RamubyWhy i don't download a widget yahoo for PC?
Thank you
how do i fix the temporary server issue?
Has anyone got the option 'Balance Driver by Credit' to work under Manage Drivers?
One of my BOB is already over 20 mill...will another is still around 10 mill and has not raced in weeks.
I can't tell if my widget is screwed up because of that or some GT server issues
when I try to do a remote race using the B-Spec Grinder, it just goes through the process: [Reserving drivers --> loading race events --> Starting race --> Race ended] over and over again, and no races go on
I also have the impression GT5 blocks a lot more then it used to do.
But clearly from the races others were doing for me, I would say there is a general issue in stability for the moment.
Did some remote races today (that worked), really have trouble to get the widget to start the races regularly. For me GT5 blocked 3 times already today.
That option works fine, but it's only for the "hosting" Bob, not the Bobs being raced by others.
Clearly not working for me, since that one shared BOB haven't raced in weeks..
I'm hosting almost everyday too.
AbGedrehtHey guys,
I downloaded the grinder few days ago. I used it once and it works with no problems.
Now i started it, logged in but then it shows me 'Reserving Drivers', and then nothing...
The link to the widget just redirects me to old stories on the news pages. Any help would be great!
Success! 1st race up and running. Also, what's a good setting for driver reservation and concurrent threads?