So I bought the Mitsubishi 3000GT... thinking that I could get a huge amount of power out of it... and that isn't the case. Thinking of just leaving it there and trying to set WRs in the unmodified series would be best and use some other car for grinding...
Speaking of which... what AWD car should I buy next (needs to be purchasable with credits) so that I can max it out and grind with it?
(however, if you're looking for a car that's very easy to drive... get the 3000GT as it's fairly fun... but very slow, great beginner car imo)
Anyway, still enjoying the game... but I would still like to see a couple of things added to the game:
- Possibly like a friends/rivals system where you can set people as rivals and compare lap times (also if you set someone as your rival, you should see comparison splits whether you're ahead or behind them and by how much
- GHOST CARS/LINES! These would help immensely in chasing down lap times (@Saidur_Ali ... I want that WR back...
- In the car dealer, we should be able to see what upgrades we could possibly put on cars and the potential power and weight of a maxed out car
- Tapping on a value (like the tire pressure number) should bring up a keypad allowing us to enter each number manually into the car setup, which would take a lot of hassle out of trying to get the exact value from a hypersensitive slider
- An ability to save and load setups
- Possibly if the game gets big enough online trackday servers?
Also... new ex-WR for all of you to beat: (Mitsubishi 3000GT @ Yamagata Circuit Forwards): (now P2)
(this car doesn't get turned under brakes, but it's so slow that it doesn't exactly matter too much)
Also don't waste 60k credits on the Lotus Elise... it is an utter piece of crap that doesn't turn, accelerate without trying to kill you, or stop!
@jujunosuke , there is a massive bug with the R33 on slick tires and racing brakes, the car actually does NOT stop at all when braking! (it actually decelerates slower than coasting) Moving the brake bias forwards does fix this, but it's really strange that it only takes effect when the brake bias is set more rearward... (it actually only stops well at brake bias setting 0)
Strangely, the R33's racing suspension acts super weird and bounces on corner entry and the mid-corner phase, and only when I straighten out is when the car decides that it doesn't want to go straight and it wants to spin. Not sure how I can fix that (or is it glitchy suspension?)