Okei, I have another question for you...
I am also struggling with this event, more specific, the Cote d'Azur race. My Driver is lvl 25, driving the Toyota 7, modded and with racing medium. I have adjusted the gear ratio and downforce. BUT, on every lap, every time i enter the race, at the cicane after the tunnel, on of the opponents (often the one in 6th place) carshes, causing Bob to stop. Then, Bob goes on to turn to early in the last cicane before the finish line, making him crash in the railing and get stuck. By the end of the lap Bob is in last place.
As I said this happens every time, no matter what i do: pace down, pace up, overtake, whatever.
Does anyone have a solution to my problem?
I would like to take the opportunity to get out some frustration on the game in general. The game is a huge disapointment. It should have been impossible to create a game with this many flaws with 6 years in production!