Battlefield 1

  • Thread starter GTFan24
Mmm, now that DLC may make me buy this game after all.


Russian Imperial Army, new weapons and the female "Death Batallion".
So, finally got the Martini-Henry challenge done. Jeez, that took a while.

Some tips for those stuck dealing with that old rifle:
  1. Play aggressive. The "sweet spot" on the Martini is 30-80ish meters.
  2. Aim high. Chest and head shots are incredibly effective.
  3. Building off the first one: Pick your fights. You only get one shot in between reloads. Make sure you can guarantee a kill before you pull the trigger.
That said, I started an Operations on Fao Fortress with the M.H. Sniper and almost immediately headshot someone at 110 meters. :lol: I ended up having six or eight snipers trying to kill me at once.

I'm starting the one for the Huot Automatic Rifle, already have the Limpet Charge half done. Just toss those things into a gaggle of foes and you'll be good. The HAR is an oddity in the Support class in terms of how it behaves. It has significantly less recoil (almost non-existent and zilch on a bipod) than the other LMGs but has a tradeoff of an average rate of fire (450) and less than desirable damage.

After that, I'll pick back up on the Hellriegel Defensive challenge (those 🤬 AT mines, how do use?!) and then the Medic rifle. I'll probably be abusing the RSC 1917 to rank up Medic quickly.

Edit: Oh, and Battlefield 1 is buggy as usual:

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So i got Origin Access, and decided to give BF1 a spin, i haven't played Battlefield in over a year, and i dont know if i like it, i need to play more, since ive only been playing Arma. Its weird jumping from Modern Combat to WW1. Ill put more hours, maybe ill start enjoying it more.
I havnt played BF1 for a while. I have been looking forward to In The Name Of The Tsar for ages. One of the reasons i stopped playing was because of a seeming lact of content with only a few weapons being competitive. With the introduction of 10 new weapons and the incoming patch which tweaks every weapon (excluding snipers and pistols) im looking forward to diving in again.
I havnt played BF1 for a while. I have been looking forward to In The Name Of The Tsar for ages. One of the reasons i stopped playing was because of a seeming lact of content with only a few weapons being competitive. With the introduction of 10 new weapons and the incoming patch which tweaks every weapon (excluding snipers and pistols) im looking forward to diving in again.
I'm actually really interested in that new patch. Although why they saw fit to buff the Hellriegel is beyond me...

I do like how they shuffled the LMGs to make them more competitive - I've always been a Support guy. Also hyped for the Perino 1908 and its super complex reloads.
We won this game. Final Attack was on Tsaritsyn, we were defending. They couldn't get out of their spawn.
I found something really interesting.

So within the voice files for Battlefield 1 exist "Intense Battle" response lines. How these are triggered in the game are not clear, but there are four likely causes:
  1. Losing an objective or sector in Operations.
  2. Be near explosives as they go off (not necessarily in damage radius).
  3. Take significant damage in a short period of time.
  4. Be near a large group of teammates who die in rapid succession.
Anyways, have a listen. Some of these are heartbreaking.

Also, obligatory NSFW (Profanity) warning:
Does anybody know when the DLC is released for non-premium? Because I thought they said the 23rd, and its now the 26th... :odd:
I've got nothing off the BF1 site, nor are there any news stories. Maybe they're running a little late because of the server issue they need to fix?
I've got nothing off the BF1 site, nor are there any news stories. Maybe they're running a little late because of the server issue they need to fix?
Or the massive sound glitches the patch brought...or the non-internet based lag spikes... :P . In all seriousness, this is probably the last Dice product I buy (Bad Company 3 or a Battlefield 1944 being exceptions) because of all these shenanigans. Mainly because of the premium/non-premium split player base making the DLC's implode after a month, and then its back to the same old and tired 🤬 maps.

Wth is this?
I start the game and the earth just shows up with the music and wont let me do anything...
It worked finally but dang since the last DLC dropped has the game beem buggy.
Good, theyre fixing it for the blueberries lol

It's the only other game I play so add me if you wanna squad up some time. I only do racing and WWI simulators :D
Multikills also do not need to be made while playing as Recon. I just got some progression while on the Dreadnought.
Started playing again after a lengthy break. I always tend to go on large breaks from BF1 games at this time. I remember making similar posts for BF3/4

Anyway, Enjoying getting back into it again. Been busy unlocking the new weapons from In the name of tsar and turning tides.

Ive only unlocked the M1917 Trench Carbine so far for Assault, Its brilliant. Pretty sure its just the developer only C96 Export stats with the vehicle class only C96 carbine model. I havnt unlocked anything else but next will be the SMG08/18 i havnt tried so much for that though as it seems rather unpopular and weak so ive concentrated on other things like the medic rifles.

The Fedorov Avtomat and Farquhar Hill rifles are very good, Fedorov is a great choice for an aggressive playey, way better than the other full auto medic rifles (1907SL, Cei Regotti) in my opinion. The Farquhar Hill seems so good at almost every range. Quickly becoming one of my favorite weapons.

The support class has been spoilt with these last two DLCs. The Perino is a standard LMG but has a very good reload mechanic which never takes you out of the action. Just topping up the box on the left hand side with strips is very convenient especially when facing a constant stream of enemies which eventually would catch most of the other LMGs out with they're lengthy reloads.

The M1917 Browning in my opinion is the most balanced LMG is the game. Something about the sights and recoil make it easier to use for me, a great gun but it doesnt excel at any range. Unlike the Parabellum MG14/17. This is what the support class needed, A dedicated close range high ROF LMG. The recoil is tough but if you come up against everything but the automatico You should fancy your chances. Great at combating planes aswell.

Only Sniper ive unlocked so far is the Vetterli Vitali Infantry. It seemed ok, Nothing Special all the Scout rifles are basically the same just with different models and Sweet spots. Unlocked the Obrez Sidearm also which is great fun.

Regarding the maps, I havnt played that much. However i enjoy all the russian maps. Lupkow probably being my favorite and Galicia maybe lacking behind the rest.

Of the the two Turning tides maps available at the moment? Achi Baba is fantastic, But my experience with Cape Helles is not so good. The team i was on couldn't even make it past the first beach to try and cap a single flag. Conquest Assault was so good in BF3. This was not too good however. Maybe a change back to normal conquest will improve the map. Trying to make it up the beach and over the crest while the whole of the enemy team has the hight advantage is very tough.

All in all, Im enjoying BF1 again. Looking forward to the two other Turning tides maps and the big balance patch arriving next Tuesday!!!
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I played BF1 for the first time a few weeks before Christmas and all the way through the New Year.

Immediately figured out how to set up my search for Hardcore servers and had a blast. Sniping on hardcore mode is so satisfying. I don't like the vehicle gameplay, mostly aerial vehicle gameplay, but overall the game is amazing.

I'll wait for the next Battlefield game which is set either in WW2 or Vietnam, I don't remember what the leaks stated. I'm not even sure if DICE made an official statement.
I played BF1 for the first time a few weeks before Christmas and all the way through the New Year.

Immediately figured out how to set up my search for Hardcore servers and had a blast. Sniping on hardcore mode is so satisfying. I don't like the vehicle gameplay, mostly aerial vehicle gameplay, but overall the game is amazing.

I'll wait for the next Battlefield game which is set either in WW2 or Vietnam, I don't remember what the leaks stated. I'm not even sure if DICE made an official statement.
How do you setup a search for hardcore?
How do you setup a search for hardcore?

Battlefield should have a custom hardcore Rush mode already set up. You just use those settings and switch the game mode to whatever you want or play the Rush mode. If you scroll to the right to the multiplayer tab, it should be there next to Custom games and another tab.

Also I really like that they finally gave us console players the ability to change our FOV. The game feels so much more action packed and fluid. Sprinting actually conveys speed. I can see a lot more of my area. I can just sit in a corner now and cover both edges, imagine that! :lol: