Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I'll try that out, thank you.

EDIT: Uh mai gawd, it's amazing!

I tried it to as im eager to find a good setup for it since dice butchured the LMG's. I cant say it helped me out that much tbh, But i put a Flash suppressor on it and that worked a lot better in my opinion, it was nearly back to the glory days for the PKP.:)
Oh my god, what is it with server owners?! Why. Do they hate ponies so much? Everytime I get banned from a server, I message the admin asking why. And I got a reply back "cus u like ponies" and that was it. But I refuse to remove my tag!
I tried it to as im eager to find a good setup for it since dice butchured the LMG's. I cant say it helped me out that much tbh, But i put a Flash suppressor on it and that worked a lot better in my opinion, it was nearly back to the glory days for the PKP.:)

Just don't aim down the sights and you'll be good. Hip fire is the way to go with PKP (or bipod, which is not exactly my kind of thing).

Also , I wouldn't say they butchered LMG's , they just have now different purpose then before. Overall, I think the game is very well balanced. People playing BF3 on the other hand.
I murder everyone if i play AGAINST them but if im with them im just a cute little puppy.

Who randomly stands right in front of me, and trolls me until I have to leave the server......
After I run you over with a jeep of course.

Oh my god, what is it with server owners?! Why. Do they hate ponies so much? Everytime I get banned from a server, I message the admin asking why. And I got a reply back "cus u like ponies" and that was it. But I refuse to remove my tag!

I think if I were a server owner/admin, I would ban you on sight too. You'll understand when your older. No offence, but pony love is ok for girls and slightly ok for boys with wealthy parents who handed you a double-barreled surname and a mission to win the 3:30 at Aintree one day.....

Whats this random "killed by admin" thing? I literally spawned and died, no killcam. Only happened once. Think I heard about before though

That's when they are having a clan match and you randomly filled a spot before the other clan member could get into the server.
If it was your clan match, that you'd spent a while co-ordinating, you'd instantly get rid of any people who weren't supposed to be there too, right?

I got killed by admin a few minutes ago.
I spawned in a jet and unfortunately the admin wanted it as well. :rolleyes:

I got kicked by Admin last night because I crashed the Viper he was gunner in into a tree that I normally fly straight through. Stupid random collision detection.

Then there was the lovely moment on Gulf last night where I finally managed to spawn in the viper at deployment, as it had been hogged for the last 35 minutes by "h3440" and his buddy. As he was waiting for the viper, when I landed in the gunner's seat, he refused to take off.
I refused to give it up for his mate, so after a good 5 or 6 minutes of his mate throwing grenades and rockets at us, h3440 took off, and promptly landed the viper on the highest part of the aircraft carrier, and jumped out.
It blew up, and I got stuck on the highest part, which you can't jump off of.

The only saving grace was that shortly after, I sent him a message that simply had a subject of: Reported.

He quit the server.


Nice games last night, Apok. 👍
I think if I were a server owner/admin, I would ban you on sight too. You'll understand when your older. No offence, but pony love is ok for girls and slightly ok for boys with wealthy parents who handed you a double-barreled surname and a mission to win the 3:30 at Aintree one day.....
We're bronies, we can't explain it. We just enjoy it. Also, let me post you this:
The last few pages are starting to look like the Minecraft thread...

My newest love is the M16A3. Last night I just did the quick match thing for conquest. I was of course put in a random server that was playing rush at the time but I played anyway. It was filled with all players level 10 and below. I had a good night. :sly:
Just don't aim down the sights and you'll be good. Hip fire is the way to go with PKP (or bipod, which is not exactly my kind of thing).

Also , I wouldn't say they butchered LMG's , they just have now different purpose then before. Overall, I think the game is very well balanced. People playing BF3 on the other hand.

Im more comfortable ADS so the Flash Supp' is better for me, And yep, i suppose "butchered" was strong. Since they worsened them, would be better.

And all this pony stuff, I havnt got a clue. :lol:

As far as i can tell, They just "like" a Childrens Cartoon Show, And feel the need to let everybody know about it.:P
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Ok.. I take everything back. My stupid mentality about the BF3 DLC is gone. Went and bought two $50 PSN Cards and $20 PSN Card. I'm getting Premium pretty soon. Just have to wait for the PSN Maintenence to end... :(

For JET PILOTS on BF3 out there....

What are some tips to using the main gun on a jet? I'm pretty good in maneuvering, and I can stick to someone's tail long enough for me to get a kill, but, the problem is, I can't get used to the main gun. After about 30 min. of pursuing this enemy pilot, I disabled him (long enough for my "wingman" to steal my kill). Any tips? (I know where to aim in a chase, but, it's when the guy is flying straight, that I can't hit anything...)
The last few pages are starting to look like the Minecraft thread...

My newest love is the M16A3. Last night I just did the quick match thing for conquest. I was of course put in a random server that was playing rush at the time but I played anyway. It was filled with all players level 10 and below. I had a good night. :sly:

Tryhard! :lol:
Ok.. I take everything back. My stupid mentality about the BF3 DLC is gone. Went and bought two $50 PSN Cards and $20 PSN Card. I'm getting Premium pretty soon. Just have to wait for the PSN Maintenence to end... :(

For JET PILOTS on BF3 out there....

What are some tips to using the main gun on a jet? I'm pretty good in maneuvering, and I can stick to someone's tail long enough for me to get a kill, but, the problem is, I can't get used to the main gun. After about 30 min. of pursuing this enemy pilot, I disabled him (long enough for my "wingman" to steal my kill). Any tips? (I know where to aim in a chase, but, it's when the guy is flying straight, that I can't hit anything...)

Practice, it'll take a while to learn how much you have to lead the target. Frankly there's something wrong if you can't a target that's flying straight if you're directly behind them, just use small adjustments with the left stick to get a nice precise adjustment to left right movements combined with usual up and down via the right stick and avoid rotating the aircraft until they take evasive. At a distance in chase fire in short bursts also to work out the lead before you get any real sustained fire.
Hey people, can anyone help me please?

Basically, I can load the main menu up, and access the Options and Extras, but when I try to go on Campaign, Multiplayer, Co-op, Premium or My soldier, the screen dims and nothing changes. It was 100% fine when I last played 3 days ago, and the only change I've made since is a new TV, running at 720p.
Does anyone know why this has happened, or how to solve it?
Hey people, can anyone help me please?

Basically, I can load the main menu up, and access the Options and Extras, but when I try to go on Campaign, Multiplayer, Co-op, Premium or My soldier, the screen dims and nothing changes. It was 100% fine when I last played 3 days ago, and the only change I've made since is a new TV, running at 720p.
Does anyone know why this has happened, or how to solve it?

I've never heard of that. Maybe try posting something in the battlelog support forum? Or is there a setting for game brightness in options?
I've never heard of that. Maybe try posting something in the battlelog support forum? Or is there a setting for game brightness in options?

I dont think I've worded that very well, I meant that the Campaign/Multiplayer etc. menus won't load up, I'm just left with a dim version of the main menu.
Oh yeah, Guess what i found:)

First "Aftermath" details.


Set amongst the shattered districts, streets and surrounding villages of a post-earthquake Tehran Battlefield 3™: Aftermath depicts a continuing struggle for supremacy and survival amongst the devastation.
With operational capacity severely compromised the opposing forces must adapt and engage in vertical and horizontal urban combat amongst the dust and rubble with cracks and fissures in the terrain providing unexpected cover and paths to objectives. Additional support comes in the form of heavily modified troop transports and civilian vehicles specially adapted to deliver deadly force to the enemy.


-Urban warfare on four new maps
-Fight through the dust and rubble, use the earthquake damaged terrain to your tactical advantage
-New heavily modified military and civilian vehicles – ingenuity and firepower combined
-New game mode
-New assignments, achievements and dog tags


Hey people, can anyone help me please?

Basically, I can load the main menu up, and access the Options and Extras, but when I try to go on Campaign, Multiplayer, Co-op, Premium or My soldier, the screen dims and nothing changes. It was 100% fine when I last played 3 days ago, and the only change I've made since is a new TV, running at 720p.
Does anyone know why this has happened, or how to solve it?

PSN is offline.
Mines fine.

On another note. I belive all premium players of battlefield 3 should get acces to the bf4 beta. It just makes sense.
First round at Seine, for as much as I tried I couldn't get onto your team. I was amazed we didn't run into each other actually. Although I think you may have been in the tank for a while? As I played assault mostly for that round I spent most of my time avoiding your tank.

Yea, I was struggling to find a rhythm on foot, so hopped in the tank and went on a 18 kill streak doing laps of the 'tank road' clockwise from A. I had a good gunner to keep C4 at bay and to compensate for the rubbish splash damage of tank shells.

That Firestorm round was pretty hard fought - not helped by douche helo pilots stealing our choppers. You saved my bacon with that guy next to B that I took on at too great a range and didn't finish the job before I ran out of clip 👍

Oh my god, what is it with server owners?! Why. Do they hate ponies so much? Everytime I get banned from a server, I message the admin asking why. And I got a reply back "cus u like ponies" and that was it. But I refuse to remove my tag!

You don't get to whine about admins not liking MLP. Just as you are free to like it, people are free to not like it :).

Additionally, please keep ALL MLP discussion to the relevant thread 👍

Foregrip and Lazer
I've tried a lot of combos and find bipod and suppressor works best for my play style. The next patch is rumoured to reduce reload times for belt LMG :drool:
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I dont think I've worded that very well, I meant that the Campaign/Multiplayer etc. menus won't load up, I'm just left with a dim version of the main menu.

Maybe your PS3 didin't turn off properly.... All I can think of is doing a system restore to restore your data. But then again, thast should affect your other games as well... Try doing a system restore first.
The PlayStation and Sony Entertainment Network will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, July 26, 2012 from approximately 10:00 AM to 2:00 AM CST on Friday July 27, 2012.

•Impact Duration: 16 Hours
•Services Impacted: PSN Store (including in-game commerce) and Account Management features
During the maintenance window, if you are already signed-in to PSN, you will remain signed in, and if you have recently signed in (within a few days prior), you should be able to sign-in again. However, you will have limited access to network services*. All other PSN / Sony customers will be unable to sign-in during the outage.

*Note: External service authentication will be available.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Too bad I signed out this morning 30 min. before it started.

~Sorry for the double post~
I've been signed in and fine all day but still no store access. I want to buy MCLA lol