Aussies/Kiwis : Monday Night Racing

  • Thread starter Rypien
Please note that i've created a new sister thread for MNR over at my home TorcTalk forums -

Will try and work out next weeks races and have em posted in the next day or so. Not many options but i'll try and find some fun races :)

btw - forgot to say hello to the new drivers who participated in the last MNR's. Always good to see new faces on the grid and it was great racing with you all 👍 . I think we had a few occasions where the 12 grid spots allocated were not enough and a few guys got booted onto another grid!
The final race in the 512's was awesome - possibly the best online race i've ever been in.

My battle group was mainly TORC guys but was so close i was on the edge of my seat the entire race. Eventually finished 4th, my best MNR result.

Thanks again Rypien, you've got me hooked despite the grid problems (missed two races due to a full house!)
I've not had a chance to get anything set in concrete for Easter Monday. I know that many of you guys may have other plans and thats cool, but for anyone who wishes to have a couple of hours of racing then come along.

I hope to have the race schedule up by tommorrow night. Its definately going to be Daytona, but i'm not set on cars as yet (although the 4WD Alfa in tuned form is going to be in there somewhere, so test away if you wish ). Will post again when all is sorted.

Once again, thanks for all of the guys who are showing up for some racing. its been a blast and i'm really enjoying the racing and company. 👍
Hello lads. Having given Suzuka and Fuji a good working out over the past few weeks, its time to move the show over to Daytona. Rolling starts and banked turns will certainly add something new to the racing. I've picked two compulsory cars which i think will offer some fun driving, the Alfa being a great little car which will respond well to a good tune and race rubber, and the ole R34 Skyline which is still a great car even under the huge shadow that its big brother (the R35) casts over it. Godzilla lives and is a great drive in stock trim and with road tyres. The 'open' races will no doubt throw up one or two dominant car choices. I'm going to dust off my trustly AudiR8 which probably wont be competitive, but will sure put a smile on my face :)

Hope to see you guys on the grid!

EVENT - Expert Class PP600 / AWD / Daytona / PRO / 5laps

DATE - 13th April

TIME - 8:03pm start (GMT +10)

SYNCRONISED START TIMES - 8:03 / 8:23 / 8:43 / 9:03 / 9:23 / 9:43

- Drive cleanly. If you cause an accident please wait for other driver to pass. A post race message usually works wonders too.
- Dont get discouraged if we encounter 'random' idiots on the servers. Its bound to happen and we just have to try and stay out of trouble.
- Dont get discouraged if lag raises its ugly head (if its bad please try and keep a good gap between you and others). Lag is a reality sometimes.
- You may miss a scheduled race start time (dont stress, just take a break and join in next race start)
- Please read the individual 'comments' for each race, as there may be restrictioins or compulsory items that need to be placed on that particular car for that particular race.
- TCS (see individual race comments below).
- ABS optional
- Keep it civilised gents. Dont drive to win at all costs. Keep it competitive but most of all keep it clean and fun.

RACE 1 @ 8'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Alfa Romeo Brera 3.2 JTS Q4 '06
COMMENTS - R1 Tyres only. No TCS. Tune either car up to 600PP and adjust any setting you wish.

RACE 2 @ 8'23pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Alfa Romeo Brera 3.2 JTS Q4 '06
COMMENTS - R1 Tyres only. No TCS. Tune either car up to 600PP and adjust any setting you wish.

RACE 3 @ 8'43pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-spec II Nur '02
COMMENTS - Stock Tune. No PP adjustment. S3 Tyres. No TCS.

RACE 4 @ 9'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-spec II Nur '02
COMMENTS - Stock Tune. No PP adjustment. S3 Tyres. No TCS.

RACE 5 @ 9'23pm (GMT +10)
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres. TCS allowed. Tune any car up to 600PP and adjust any setting you like.

RACE 6 @ 9'43pm (GMT +10)
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres. TCS allowed. Tune any car up to 600PP and adjust any setting you like.

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Great combo's.👍 Except it says the event is at 550pp RWD suzuka instead of DR.
Just another observation, it's 600pp not 550pp. AlbertPark informed you as well on TorcTalk.

I'll stop correcting you now, sorry.
I had to buy the Alfa - never driven it before - and ran some laps at Daytona last night. The first thing I noticed is what terrible mirrors it has. I only ever use the in-car view (anything else is cheating :P) so I apologise in advance if I cut anyone off during the racing on Monday night - I just didn't see you!
- ABS optional

RACE 3 @ 8'43pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-spec II Nur '02
COMMENTS - Stock Tune. No PP adjustment. S3 Tyres. No TCS.

RACE 4 @ 9'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-spec II Nur '02
COMMENTS - Stock Tune. No PP adjustment. S3 Tyres. No TCS.


Hey guys, im new to the MNR but have been eyeing it up for a while, just moved house so i have set my wheel back up and am getting back into GT5P.

Just a question on race 3 and 4, since i run with ABS=0 and your meant to run stock tune, i was wondering if its ok to adjust brake bias for running with ABS=0 because Brake bias at defaul 5/5 is just going to kill me for running with ABS off.

Look forward to racing tonight, and just a word of warning for fellow racers behind me going into turn1, racing with ABS=0 makes this a pain of a corner and you'll see me braking much earlier than what ABS runners will be braking.

I'm from NZ by the way, Invercargill (almost all the way at the bottom of NZ)
It should be ok to change the brake balance if you're using ABS=0. Most people use ABS=1 so that's why that rule exists. I can't see anything wrong with you changing it so i'd say it's fine. Race you soon.👍
1st of all great to see another kiwi!! i Think i saw you in a race aaaages ago randomly.

As for the ABS question, i would seriously reccomend you just use ABS, MNR provides seriously close racing and if your going to be braking earlier everywhere you will get rammed off.

See you all tonight!
1st of all great to see another kiwi!! i Think i saw you in a race aaaages ago randomly.

As for the ABS question, i would seriously reccomend you just use ABS, MNR provides seriously close racing and if your going to be braking earlier everywhere you will get rammed off.

See you all tonight!

well seeing as this is my first few days back in GT5P after 6 months off (with a game here and there during) i dont expect to be tooth and nail first night. And i only brake earlier on turn1 cos braking coming off the main circuit into the 'road' just throws the car off and into a spin, dunno if that applies to ABS1 or not, but ABS0 its a pain. Everywhere else i can brake just as late as anyone on ABS1. Although i am inexperianced with Daytona Road and AWD cars so it'll be a learning experiance.

And if i was driving a Ferrari, more than likely the F40, then yeah it probably was me. 90% of my GT5P career has been F40/Suzuka/NoABS lol

Thanks for the welcome, looking forward to getting back into GT5P!! :D
Top quality racing tonight 👍

Agreed. Had a couple of really close races with you TiZzla and had a close one with vrrm in race 3. Full write up from me tomorrow, too tired now.:dopey:
Cheers to all the GTP and TORC guys who gave provided some clean, fast racing tonight. 👍 really enjoyed it, be back next week for as you say Tizzla, top quality racing :)
Well this week for me, wasn't as good as last week & this is purely down to the crap online system that this game has. 3 out of the 6 races I, along with a couple of other guys, wasn't in the main grid with everyone. I thought the game could support 16 car grids? I guess not..

Race 1: Slow load, not in the main grid, instead in a 5 car grid including myself, 2 other AU players. Wasn't much to this race. On lap 1 encountered punters, dirty drivers & bad lag. Decided after 1 lap to park it in the pits. Finished last which was 5th.

Race 2: Again not in the main grid, this time 8 car grid with a few TORC guys. Was second for most of the race behind an english player who decided he wanted to win at all costs & because of this got blocked right at the end losing a lot of my speed and finishing 3rd.

Race 3: Great 3 way battle for the lead the entire race, can't quite remember with who. Sat behind these 2 guys for the first 3 laps but then decided to go for it after that. The lead was swapped a number of times over the last 2 laps with a very close finish. Came 1st.

Race 4: Came 5th in this one, started towards the back and tried to work my way through. There were a couple of incidents in this race between myself and lion-face, i think? First, I was passing him along the back straight & there was a definite gap between our 2 cars yet it seemed like an invisible wall or object was there and we kept touching each other, which I hope he didn't think that I was banging into him or anything. Then on another lap the role was reversed and he had a draft on me & I anticipated that he would go for the pass into the chicane so I set myself up for this. However he chose to fall back in behind at the last moment & so I was in the wrong spot for the corner, went in too deep and got sideways and on the grass. Im not sure if he was trying to avoid me or made the same mistake but he too lost it. I at least managed to re correct the car and kept going however he wasn't so lucky. So mate im sorry about those incidents, it was purely accidental, but if i ruined your race, I apologize.

Race 5: Wasn't sure how I'd go in this one as I had a good tune for the R34 yet for some dumb reason it didn't save so at the last minute I had to come up with another tune. Also on the grid loading sheet it showed me as 2nd, yet when the race started I was 9th which I wasn't happy about. Had lots of pace against the other cars, especially in top speed & ended up finishing 3rd, catching the 2nd place car quite quickly towards the end.

Race 6: Again not in the main grid, this time only a 3 car race. Not much to it, came 1st.

2 other races afterwards: First one stayed with the R34 again while everyone else pretty much went with the WRX. Was about 4th but during the first lap was hit off & that was race over. Pushed too hard to catch back up & lost it in the chicane, so decided to park it in pits for the rest of the race. The second race I chose the WRX but hadn't really tested it at all so on lap 1, locked the brakes and went right off. Was 9th by then but managed to slice my way through the field to finish 3rd.

Overall not bad, especially considering I hadn't race online at daytona before. Just annoyed about missing those 3 races :(

* Just a couple of observations i also noticed during the night. Maybe its because I've never raced online at daytona before & don't know the rules fully but some of the racing by people, I had to question during the night. As far as I was aware, online racing follows most of the real life rules. So at daytona, you'd take the nascar rule and say a pass can't be made under the white line, if it is you give the position back. Yet many times, people instead of going around me on the race track, decided to drive underneath me & the white line to make the pass. Isn't' this illegal? I spent the entire night obeying this, feeling like the sucker who either didnt know the rules properly or was the one who decided to not to take advantage of that. So clarification would be good.

Secondly, again following the nascar type rule or how it works, when drafting at daytona, shouldn't it be, you pick a particular line of the corner and if another car/s on a different line have a draft and are going by you or about to go by you, you hold your line. What i saw a few times tonight was a car say on the bottom line, Id be behind them, have a big draft, pull out to go by them & then they'd pull their car up the race track in an attempt to block me, often at the last minute right as i was in the process of going by them. That's pretty dangerous if you ask me. I can understand 'some' blocking on the last lap, especially on the straights but this was happening even on the first lap & in the corners. I know there is no rule which says you must let a car drafting you go by easily but at daytona of all places, that's the beauty of it, cars drafting each other and constantly swapping positions. Not dangerously trying to stay ahead of someone by swerving up or down the race track.

Maybe I'm wrong & just don't the rules well enough but some of moves tonight felt questionable to me. Anyway, overall had a fun time, look forward to next week :)
Great write up.👍

In my opinion it's illegal to pass below the yellow line.

The second point is a very tricky one. I accidently blocked tizzla tonight going from the bottom of the track to the top. It's difficult know which way the drafter will pull out. It's very hard to judge that rule. Because some people hold their line and others follow the racing line, it's a feature of the track.
Race 4: Came 5th in this one, started towards the back and tried to work my way through. There were a couple of incidents in this race between myself and lion-face, i think?

* Just a couple of observations i also noticed during the night. Maybe its because I've never raced online at daytona before & don't know the rules fully but some of the racing by people, I had to question during the night. As far as I was aware, online racing follows most of the real life rules. So at daytona, you'd take the nascar rule and say a pass can't be made under the white line, if it is you give the position back. Yet many times, people instead of going around me on the race track, decided to drive underneath me & the white line to make the pass. Isn't' this illegal? I spent the entire night obeying this, feeling like the sucker who either didnt know the rules properly or was the one who decided to not to take advantage of that. So clarification would be good.

Secondly, again following the nascar type rule or how it works, when drafting at daytona, shouldn't it be, you pick a particular line of the corner and if another car/s on a different line have a draft and are going by you or about to go by you, you hold your line. What i saw a few times tonight was a car say on the bottom line, Id be behind them, have a big draft, pull out to go by them & then they'd pull their car up the race track in an attempt to block me, often at the last minute right as i was in the process of going by them. That's pretty dangerous if you ask me. I can understand 'some' blocking on the last lap, especially on the straights but this was happening even on the first lap & in the corners. I know there is no rule which says you must let a car drafting you go by easily but at daytona of all places, that's the beauty of it, cars drafting each other and constantly swapping positions. Not dangerously trying to stay ahead of someone by swerving up or down the race track.

Maybe I'm wrong & just don't the rules well enough but some of moves tonight felt questionable to me. Anyway, overall had a fun time, look forward to next week :)

No need to apologize, i was not the cleanest driver on the grid by any means and for the most part i was trying to avoid people but i think i got myself in more trouble by doing so. You were fine, i enjoyed myself so i wasnt too worried when i was tipped off or missed a braking zone by a few hundred meters lol.

As for your observations, personally, i forgot the 'do not pass under the white line' rule and i did a couple of times. I wont be doing that again.

The drafting, often i wasnt moving up the track to block people, i was moving for them to take the bottom line around the banks so i could re-draft them on the straight. Working with each others draft to catch cars in front....unfortunately it didnt work as well as the theory, a bit hard on Daytona Road. Also i didnt think of holding the bottom line coming out of the corner, because i have little experiance on Speedway ovals and I dont follow Nascar at all, i would just take the 'racing line' from the apex of the corner out to the outer edge of the straight and probably caught a few people because of it. I will know for next time.
Good fun last night gents
Daytona has a wide track so not to many "accidental" punts going on - mainly poor decisions from myself in the heat of battle.

I was one of those who took the inside run under the white line aleast once - was not really my intention to make an illegal move but three wide coming past the pit entry after a big draft and then getting squeezed closer to the grass to stop the move seemed to justify an attempt - sorry if it put any body off their line coming into T1.

I look forward to the next one!

PS: Good to see you on track Lion Face
No need to apologize, i was not the cleanest driver on the grid by any means and for the most part i was trying to avoid people but i think i got myself in more trouble by doing so. You were fine, i enjoyed myself so i wasnt too worried when i was tipped off or missed a braking zone by a few hundred meters lol.

As for your observations, personally, i forgot the 'do not pass under the white line' rule and i did a couple of times. I wont be doing that again.

The drafting, often i wasnt moving up the track to block people, i was moving for them to take the bottom line around the banks so i could re-draft them on the straight. Working with each others draft to catch cars in front....unfortunately it didnt work as well as the theory, a bit hard on Daytona Road. Also i didnt think of holding the bottom line coming out of the corner, because i have little experiance on Speedway ovals and I dont follow Nascar at all, i would just take the 'racing line' from the apex of the corner out to the outer edge of the straight and probably caught a few people because of it. I will know for next time.

Yeah this is perfectly fine by me, playing a bit of tactics to get the best draft, nothing wrong with that :sly: The problem, like at most tracks when drafting comes into play, is some people decide at the very last moment to move or cut over to block or even do this while the pass is taking place, creating potential accidents. If a driver is going to change his line to block the drafting car, it should be done in advance, so that the following driver isn't forced to take sudden evasive action to avoid collision. Well that's just my take on it. The point before was more just that some people seemed more concerned about blocking others and holding them off then trading places by drafting each other, which like nascar at super speedways, is far faster than slowing each other down by trying to hold your position.

On your point about holding the line out of the corner, it depends, when you're alone or don't have someone making a pass on you, then its perfectly fine to do that, take the bottom line then come out of the corner and head towards the outer wall. However if you're on the bottom and someone is to the right of you (the outside), like at daytona, then obviously you wouldn't take your normal line out of the corner because then you'd come up and either hit them or run them into the wall. Common sense really I guess.

Im glad you guys at least think that the no passes under the white line rule is correct. I can understand it in certain circumstances, for example getting run down there on purpose by a driver or having to do that to avoid a crash, but saw it happen numerous times last night so just wanted to check 👍
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Good fun last night gents
Daytona has a wide track so not to many "accidental" punts going on - mainly poor decisions from myself in the heat of battle.

I look forward to the next one!

PS: Good to see you on track Lion Face

Yeah you scared the crap outta me when you drafted me, along the backstraight, pulled into my line and then put the anchors on for the chicane, had me making a desperate late brake down your inside to avoid an accident, managed to pull it off cleanly (on my screen) and held on coming out of the chicane. Had to change my pants after that one, good fun though! :D

Hopefully next week i will be a bit more in-line and cleaner with my racing. Definantly looking forward to more events!
Yeah sorry about that pass dude - i realised that at that speed i was not going to make the entry into bus stop at that angle so threw it infront of you only to see in the corner of my eye you busting loose to avoid the crash - was supprised to see you survive it!
My bad - I owe you one :)