I'll let you know next time I'm in there. Didn't even strike me as up here.
Thank you.
I'm still trying to figure out what resolution I'm okay uploading. I feel like that resolution is too high but any less detail reduces the impact of the image. I still haven't adopted a watermark system yet, and I feel that it would be wise to do so. Would appreciate your thoughts on either/or aspects if you don't mind.
My flat res that I go to for anything is 1500px on the longest side running at 96dpi. Don't ask me how I came to that, I just did haha. I'm sure you can relate as you are probably running a high res screen, but it destroys my soul editing something on the retina display and then upload it to FB and ALL of it is gone. But I find that size is what works and its the size that I am happy if someone else needs to download it for their own personal use without my consent. I am pretty sure any photo posted on the fb page (
https://www.facebook.com/alastairbrookvisuals - please excuse the meagre following) are all running that res. I would love nothing more than to throw up the full res thing, but I figure the potential losses far outweigh the gains of giving something only a fraction of viewers would appreciate.
As for the watermark, some people think I put a lot of thought into it, but it is really just a spruced up digitisation of what I used to sign any drawing I did in school. It can get kind of annoying as sometimes I get more comment on the watermark than the photos it appears on, but I guess it's all good. It has helped me build an identity though, I do get people who recognise the signature and then remember where they have seen the work before with the whole "Oh I have seen your work around the place", so that's nice and I guess it helps build an audience. But all in all, yeah I would consider the watermark sooner rather than later, for peace of mind if not anything else - people can always crop/clone out but at least you have all the originals you can throw at them if you come across them. The system I use is just having a vector and PSD file on hand in black, that I just throw in at the end when I resize (not on the master file), change the colour, perhaps overlay and opacity, and done. I know some people have an automation for it, but I guess it depends on the size, shape and if it intrudes with any of the subject.
I always shy away from wordy watermarks though. I think people instantly remember shapes more than words they ave read. This could be just me...
I feel I am saying all of this stuff that you'd already know