This makes me happy.I think it's almost guaranteed they'll be using the orchestral version of the Battlefield theme. No earthquake-inducing bass blasts or static.
That would be the greatest thing ever doneIm hoping it spans WWI to the Korean War. Maybe the campaign can be about a solider who experienced WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. So we can possibly get everything from the primitive weapons of WWI to jets and helicopters in the Korean war
But there's a chance it could still be WWII. The hype is too intense!Apparently there was a "leaked" picture of a screen showing "Battlefield 1944"
But sadly,it has been confirmed that the leak is fake
4pm ET / 9pm BST according to the video in the 1st post.Do we know the time of the announcement ? There's rumor that Nvidia gonna unveil their card at the same time so I guess it's gonna be a pretty big announcement, so it should have a schedule ?