B-Spec is infinitely broken, not fun, and isn't racing

  • Thread starter Conquerer
If Bob is struggling, always check you have the best tires allowed for the race. I often put racing medium/soft tires on a mildly tuned car when in A spec. Only problem is that max limit on tires in B spec is usually sports hard, so Bob ends up drifting and sliding all over the place because I haven't given him decent tires. He's trying to race a 480bhp machine on comfort medium tires! As soon as I wake up and smell the burning rubber I give him the tires he needs to win. I have done this at least a dozen times without realising as I'm usually extremely tired by the time Bob gets a drive at GT5.
I havn't done much b spec so im only level 4 but as said in many of the other posts keep the drivers temprement cool and he will drive better. The only times mine has lost is when hes been in an underpowered car.
Most of the problems with the Bspec drivers are (some already mentioned):

  • The Bspec drivers will drive to the limits of the tires and not more. This means if Bob is losing lateral grip (Daytona in a truck, doing 150+mph, on sport tires!,) he is going to slow down. For example when I put my level 0 driver in the Minolta Toyota (with decent tires for its performance,) he lets off of the throttle for a fraction of a second compared to hitting the brakes in my Lightning.
  • Bspec drivers will drive as fast as possible, while utilizing the driving line. This means if there is not enough room left in the straight, Bob will move back to the driving line instead of late braking to over take positions. This is very similar to how an inexperienced driver would react in a professional racing series.
  • Bspec drivers will drive as fast as they feel comfortable, unless you tell them other wise. This means they will slow for corners, hesitate to over take and generally drive very cautious. This is similar to a new racing driver being placed on a track without any feedback. How fast does he think he is going? How far off pace from the leader is he? How far behind him is the nearest competitor? Was he faster or slower on his last lap? When is the right time to pass? Bob doesn't know these things and expects help from someone else.

Bspec mode in general is very good. My Bspec drivers will never be as good as I am. Are some Bspec drivers better than some players? Yes. Expecting Bspec drivers to be as good as most players is just ridiculous. They will always get better but they are going to need some assistance from you, the player, to utilize their full potential.
I have had some interesting races in B-Spec. Most of the time I just give him a car that he can smoke the field with and leave him alone with great success but there have been some good races along the way especially at the lower levels.

I let him drive my RUF in the German B race and he was having trouble getting to the front on Nurburgring. He would be following another car looking for a place to pass getting hotter and hotter then longer he tried. When he would get into a suitable zone to pass I would tell him to go for it and everytime he would go up and bump the car in front get it a little loose then go around even if he had to grab some grass to do it. Was rather interesting and not what I expected out of Bob but he made it to the front and won the race using questionable human like tatics.

In another race on Indy in like the wind I gave him the Minolta and watched until he had a sizeable lead then I switched to the pc for a bit. I popped back over to the PS to see how he was doing and the race was just over one lap from finish. Bob was totally blue and coming up on a lapped car. which he tucked in behind and the other Minolta had caught up to him and used the slipstream to over take him and the lapped car. Now there is just over 1 lap to go and I though oh no Bob blew it. I told him to overtake he was already moving into the red and he almost spins the car in front of him on the way by and hammers it through the corner coming up into the slipstream of the other Minolta both cars are going flat out on the last lap and I tell Bob to overtake as he enters the last corner. OK. He comes up in the slipstream as they exit the corner and goes for the pass. He ends up winning by .012 seconds pretty much a photo finish.
My Bob beat the Dreamcar Championship with the Zonda R. Even with the Jag in the mix. :sly: It was hard though, it took a ton of concentration. It also took the right personality, the cool consistent one eventually pulled it off. The hothead would eventually just get so frustrated he would start hitting walls trying to go faster. :lol:

:lol: Whatever man, when Bob is in the middle of a straightaway, with no one around him, he doesn't brake. Just saying.

BS. Mine was in front by a large margin. Once he got the finish line he would slam on the brakes. Get over it.
I've got three B-spec drivers. Two of them are just mind-blowing morons. One of them was coming past a guy at Daytona - nobody else around, had the speed advantage, was driving right past him - so he lets off the throttle and slows down. He's perfectly happy to scrub off 20 mph of speed so he can maintain the perfect line through the corners - even though they're 100 feet wide. On road courses they're always on the gas, off the gas, on the gas - like they're having a seizure. Dive into a corner in third, bog out the engine, jam it into second, then wait until they've fully exited the corner and are headed down the straightaway - then finally hit the gas.

My third guy isn't so bad at all though. He's extremely aggressive, and if nothing else at least he's entertaining to watch. He often takes the lead, only to drive into a chicane way too fast and leave the whole section of the track engulfed in tire smoke. He likes to get in the middle of tight corners and floor it, well before the apex. Once he got it fishtailing under hard acceleration, but he wouldn't back off. He kept it floored and rode it out :sly: I love that guy.
I'm honestly going to deal with B-Spec by using the X1. Until I get that car, I won't touch it. If the X1 can't enter, I won't do the race.

It's really upsetting that B-Spec has some nice prize cars too.
Is there any official instruction from PD about how exactly B-Spec works?
There are so many conflicting opinions about how it works i.e

1) Do the drivers require less direction as the level up?
2) What is the exact level of management needed for drivers?
3) Whats the exact use of "Maintain Pace"? does he continue with the last command I issued or is it a different command?
4) Is there an exact path for leveling up? i.e whats the difference between level 2 and level 3 etc.

Its just too vauge and infuriating.
just get the x1 and you see how fast the b spec guys drive... its insane in some cornors

try to push in a spec as hard u can you will crash out cuz of the extreme speed

got 4 bobs on lvl 31 they drive well... would say faster than me with the x1
only overtake sucks...
Stop trying to pass off your own inabilities as a broken system. It's YOU who has the problem, not the game.

No it's the game too. He's exaggerating a bit but it makes little sense for you to claim it's his inabilities when it's the game's AI that's doing the driving. My B-spec driver always has a car more than qualified to win the races he enters and in addition to that I tune it up and test it myself for the races that I expect to be close. So long as I maintain a steady pace, and tell him to overtake when he should, I expect to win, but since B-spec is garbage, there are still races that can't be won when I'm well above the minimum level to access the race. At level 25, he'll still slow down and tailgate, he'll still try to bash through cars that have crashed instead of going around them, he'll still occasionally drift around turns when he shouldn't (and it's not because he's at a high pace either), he'll still overlook numerous opportunities to pass the opposition. He sucks and the b-spec mode sucks.
Ultimate B-spec winning technique:

slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds.

I think you get the point.

I'm level 22 in B-spec, I'm good at it, but I think it sucks. I think it is broken.

All you need to do is to tell your driver to slow down 20 times per lap so he keeps a good amount of phyisical strenght for the last few laps, and then you get in front of evryone because the AI drivers are dead tired and drive like retards.
Ultimate B-spec winning technique:

slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds.

I think you get the point.

I'm level 22 in B-spec, I'm good at it, but I think it sucks. I think it is broken.

All you need to do is to tell your driver to slow down 20 times per lap so he keeps a good amount of phyisical strenght for the last few laps, and then you get in front of evryone because the AI drivers are dead tired and drive like retards.

I´ve done this yesterday to win the Nascar race at Grand Valley. My retard driver couldn´t be pushed, as he would spin out and burnout on those hairpins. I waited until the AI had bad tires, and then told him to overtake.

I still hate b-spec though.
The B-Spec guys require less direction when they are in the right car for them in a given race. Only a few events really require you to direct the drivers if you give him a car that can overpower the field. If you want to make it interesting and give him a weaker car then it takes a lot of direction.

For the most part the B-Spec is pretty easy though you may need to skip a few races and come back to them later with a better driver or car.
B Spec in GT5 is one of the worst elements of any game I've ever seen, I mean you can't even pause! I'm at level 24 and it still isn't any better or any fun. There is so much wrong with this game in A-Spec mode and PD decided to include this rubbish and broken B-Spec mode? Ridiculous.
The only place I've ever seen my driver brake when he's alone and there's no reason for it it as the top of the track around that bend at Daytona. There's no reason to brake there and they do, other than that I've never experienced them randomly slamming on the brakes on a straight.

Everyone who's hating on B-Spec, have fun grinding you're way to 30 by repeating the same races over and over in A-Spec. B-Spec is not fun in the sense that you can sit there and direct them and enjoy it (at least I don't) but it's a welcome alternative to grinding to 30 in A-Spec and I can appreciate it for that. I'd rather set my driver up on an endurance race and come back in a few hours with a few hundred thousand exp than sit there and grind Indy 500 for days just to hit 30.
Is there any official instruction from PD about how exactly B-Spec works?
There are so many conflicting opinions about how it works i.e

1) Do the drivers require less direction as the level up?
2) What is the exact level of management needed for drivers?
3) Whats the exact use of "Maintain Pace"? does he continue with the last command I issued or is it a different command?
4) Is there an exact path for leveling up? i.e whats the difference between level 2 and level 3 etc.

Its just too vauge and infuriating.

Based on my experience (level 22 now):

1) They get better at driving, also at high 'hotness', so I found that drivers at higher levels require less instances of 'decrease pace', but for the rest they need normal coaching.
2) It depends on the race and the car you're driving. There were races in which I shouted Bob to the victory and races in which I just sat back.
It is clear though that spamming 'increase pace' and 'overtake' isn't the way to go (most of the time, sometimes it works :) )
3) I think it means just that. After increase pace Bob will drive faster, after decrease pace Bob will drive slower and after 'maintain pace' Bob will maintain the pace he was already on.
4) Some stats increase when you level up. I don't think there is any information as to whether or not the stats and amounts are related to the tracks driven, but as they go up at a level up, I guess it is the same for every driver on every track.
I have been doing a few B spec races tonight and my god can he drift :). Although the classic car race at monaco was a bit hairy he smashed the front end of my ferrari 512b :ouch: i wish id taken pics to put on now but i havn't.
The AI in Gran Turismo has always been well below par. Why they spend half the GT Life career forcing you to play B-Spec to remind you of that is beyond me. PD: More racing, less spectating please.
I think you have to be patient with your b-spec driver. I'm close to level 14th now and he's getting pretty good! Of course he still had his dumb *Bob moments*, but honestly, we all have our *Bob moments* ourselves, don't we? Give the little guy a chance!
After contemplating a lot of what's been said here regarding the Bobber boob learning and getting better I decided to take my best driver (lvl 30) back to that horrible classic race car event at Monaco. I probably ran that 20 times before my then level 20 something Boob won. He has not improved at all. Still running into walls, still braking 40 feet too early, still letting much slower cars pass him. He finished 10th. I would run the experiment again to see if I get the same results but my insurance policy won't pay off on a suicide.
i use b-spec while watching TV or working out. What's wrong with it? I get a little money and a few cars on the side while doing other things.
It's a joke.. EVERY b-spec race if im busy i have to guide him through the pack then watch him for a few laps to make sure he wont make mistakes then i can go away.. its a joke and b-spec sucks big time
Based on my experience (level 22 now):

1) They get better at driving, also at high 'hotness', so I found that drivers at higher levels require less instances of 'decrease pace', but for the rest they need normal coaching.
2) It depends on the race and the car you're driving. There were races in which I shouted Bob to the victory and races in which I just sat back.
It is clear though that spamming 'increase pace' and 'overtake' isn't the way to go (most of the time, sometimes it works :) )
3) I think it means just that. After increase pace Bob will drive faster, after decrease pace Bob will drive slower and after 'maintain pace' Bob will maintain the pace he was already on.
4) Some stats increase when you level up. I don't think there is any information as to whether or not the stats and amounts are related to the tracks driven, but as they go up at a level up, I guess it is the same for every driver on every track.

Thanks for your input, but if you look at other posts there are loads of people that contradict you.
Theres no way I'm wasting hours of my time trying to guide my moronic driver through the Vitz cup on the hope that he requires less instruction. Its a terrible addition to GT5, they should never have put it in the game.
I dont seem to have an issue with b-spec.

You have to give the guy a little slack - yes, he 'may' have some issues with certain corners at certain tracks, but dont we all?
There is still one corner on DF that i still cant get to grips with - and thats going back to GT3/2/(1?? i cant remember that far back anymore...)

And were you perfect the 1st time you raced, ever? seriously?
Back in the day, i got TOCA touring car - couldnt get past the 1st corner cos i didnt think to brake a bit. I learned though....

Yes, the amount of instructions you need to give in certain races can be more than necessary, but every driver needs instructions - have you not heard the race engineers telling F1 drivers to get a move on, or to go easy on the brakes?

Using the right tyres, and a decent suspension set up always helps - but remember - they are learning.

Im not saying b-spec is perfect, but its not as bad as people make out, just because the expectations of a newbie driver are too high
I dont care if my drivers come first or last (usually they come last) they still get the same xp - I'm just grinding until level 35. (I am level 16 just now).
Bob is fairly useless at low levels but begins to get good above level 20.

A quick way to train up new drivers is to enter events which requires more than one driver. Enter one high level driver and then the new driver(s) and let them all drive in turns. At the end of the race, all drivers will receive XP points and watch the new driver level up super quick.

A few races at most will see it go from level 0 to >level 10
After some time you'll get a selection of decently leveled drivers.