Ok so I think I was (a little) wrong about the ability to close the loop in your timeline.
So let's suppose for a moment that you're cap, and you're in a timeline where you realize that you went back in time and reconnected with your ex. So you're like... ok so I have to go back in time and reconnect with my ex. Well, no, you can't do that. Because you're already present in your own timeline. So if you go back in time to reconnect with your ex, your timeline already included a cap at that particular time, and will now have
two caps at that time. Kinda like the two tonys that exist right before Loki escapes. You simply cannot participate in your own timeline through time travel. The moment you go back, atoms change, things adjust, memories are different, and you're in a different universe.
So is there any way to make this work?
I think there is, but it requires something that they did not talk about in the show. One question I had was how anyone could affect the future of any existing timeline. Can you simply only create new timelines, new universes, while never actually affecting the future of any of those universes once you create them? Well we know you can affect the future of the universe you can create while you're there. Because it's playing out in real time. But could you
return to a universe you created with time travel, and affect the future of that universe? That's kinda what's proposed in Endgame. Does it create a paradox?
I don't think it does, but only if you return to that universe
after you were there previously. If you return to that universe
prior to when you had created it, you'd be essentially returning to your own timeline (prior to the bifurcation) and would therefore be splitting a new universe. You can't affect the future of the new universe any more than you could affect your own. However, you should be able to travel to the future in that universe, at any time (including well beyond the advancement of your own universe) after you had created it. And if you think hard enough about this (and apparently that's where my head is right now), that's
required in order for you to be able to return to
your own timeline. Because once you create this new timeline that is bifurcated from "yours", that new one is now yours. The only way you can go back to yours is to go to a point in time that occurs
after you left. If you go to any time
before you left, you're creating something new.
There's another little tidbit here that you have to give to the movie, which is the ability to pick between alternate universes to travel. In order to return to a universe you created, you have to be able to select which one you want to go to. That's tricky as hell, but I think you just have to assume that they invented that
So cap could go to alternate universes and return the stones if he arrived
only after those universes were created. So he needed to do a bunch of time travel sessions in order to return the stones (not shown or implied). And finally, in order to live out his life, he needs to
find the universe that the cap that created his universe (the one that lived his life with his ex, the one that shows up in the end of Endgame) came from, and go to that one to live out his life. Except he couldn't, because that would be affecting the future of a universe after it must necessarily exist. So that's impossible.
So basically, what we're left with, is that the cap at the end of Endgame is not the cap that leaves. And we don't know where the cap that leaves ends up. What we do now is that the timeline in the avengers was
created by a cap that returns to it. But the cap that leaves can never affect that past, and can never affect the one universe where he never returns.
It's possible that the cap that leaves simply returns to his own time a split second before the second cap showed up, thereby creating a new universe for him to exist in. That would create an infinite number of universes as each cap bails on his universe to start a new one. The only one where he never returns is the first one.
Ok hopefully I can stop thinking about this now.