B-Spec is infinitely broken, not fun, and isn't racing

  • Thread starter Conquerer
So for you guys somehow actually managing to enjoy this mode, how are you instructing your driver? Where do you keep him the most on the hot/cold bar for regular driving and passing other cars? Any certain methods?

My guy, one of them at least, is level 12, and, depending on the car of course, he can run good clean laps and pass people at 3/4 "pace." I do have to give him an overtake command some time.
Don't really get this mode at all.
Suppose it gives the single player game some artificial logetivity.
Yea, the rare time that your Bob does judge the corner well, comes out quicker than the guy in front of him, and you think to yourself: "Alright, just give him the overtake command since he is closing in quickly, and he'll probably get at least the inside line for the next corner if he'd not get ahead of him on time before the next corner", only to see him do that famous left to right or right to left jab manoeuvre and tuck his front bumper right in behind the car in front him.

Don't believe a single word what that fanboy said about not having any issues or 'timing it rightly'.
I'll agree, occasionally my bob will pull off a nice overtake move, but my goodness how I wish he wouldn't brake so early in those damn corners.
I think I am in the middle of this sort of argument. My B-Spec driver is doing decent enough, though does do some rather strange things at times, and it is a good way to make extra money in the game while you tend to other matters, returning to the controller on occasion to guide with pacing. But I agree as well that the B-Spec mode could use a lot of tuning and refinement, especially when training early-level drivers.

Also, I notice too that the drivers do a bit better when they aren't given something TOO powerful.
B-spec intially is frustrating because your driver really is quite rubbish but by the time they get to level 9-10 there faily decent and dont make too many mistakes.

Iv got 3 drivers now, hermans, senna and schumacher and they all drive quite differently, schumacher is awesome at overtaking!!! Hermans is consistent and senna is quite inconsistent but when on it probably my fastest driver.

What i would say is stick b-spec out and you will start to enjoy it and actually care how your drivers do plus it gains you good cash and some off the prize cars are awesome.......i got a Zonda R for free.

What i will add though is that on Ovals you will want to kill your driver, they do break in absurd places and hesitate to overtake, my neighbours nearly called the police after i gave hermans a torrent of abuse for repeatedly losing the truck race at daytona.....eventually after several tries and some serious BHP boosting he got the job done.

Cant say im looking forward to nascar with them, cant even win the 10 lapper at daytona myself!!!!
I have 6 drivers all are between levels 26 and 29. Some have more experience as they were the early drivers and did the 'heavy lifting' to get past the early part of the game. I have tried everything to get the drivers to perform as needed. Time after time I've watched as they have driven as if they want to give up a position not take it. I don't expect them to be as fast as I can be. I do expect them to be as fast as the other AI.

I ran the Formula Gt series the other day and with very little prodding they won the series only finishing 3rd in one race while winning the others (Monaco was a real tester). So they aren't always idiots.
Just pick a Bob with a high cornering ability and a coolish temperament. Then mash the overtake / pace up buttons as required.
I have noticed an improvement from when I started the game...

He still brakes early and relents the best line, when he currently has it...but not all the time.

10% of the time, he'll be a racer. I call that 10%...Brilliant Bobbage
My biggest problem is bob is brake happy and acceleration happy... he brakes hard, early and for no reason often, then gets on the gas way to hard out of the corners... this means he gets passed going into a corner and then gets passed as he spins out coming out of a corner.

And there are plenty of corners I can't even pace down enough to make him not spin out... now I am using cars I handled all these events in, if I have to buy a car that fits him or something I consider that broken... he should be able to do most of the events in the same car I did assuming I won easily and didn't just squeak out my victories...

That said I als agree and hate the way he is crap at overtaking... I will call overtake while he is in a more powerful car on a straight... he creeps up on one guy and if he doesnt clip his rear fender and screw up the pass he won't cary the momentum to pass the next guy on the straight... he dives in behind him, slows down then begins the pass again... usually only go get abut even with him and then chicken out and hold that position without passing.

Come the next turn, bob slows down and lets the other car get in front of him regardless of whether bobs on the inside or the outside.

It's like he's the nicest grandma you have ever seen or something, not a race driver.
My Bobs drive just fine. In fact the last 3 are undefeated now that I have the hang of it. Even managed to Gold all of the FGT events on the first try and won the Nascar and Historic Race Cars events as well. These are most likely the hardest events in B-Spec.
You'll need 4 for the endurance races to come

It's also nice to have different personality drivers, if one can't get the job done, normally a different personality can. I had to use my very hot driver in order to beat the Cote d' Azur race in the Historic Race Car Series. He was a lot more aggressive, and even bumped his way past a few of the other racers to take the win. My passive ones like nice openings before they pass, but on Cote d' Azur, that just doesn't happen. So they would get to second or third, and couldn't pass the leader before the race ended.
It's also nice to have different personality drivers, if one can't get the job done, normally a different personality can. I had to use my very hot driver in order to beat the Cote d' Azur race in the Historic Race Car Series. He was a lot more aggressive, and even bumped his way past a few of the other racers to take the win. My passive ones like nice openings before they pass, but on Cote d' Azur, that just doesn't happen. So they would get to second or third, and couldn't pass the leader before the race ended.

I found the same thing with Cote d' Azur. You really need an aggressive & experienced driver for these races, and you need to be a capable manager and choose the exact right overtaking spots.

B-spec is not broken, it's not perfect either though. The problems most of you are finding is through your own lack of experience and lack of experience of the drivers. Level 10 is a VERY low level B-spec driver, once you get up to mid 20's you will start to see good consistency, and ability to perform even when there strength is depleted.
I just put my weakest driver through the INDY 500 enduro race all by himself. He won and went from level 21 to level 25 instantly! Over 150G's of experience points and only 40 grand in cash. :lol: Now I have 3 drivers at level 25 and 3 at level 24. I can't wait to see what I get for the 24 hr races.
Yeah lots of Xp in the enduros but if you want money from B-Spec the dream car championship is the way to go. 22k per race and 200k bonus do the first 4 and abort the last for a little over 280k in about 80 minutes using an FGT unattended.
Yeah lots of Xp in the enduros but if you want money from B-Spec the dream car championship is the way to go. 22k per race and 200k bonus do the first 4 and abort the last for a little over 280k in about 80 minutes using an FGT unattended.

Dude, I used a Zonda R for the Dreamcar championship and that damn Jaguar XJR9 Race car was a real thorn in my side. :ouch:
Also, don't get XP level mixed up with actual Experience. I brought in my 4th driver in on higher XP level races and he went from 0 to level 4 in one race but hardly gained any experience. My first driver had to work his way up in the lower level races, which gained him less XP, but more experience. I just haven't figured out if experience = time on track or distance driven. My 3rd and 4th drivers are turning out to be my best at breaking and cornering, mostly because I picked them accordingly. I hadn't quite figured out the moods and abbilities for the first two. I'm enjoying B-spec and find myself watching and directing races when my intention was to just start it and do something else. While my drivers do break at Daytona in the tri-oval, I put that more to low experience than anything. Treat them like first time racers. Maybe retire your driver and pick one that leans a little more towards good corner and breaking abilities than anything else. One of my drivers had really low mental strength, but good at cornering and breaking. The latter two things make up for the mental strength most of the time.

The drivers are crap until they get to the high levels, they are a lot better then. Still slow as **** compared to a human though.
The drivers are crap until they get to the high levels, they are a lot better then. Still slow as **** compared to a human though.

Not true. I'll post a video by CoolColJ that shows a B-Spec Bob almost matching his lap time on Tsukuba with the Nissan GT-R V Spec. CoolColJ is no slouch of a driver either. They most definitely CAN be fast.
Yep, My drivers take care of me with cash prizes, and i take care of them by providing powerful WELL balanced cars. You can't just give them a car with high HP that are crappy to drive, best to test drive the cars first.
Short version: B-spec isn't for everyone. One would think this was obvious what with the massive variety of personalities aboard the good ship Mother Earth. I for example, don't like tennis, yet some people do. It's crazy!
You'll need 4 for the endurance races to come

i thought so too, but im half way threw with the endurance race's and it seems to not matter. i'l just enter one racer, even with the complete drain of his str/str-m it seems to not affect him from winning the race, and he gets a gutload of xp, infact my b-spec lvl is 30 and hes a class 33.

im still not so sure, if its true that you will need to retire a racer because he got too long in the tooth. so i have all 5 slots activated.
sidenote: once youve ulocked endurance race's drop a class 0 in with some others. he only needs one full run, from pitstop to pitstop and he'll get bumbed up to class 14 or better, so it wont be hard to getting new ones to par.

for the op, i think b-spec is the is extremely simple, and can be fun if youll let it ..if your having issues on an event just go to another and lvl up then come back. (i'l add, the "chrome line" really comes in handy from beginner to professional)
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I love B-Spec. It's much better racing than when I race. I destroy the AI, but Bob has a pretty good race sometimes.

The Formula GT World Championship is especially fun. At Monaco I had more fun watching and directing than I usually have watching a real Formula 1 race. It was pretty exciting.

The NASCAR races were also pretty fun. I won them all without trouble, but working through the traffic in the beginning is exciting.

A tip for the ovals, just hammer on the increase pace and keep him full red. That's the only way to keep him from braking at the tri-oval. At low levels they're pretty retarded and have trouble winning even with better cars, but it gets pretty awesome later when they're racing in the same cars and winning.
I agree 100%. Like the wind is just ridiculous. My guy brakes almost 70% on every corner as I watch the other cars either catch up or fly by. I beat the event but damn. Then when I tell my driver to pass he looks and then says "hey I guess I should back off and reduce my speed by about 100mph." Drives me NUTS!
I agree 100%. Like the wind is just ridiculous. My guy brakes almost 70% on every corner as I watch the other cars either catch up or fly by. I beat the event but damn. Then when I tell my driver to pass he looks and then says "hey I guess I should back off and reduce my speed by about 100mph." Drives me NUTS!

Check out the post above yours :sly:

With the overtake/slowing down thing, that usually occurs if you're too close to the car in front when you make the order. He'll instantly go to increase his speed then realize he's about to shunt the opponent which is what makes him slow down. If he's far enough behind you should get a smooth overtake.
Dude, I used a Zonda R for the Dreamcar championship and that damn Jaguar XJR9 Race car was a real thorn in my side. :ouch:
The Jag is not in the same class as the rest of them. I would suggest you back out and restart if you are running a Zonda and see the Jag in the lineup. He is only there part of the time.

Anyway I am letting Bob run them and he is using the FGT so the Jag gets lapped just like everyone else :)

As to the pace I noticed when Bob is running the FGT If I keep him full red he will hit the corners over 200mph if he is in the middle he will slow to 190 or so and if he is full blue he will slow to 170 or so also he will not pass other cars right away when he is cool but will heat up when he gets close and pass on his own. In the FGT this is not a problem but in a more even car he will loose because of this. Also if you push him full red then everytime he comes up to a car to pass there is a chance he will loose control. Small chance on ovals but yet it is there and does happen sometimes. Keep him Red to get to the front and do not let him drop below center and he will pullaway from the pack. Also when he starts to come upon lapped traffic tell him to over take as he gets close and he is less likely to settle in behind and let the others catch him.
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yeah, sometimes B-Spec is downright frustrating. I'm grinding right now on the Daytona Speedway in my Veyron, and he brakes around EVERY turn, HARD.

I can't even finish the truck race because he brakes all the time on Daytona. And this other track, I forget the name, after exiting a turn he would end up in the pit lane. He did this at least 4 times before he actually won that race.

I finished the truck race on Daytona. Just give your truck all upgrades and keep putting pace up and overtake and he won't brake. TRUST ME it works. My driver was 12 seconds ahead at the end (he is level 10). It still is very :ouch: though.
I'm level 27 in B-Spec no problems here and all 6 drivers doing well. Having the Toyota Minolta just lets you walk away and let the bobs do their thing, occasionally checking on them every once in a while to see when the race is almost over.