My Bob beat the Dreamcar Championship with the Zonda R. Even with the Jag in the mix.It was hard though, it took a ton of concentration. It also took the right personality, the cool consistent one eventually pulled it off. The hothead would eventually just get so frustrated he would start hitting walls trying to go faster.
:lol: Whatever man, when Bob is in the middle of a straightaway, with no one around him, he doesn't brake. Just saying.
Stop trying to pass off your own inabilities as a broken system. It's YOU who has the problem, not the game.
Ultimate B-spec winning technique:
slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds, slow-dow, wait ten seconds.
I think you get the point.
I'm level 22 in B-spec, I'm good at it, but I think it sucks. I think it is broken.
All you need to do is to tell your driver to slow down 20 times per lap so he keeps a good amount of phyisical strenght for the last few laps, and then you get in front of evryone because the AI drivers are dead tired and drive like retards.
Is there any official instruction from PD about how exactly B-Spec works?
There are so many conflicting opinions about how it works i.e
1) Do the drivers require less direction as the level up?
2) What is the exact level of management needed for drivers?
3) Whats the exact use of "Maintain Pace"? does he continue with the last command I issued or is it a different command?
4) Is there an exact path for leveling up? i.e whats the difference between level 2 and level 3 etc.
Its just too vauge and infuriating.
Based on my experience (level 22 now):
1) They get better at driving, also at high 'hotness', so I found that drivers at higher levels require less instances of 'decrease pace', but for the rest they need normal coaching.
2) It depends on the race and the car you're driving. There were races in which I shouted Bob to the victory and races in which I just sat back.
It is clear though that spamming 'increase pace' and 'overtake' isn't the way to go (most of the time, sometimes it works)
3) I think it means just that. After increase pace Bob will drive faster, after decrease pace Bob will drive slower and after 'maintain pace' Bob will maintain the pace he was already on.
4) Some stats increase when you level up. I don't think there is any information as to whether or not the stats and amounts are related to the tracks driven, but as they go up at a level up, I guess it is the same for every driver on every track.