Azuremen's photos - Spring and Summer vibes

  • Thread starter Azuremen
The 'untitled' shot is great - really lets the viewer infer a story and DOF is just right to draw attention to the dude (I would personally have cropped out the parking meter but that just me). 'Art' leaves me a bit cold - not much connection between the wall lettering and the woman, and the brickwork dominates the image.

My thinking that cropping out the parking meter would draw the main subject too close to the edge of frame.
I like it as is. 👍
On cropping the meter out, I felt leaving it in (add the headlights in the upper corner) added quite a bit of context.

On "Art," I just liked the indifferent aspect of the building to the girl, with the regular structure of the bricks feeling rather contradictory to art.
Some C&C if you don't mind:

Both "Developments" and "Yards" are technically faultless, but the composition isn't working for me on the former (trees need trunks to add perspective maybe) and the latter my eye doesn't know where to go although as I mentioned, the exposure is spot on.

I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of the 12mm's distortion's in this image (which seem absent from "The Edge".
I actually love the balance in Yard and I think it has a great flow from the front to the back and the lighting is really well balanced, but the Andreas Gursky fanboy in me is crying out for a landscape crop of Developments above the palm trees.

I get the inclusion of them and no doubt it works as a photo, but I'm all about them repetitive strong textures and lines :P
Some C&C if you don't mind:

Both "Developments" and "Yards" are technically faultless, but the composition isn't working for me on the former (trees need trunks to add perspective maybe) and the latter my eye doesn't know where to go although as I mentioned, the exposure is spot on.

The crop felt awkward with the bottoms of the trees and other structures in Developments. I wouldn't have minded having a touch more negative space on the left of Yard but in general it was the best composition I could arrange given the restraints at hand.

I actually love the balance in Yard and I think it has a great flow from the front to the back and the lighting is really well balanced, but the Andreas Gursky fanboy in me is crying out for a landscape crop of Developments above the palm trees.

I get the inclusion of them and no doubt it works as a photo, but I'm all about them repetitive strong textures and lines :P

If I had more resolution, I'd consider the crop. But part of me is partial to the portrait crop for that one and the swoop made by the treeline.

Thanks for the input, gents.

Another from Berlin...

Green Light

Canon EOS M ~ Rokinon 12mm F/2 NCS
Every time I look at that I think it's crooked and I'm like wtf Cody. Then I stare and it's perfect. :crazy:
Every time I look at that I think it's crooked and I'm like wtf Cody. Then I stare and it's perfect. :crazy:

Probably from being off vertical plane by 1 degree between the XY axes, slightly to my left. Ultra-wides are really touchy about being off-axis, makes geometric photos a bit tricky at times.
How are you liking the A7? Now that I've been without a camera for half a year I'm considering just adding to my student loans and buying one.
How are you liking the A7? Now that I've been without a camera for half a year I'm considering just adding to my student loans and buying one.

I love it and it just is always fun to pick it up and use it with the variety of legacy lenses I own. I'm not sure how it feels with E mount lenses beyond the brief stint at a Sony store in Berlin, but the zooms I got to fiddle with seemed alright. Ergonomics aren't bad but could be better... though not too different than a variety of film bodies I've worked with. Which is probably why many people assume I'm shooting film when I have one of my many normal lenses on. My biggest gripes are the awkward menus and the sensor reflection when having point light sources near the edge of the frame. The latter isn't an issue outside of certain night shooting situations, but still can be distracting.

But I like it enough that I'm selling some of my Canon gear (holding onto the 17-40L, 135L and speedlite as workhorses) and planning to stay in the Sony FE system now that the a7Rii has fast AF for third party lenses. I could see myself getting an a7S down the road seeing that I have 500 photos at ISO 1600 and beyond from a single event weekend :crazy:

Though, if I was buying in a vacuum and wanted native lenses, some of the Fuji and M4/3 offerings are appealing, though they still struggle in low light/high ISO situations.

Somewhat relevant photo...

Five Fifties

Sony a7 ~ CPC Phase 2 28mm F/2.8