Aussies/Kiwis : Monday Night Racing

  • Thread starter Rypien
Missed race 1... sorry.

The results are the record of the result, not of the journey.

Race 2 results - Mini Cooper S '06

Race 3 results - Mini Cooper S '06

Pace car supplied by German Octidriver's Volkwagon Golf GTi.

Race 4 results - OPEN

Honda Integra Type-R's were the flavour of the day, with Womble and Rypien packing VW Golf GTi's and Prancing Horse sporting a Ford Focus.

Race 5 results - OPEN

A fine three-way battle for the lead was ruined by moron DRGON3050, who's only real fault was not knowing where his brake pedal was. Rypien had the Golf well and truly hooked up and was tailing Whizzo64 and myself for the whole race, until that fearless Italian let is presence be known.

Race 6 results - Honda Integra Type-R

And epic battle with a fantastic result for the TORC team.
Next weeks races are done. I think i'll try and run similar races for two weeks straight most times so as to keep testing and setting up of cars to a minimum. Nothing worse than a one week turnaround in order to set up and test an entirely different set of races. So with that in mind i've kept many of the same races as last time, although please note the changes to the 'OPEN' races which now have car limitations and a PP limit of only 530 (not 550). I hope this will encourage guys to use a variety of cars rather than the superquick Integra and Focus. I think the 530PP limit will allow other makes and models to be a more interesting proposition and add to the possibility of a varied grid.

So, with the last lot of races throwing up alot of superquick fast competitive races (and a little bit of biff and barge), i hope to see guys taking all of this into account and making next weeks races even better. Lets remember that this is all about having some fun.

Once again i apologise for those of you who have to stay up late to race. Timezones are a real bugger, but at the end of the day the start time i have set seems to be a good option and somewhat 'middle ground' for alot of us. I appreciate those of you who come along to race at such late hours.

EVENT - Expert Class PP550 / FWD / Suzuka Circuit / PRO / 5laps

DATE - 23rd March

TIME - 8:03pm start (GMT +10)
(sorry to all of the guys who have to stay up late, but this time seems to be middle ground)

SYNCRONISED START TIMES - 8:03 / 8:26 / 8:49 / 9:12 / 9:35 / 9:58

- NO race tyres allowed!!!!!!!!!!! (S3 only for ALL races)
- Drive cleanly *duh*
- Dont get discouraged if we encounter 'random' idiots on the servers (most randoms will be on Race Tyres anyways)
- Dont get discouraged if lag raises its ugly head (if its bad please try and keep a good gap between you and others)
- You may miss a scheduled race start time (dont stress, just take a break and join in next race start)
- Tune the car settings as you wish (unless otherwise stated).
- TCS (see individual race comments below)
- ABS optional
- Keep it civilised gents. Dont drive to win at all costs. Keep it competitive but most of all keep it clean and fun.

RACE 1 @ 8'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Honda Integra Type R '04
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Do NOT adjust anything on the car. Keep it all stock standard. The only thing you need to do is turn OFF TCS, and make sure it has S3 tyres. Leave the rest alone, dont tune or adjust anything. DO NOT USE TCS AT START LINE EITHER.

RACE 2 @ 8'26pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Mini Cooper S '06
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Tune the car all the way up to 550PP and adjust any setting you like. DO NOT USE TCS AT START LINE EITHER.

RACE 3 @ 8'49pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Mini Cooper S '06
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Tune the car all the way up to 550PP and adjust any setting you like. DO NOT USE TCS AT START LINE EITHER.

RACE 4 @ 9'12pm (GMT +10)
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Tune the car to 530PP ONLY and adjust any setting you like. TCS is optional. NO Honda Integras allowed. Please note, cars MUST have exactly 530PP (not lower, not higher)

RACE 5 @ 9'35pm (GMT +10)
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Tune the car to 530PP ONLY and adjust any setting you like. TCS is optional. NO Honda Integras allowed. Pleae note, cars MUST have 530PP (not lower, not higher)

RACE 6 @ 9'58pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Honda Integra Type R '04
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Do NOT adjust anything on the car. Keep it all stock standard. The only thing you need to do is turn OFF TCS, and make sure it has S3 tyres. Leave the rest alone, dont tune or adjust anything. DO NOT USE TCS AT START LINE EITHER.
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If there aren't any storms next week I might show up for that last one, who knows.
I'll be back for the first few. Wont be able to stay awake for the last couple.

And Paulie, you have plenty of time to make those stupid left-hand-drive Mini's turn in :)
Good to see a few GTP guys hitting the track over the past few Monday Nights. You know that you blokes are also welcome to jump into any of the races listed. I know timezones are difficult to manage, but at the end of the day i have to do what suits the majority (and myself :sly:).

Got lots of the TORC guys racing and we seem to have a good grid. Always a pleasure having GTP drivers filling the grid and adding to the racing fun :) So dont be shy and come onto the track and swap some paint and test your tunes for the races that allow it. The good thing is that we have some races with bone stock cars, and some where being able to fiddle under the bonnet is an advantage. It can get a wee bit competitive, but at the end of the day its all in good fun.

Please note the changes to next mondays schedule. The OPEN races have some limitations on car choice and a 530PP limit. Compulsory S3 tyres seem to work well for all of our racing, as i've always found Race Tyres to be a bit boring and easy with waaay too much grip to be any fun at all.

Hope to see some of you blokes at the next session of MNR 👍
I'll be back for the first few. Wont be able to stay awake for the last couple.

And Paulie, you have plenty of time to make those stupid left-hand-drive Mini's turn in :)

Try the new brake balance. If that doesn't help, don't try changing the camber, the car has enough problems with one-wheeled-spinners as it is.:scared:
Toe, camber, brake balance ........ the best way to get the Mini to turn is to use your right foot and let the power adjustment get the pig to go where you want it too. Certainly a difficult car to tune the understeer out of, but the accel pedal is your best and simplist option :sly:.
I'll give the brake balance a go. I try "pedalling" out of it but as soon as I brake traction the car straight lines off line (I always drive with 0 T/C).

I think I'll blow the dust off the Swift for the OPEN races.
Toe, camber, brake balance ........ the best way to get the Mini to turn is to use your right foot and let the power adjustment get the pig to go where you want it too. Certainly a difficult car to tune the understeer out of, but the accel pedal is your best and simplist option :sly:.

The accelerator pedal and a lack of it is what gets the Mini turning.

I'll give the brake balance a go. I try "pedalling" out of it but as soon as I brake traction the car straight lines off line (I always drive with 0 T/C).

I think I'll blow the dust off the Swift for the OPEN races.

Yah, generally FWD cars tend to veer straight when you brake traction.:sly: The Swift will get eaten btw.
Looking forward to tonight guys,

Please all that are going to race take note of the race specifics, including the open races pp limits reduced to 530!!

Keep it clean and have fun!!
I might get to some of the races, not sure yet. I"ll post later to tell you if i'm going to be there. I really enjoy MNR so i'm hoping I get the time to race.
Hope to have some more fun racing tonight lads. Had a quick squirt today after work to sort out my 530PP powered 'Open' car. Decided to just detune my Golf Gti from last week. Doubt it will be competitive, but whatever happens i'll have a smile on my dial :)

Have not touched the Mini or the stock Integra since last week ...... so watch out for the flying cobwebs comming off my car :sly:

Fingers crossed that random idiots dont cause havoc. I'm still paying off the panel beating bill from the other week!
Might, be there tonight for a few races. Depends on how quickly this thunderstorm passes our town. Thunder and lightning everywhere, so not really willing to risk the PS3.
Have not touched the Mini or the stock Integra since last week ...... so watch out for the flying cobwebs comming off my car :sly:

Fingers crossed that random idiots dont cause havoc. I'm still paying off the panel beating bill from the other week!

I haven't touched an Integra since.......... I don't remember it was so long ago!:lol: Luckily The Lion's Den has an in-house panel shop.:sly:

Edit: @ Mad, that's what happened to me last week.
Yeah, I was just thinking that Paulie. It should be gone by 9:03.

I see, so at 9:02:59 it will still be a raging storm.:sly: J/K mate.👍 Hope to see you at the last Integra race of the night, it's the only one I'm going to.:)
:lol: Paulie. I probably won't be at the last race.

EDIT: I will definetely be racing guys, should be great fun. Can't wait.:D
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OK, maybe I will bring my 147 to the party at 21:12 and 21:35. Only because I've got lots of time left until then.
Sorry for lagging so bad in race 2, not sure why that happened. Thanks for the races everyone.👍
Whoa I changed my mind again. 530 PP on S3 tyres in an Alfa 147 is too much power. Mainly because of Prologue's arcade like way of modification that there's no low down power or torque, but also that's probably more than the chassis can handle. I'll still sit out until the Integra race.

Edit: I'm not how you'd say "over the moon" with that race, as it was the only one I entered and I got DC'ed on the start straight.:(
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All in all i probably got around 3 - 4 minutes of good lag free racing tonight. I think my connection was fizzled, cause some guys were warping really bad for some races, and the rest all had some degree of lag for the majority of racing. Sorry if this caused any grief to anyone during racing.

Race 1 (Stock Integra)
Found myself tussling with Des and PH for last place for a lap or two. Big internet warp and i found myself in the kitty litter. To add to the fun one of the 'randoms' decided to punt me off. Saw Hollo get punted by a 'random too'. Not much fun.

Race 2 (550PP Mini)
Chronic warping by one of the GTP guys was really bad. Had sand being blasted all over my view and i found it really hard to see the track with great plumes of sand at every bend. The some idiot 'random' (i think it was Xurro_1987) bumped me. To top it off one of the aussie guys in a red car decided to rear end me into the sand. Not much fun either.

Race 3 (550PP Mini)
Trouble with matchmaking saw me as the only guy in amongst 3 'randoms'. *yawn* Not much fun.

Race 4 (530PP Open)
Took my detuned Golf GTi out and saw Tizzla and vrmm streak away as i tried to see around one of the Mazda family sedans on its way back from shopping . Had a good tussle with Dodo for a lap or two before Crazy joined in for some three way action (that doesn't sound right does it ....). One of the guys went for a very late, extreme inside move at 130R which was probably is not the best move which caused a bit of a sqeeze as he proceeded to swing across the track and onto the runoff area. Had some trouble with a bit of moving across down the back straight during this race too. Nothing a grown man like myself cant handle (or indeed remember )

Race 5 (530PP Open)
Got a tap and then as the driver waited, i passed and waited so we could at least have a couple of good laps. Lap 4 and one of the 'randoms' causes all sorts of mayhem and i end up sitting in the sand waiting for it all to end. Not much fun this one.

Race 6 (stock Integra)
Saw the two bro in laws (Tosk and Womble) tangle, retook position and mucked around a bit until i saw Dodo fast approaching. Had a good tussle for a couple of laps. Good fun. Hooray!

All in all, the lag and idiot randoms caused me a fair amount of grief tonight. I'll be glad to see the back of Suzuka as i think a couple of corners really dont lend themselves to friendly racing. The first corner crazyness seems to be a constant threat (not always caused by randoms). Take care on the first bend (particularly if you are bringing up the rear of the grid ... break extra early, its not a hotlap!). 130R seems to bring out the blinkers for some drivers. I think that if someone is on the far right, and then a driver moves on the inside to pass nice and early then fine. Its when a third guys decides to go to the extreme inside left and take the corner late i have a bit of a problem. Its a poor move that will only ever cause grief. I'd like to see guys refraine from diving down to extreme left (especially late) at 130R. And the last little twist before the end is 'just' two cars wide if you both co-operate. Take car gents and live to fight another day.

Poor night for me overall, hope you guys had better luck.
Had some awesome battles with Vrmm and TORC_monkeybusiness (think thats his name)

Your right rypien this track isnt good for online racing when there are random morons that dont know where to brake.

Great when its just us though

Thanks to all who attended 👍
Well I joined in for the first 2 opening races, and had a great time, had a bit of a disaster on the first corner in race 1 and was subsequently dead last and struggled to get back for the remainder of the race, but in doing so, had a great battle with mad;)

race 2 was unfortunate that i rear ended Tizzla braking for the final chickane, I felt guilty and tried to slow down, allowing mad to unexpectedly pass me via the sand, haha, i was then 2 seconds from the lead and all of a sudden on the back straight i was hit by a bolt of lightning and spun off! Thats lag for ya. Looking forward to the next races;)
Yeah, sorry about that lag Dan. Maybe it was the host or something, but it wasn't like that in race 1. My interent connection is a bit inconsistent but it's normally fine if AU/NZ driver hosts.
Yeah, sorry about that lag Dan. Maybe it was the host or something, but it wasn't like that in race 1. My interent connection is a bit inconsistent but it's normally fine if AU/NZ driver hosts.

yea that (CZ) guy hosted the 2nd race

Hope to see you there next week Dan 👍
EDIT - due to an event update, a change of plans was needed. Please find that this MNR will be held at SUZUKA RWD 550PP rather than the planned Fuji event. Updated schedule found a few poasts down.
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That would be TORC_stonemonkey, Crazyhorse as we all know him at TT. He raced as crazy_gtbn until changing his PSN I.D. for MNR

I think (CZ) is the country of the driver rather than referring to CrazyHorse :sly: