --> Rear fog lights


IMPORTANT NOTE: The mod is not finished and I ask you not to reupload it elsewhere, simply use the link I provide. If something is wrong just let me know.
Only took me 6 hours to get this on track. I remember skinning this car after driving it months before hand, i then took it out with my shiny new skin on it and within 5 minutes i deleted it loooool it was a bit of a pig.

Not anymore! i understand it is still a w.i.p but its so much more useable now. Nice one

and its also good to see the 3d side of it sorted out it was a little "rough" before shall we say
Couldn't resist and went for it.

Nice mod overall but so far it hasn't made a strong enough impression on me compared to ChemFlummi's version. At the moment I would say it's not worth buying, ChemFlummi's free version feels really close if not equal quality wise.

Will need to spend more time driving it for a definitive opinion.
Model quality and Physics are on par with VRCs LMHs in my opinion. Great release from URD
Not sure if this will help

I have noticed over time installing new updates and mods I start loosing FPS which effects overall quality and sometimes textures upon race start are slightly delayed, have aslo had yellow screens where nothing works.

When this happens I do a complete reinstall, delete all files in Documents/AssettoCorsa

Also delete all files relateded to content manager, Assetto root folder and Users/***/Appdata/local/content manager

Delete CSP and Pure versions completely

Basically start from scatch again.

Do keep basic back up files that I need such as wheel settings, controler settings and chase cam files.

Reinstall everything works like a dream, FPS maxed, textures and cars load quick

John Candy No GIF by Laff
Ford Mondeo STW skin

!! choose with or without AO and drag that "content" folder into CM !!

I will be doing some VRC skins i just havent got around to getting anything done on it i will be honest and say i do not enjoy skinning vrc stuff i have much more fun skinning this mondeo. Spent 5 hours on the vrc mondeo and got absolutely no-where however that was just me getting to grips with how they do there AO's e.t.c i am sure i will get a skin or 2 done very soon

The uv map on the boot of this car is a bit of a mess so i have had to work around it. Not normally an issue with stickering but when you go to pin stripe it you realise how unusable the boot/tailgate is

note that the colour is a little to light on this which is my fault i have had a real nightmare with this skin (i've done it and re-done it 3 times now for various reasons which i won't bore you with), i'm not going to be able to get this car exact anyway so i will be leaving the colour difference as is, its to much work to sort it out at this late stage and its not a close replica anyway there are other differences. It does look a little darker "with AO" though so maybe thats the one to go for on this but dont expect miracles.

Screenshot (683).png


I have also done a small update to the "ford bank" skin, all i have done is made the number 7 smaller on the plates and re sized some stickers on the front bumper. Nothing else has been done so if this does not bother you then give this update a miss.

Screenshot (681).png
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so trying to run reboot's daytona the actual oval one, and about 1/4 of the field starts in the pits, no matter if i choose 42 cars or 22 cars. even on the 70s daytona everyone starts in the pits, i have the latest pure and CSP so i am wondering if its a setting in CSP.
Does somebody know why, with the URD Loire 07, the AI sometimes had an issue in a bigger field?
Some AI cars freaking out, going full throttle, full wheelspin and instead of backfire it looks like a laserbeam coming out of the exhaust.
Something CSP related maybe?
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View attachment 1389165

I'm stunned. I actually finished a race with this car. Since I bought it I think this might be the 2nd or 3rd race I've actually finished. It took three attempts here at Interlagos but I actually finished it. And I really was afraid of Interlagos because of all of those slow tight turns which is my kryptonite with this car. I usually spin it out at places like the bus stop chicane, La Source, first turn at Monza etc. any place that requires low speed and tight turns.

Now I've probably jinxed it and it will be another 40 or 50 attempts before I can finish another race. Usually after about the 7th or 8th attempt I'll move on the something else I can actually drive but as for now, I'm quite proud of myself.
Good job! But Logan Sargeant actually finishing a race... Now that's really impressive, almost unbelievable. 🤣
Only took me 6 hours to get this on track. I remember skinning this car after driving it months before hand, i then took it out with my shiny new skin on it and within 5 minutes i deleted it loooool it was a bit of a pig.

Not anymore! i understand it is still a w.i.p but its so much more useable now. Nice one

and its also good to see the 3d side of it sorted out it was a little "rough" before shall we say
Initially it was quite tough, but I will always do everything I can to bring you what is missing on AC, within the limits of my capabilities :)

Some time ago I made a list, there are still several cars missing, but little by little I will make it. Now, since an F430 has already been released (even if not the same version I'm working on), I think I'll evaluate whether to combine a new work with the TVR remake or whether to continue with the Ferrari.

As for the Ford GT, I'm waiting for the final approval and then it's ready to come out. 😎
When trying to use the URD Cadillac, I get a message saying I need CSP 0.2.3 or higher, I have CSP 0.2.3 preview211, why am I having an issue?
Because 0.2.3-preview211 is somewhere between 0.2.2 and 0.2.3. The patch version id of 0.2.3-preview211 is 2974, and for 0.2.3 it's 3044 - and that is what is compared.

Like the name implies, you only have a preview version of 0.2.3. I think the public 0.2.3 version came out the same time with 0.2.4-preview1.
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