Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
The character models look quite good. It appears DICE has done a really good job improving upon what they built in Battlefield 3.
It seems all 5 expansions are coming out within a year.
China Rising will release in December, Naval Strike hits in spring 2014, with Dragon's Teeth and Final Stand landing in summer 2014.

My guess of them holding content out for DLC was true...

EDIT: Beta begins on October 4th. Early Access for the people who Pre-ordered BF4, Own LE of Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and and own BF3 Premium begins on October 1st.
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EA playing BF4 live stream Aug. 21st, 12:30pm CET
I was just watching some streaming footage from that link. It is playing the trailer shown yesterday now.

I have not pre-ordered just yet. Not sure if I just just pre-order from Amazon or the Digital Deluxe version from Origin.
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I have not pre-ordered just yet. Not sure if I just just pre-order from Amazon or the Digital Deluxe version from Origin.

I placed my pre-order earlier today with Amazon. The Digital Deluxe version did not offer enough to justify spending an additional $10.
40x scope 🤬

I'm sure that's a typo, I mean they got half the icons for various weapons wrong and there seems to be a lot of repetition in the items (the only one I can remember now is the PLD and SOFLAM being the exact same thing) so I'd be surprised if there really is a 40x scope, that would be madness. You'd spend the entire game trying to locate one guy through your Hubble Space Telescope, but then at least you'd be able to pick which one of his nasal hairs to fire at.

The video missed out a lot of stuff though, didn't it? I didn't see any underbarrel attachments for LMGs nor whatever the 'auxiliary' slot for sniper rifles was for. I'm surprised the engineer exclusive weapons are PDWs and not carbines, too, I would've thought carbines for engineers and PDWs for all would make more sense? I'm glad DMRs are available to all classes though, the way I played BF3 was either aggressive recon or long range assault so an assault with a DMR would work really well for me.
I'm sure that's a typo, I mean they got half the icons for various weapons wrong and there seems to be a lot of repetition in the items (the only one I can remember now is the PLD and SOFLAM being the exact same thing) so I'd be surprised if there really is a 40x scope, that would be madness. You'd spend the entire game trying to locate one guy through your Hubble Space Telescope, but then at least you'd be able to pick which one of his nasal hairs to fire at.

I really hope the 40x scope is a dev only thing or typo. Battlefield already has enough bush wookiees as it is. A 40x scope will only make matters worse. Maybe DICE can implement a feature that squads bush wookiees together so I do not get put in those squads and not have teammates that are useful.

I think there is going to be a lot of repetition in items. With BF4 adding the Chinese faction, DICE is including Chinese specific attachments. So instead of just two of an item, like say the red dot sight, there are now three options.

The video missed out a lot of stuff though, didn't it? I didn't see any underbarrel attachments for LMGs nor whatever the 'auxiliary' slot for sniper rifles was for. I'm surprised the engineer exclusive weapons are PDWs and not carbines, too, I would've thought carbines for engineers and PDWs for all would make more sense? I'm glad DMRs are available to all classes though, the way I played BF3 was either aggressive recon or long range assault so an assault with a DMR would work really well for me.

DICE made the announcement a while back that carbines, DMRs, and shotguns would all be all kit weapons. I believe the thinking goes along the lines that PDWs are more size, that is very compact, appropriate weapons for vehicle crew. Since engineers make the best vehicle crew, PDWs would make sense to be their exclusive weapons.

On that topic, I am completely fine with the change to carbines being all kit weapons. Carbines are more jack of all trades compared to PDWs. PDWs are very compact and tend to be only effective at the very short ranges. Carbines, while not as effective as assault rifles, are much more versatile in effective engagement ranges.

When it comes to Support in BF3, I find LMGs require me to be too stationary to be effective with the weapons. The weapons are also not overly user friendly when it comes to picking up the weapon and quickly getting the most out of the platform. This complaint likely has a bit more to do with me than the weapons, but I find little reason to adapt to the weapons when I can use something else and be more effective, more of the time.

Then there is the magazine fed LMGs. The M27 IAR, L86, and RPK are nice alternatives and allow the user to be less stationary. However, in comparison to the equivalent assault rifle or carbine, the drop in effectiveness is noticeable.

When it comes to Recon, I do not like bolt action rifles. Bolt actions can be somewhat fun to occasionally mess around with, but more than just a bit of time is too much. Of the battle rifles in BF3, I find only the SKS to be effective in most situations. The rest of the semi-autos have a bit too much recoil for my liking to be overly useful. Substitute in a carbine, instead of an all kit PDW or semi-auto, and the class works much better when playing very aggressively. The addition of C4 back to Recon only sweetens the deal.

Now I have a reason to play Support or Recon more often. Substitute in a carbine in either class and I am more likely to play either. There will also be time switching it up to a DMR will also be fun. The larger variety of weapons to choose from will be nice, other than the compulsive changing of weapons that I like to do.
DICE made the announcement a while back that carbines, DMRs, and shotguns would all be all kit weapons. I believe the thinking goes along the lines that PDWs are more size, that is very compact, appropriate weapons for vehicle crew. Since engineers make the best vehicle crew, PDWs would make sense to be their exclusive weapons.

On that topic, I am completely fine with the change to carbines being all kit weapons. Carbines are more jack of all trades compared to PDWs. PDWs are very compact and tend to be only effective at the very short ranges. Carbines, while not as effective as assault rifles, are much more versatile in effective engagement ranges.

That reasoning does make a lot of sense, yeah, but it seems weird and potentially... What's the word? Encouraging, I suppose, to those who might use or spam infantry with AT weapons if you give them exclusive access to close quarters weapons. Imagine pretty much any TDM or the Close Quarters maps where only engineers can use PDWs, and the only equipment they can use on infantry is the AT launcher. I think, anyway.

But yeah, although I disagree with you about DMRs (I think the Mk.11 Mod 0 is my favourite weapon in the game), I'm fine with being able to use carbines as a support. I imagine I'd mainly use DMRs or ARs with assault, carbines with engineer and support and DMRs, maybe bolt action rifles (rarely) with recon as well.
Pretty sure that 40x scope is going to be "dev only" just like silenced revolvers, sniper-scope assault rifle attachments, etc.

But man am I flipping out at every prospect of the changes, it's just immense and I couldn't ask for more. The levolution, commander mode, even just the theatre of war. All the kit expansion and attachments is just beyond satisfying. The variety of weaponry, sidearm attachments, vehicle customization, new illuminated scopes, the ability to take out lights, man!

I'm really looking forward to using the range finder in support with a sniper. True spotter and sniper combo! Sounds dumb, but I think the ability to zero in rifle scopes is just awesome and adds that extra degree of realism that'll even get hardcore ARMA players turning their heads.

All the new animations are sick as well, how the solider lifts his gun higher as you go into water, the tiered reloading (don't have to re-engage the magazine if you interrupt mid-reload), too much to keep track of, really sends me head spinning.
That reasoning does make a lot of sense, yeah, but it seems weird and potentially... What's the word? Encouraging, I suppose, to those who might use or spam infantry with AT weapons if you give them exclusive access to close quarters weapons. Imagine pretty much any TDM or the Close Quarters maps where only engineers can use PDWs, and the only equipment they can use on infantry is the AT launcher. I think, anyway.

It is definitely a concern that AT launcher spam may increase. However, AT weapons are not overly effective against infantry. The splash damage tends to be too small for all but relatively precise shots. I would guess that if launcher spam becomes too prominent, then the splash damage from the rockets would be lessened.

But yeah, although I disagree with you about DMRs (I think the Mk.11 Mod 0 is my favourite weapon in the game), I'm fine with being able to use carbines as a support. I imagine I'd mainly use DMRs or ARs with assault, carbines with engineer and support and DMRs, maybe bolt action rifles (rarely) with recon as well.

My assessment of BF3 DMRs is based on recent use of the weapons. I have not used the DMRs much lately and when I have, it has not been for long periods. I probably quickly switched classes because DMRs require a bit more finesse than full auto weapons.

I really should play some more Recon, but I have been working on Mastery tags for most Assault, a few Engineer, and a few Support weapons. I have almost finished off the Mastery tags for the weapons I like using. Once I finish that, I may switch it up and play Recon for a while, as I want to get the Mastery tag for the M417.
To be fair, one thing DICE are very good at is introducing things that should be standard practice in gaming design and should've been for years. Being able to look down and see your own body, for instance; why oh why are there still games where you play as a floating camera with a pair of dismembered forearms holding a gun? That tiered reloading thing, too, I can't tell you how bloody annoying it is in Payday 2 to reload your gun only to sprint or melee right before you press the slide release, only to have to do the entire reload again. How hard would it be to keep track of the point at which the reload was interrupted? Not very, since some other games do it for things like cycling the bolt on bolt action rifles or pumping shotguns (I think BF3 is one of them) where you MUST cycle the bolt before you can fire again but you don't necessarily have to do it before you can do anything else. It seems like the most common of common sense to extend it to the process of reloading any other gun.

So yeah, I'm excited about that, especially so if it catches on.

Brett, stop making me want to reinstall BF3 again! I was enjoying the ~60GB I had free on my SSD...

I have been playing a lot of BF3 recently. I needed a break from the game there for a while and now that I have come back, it has been awesome. The recent influx of a lot of new players has only helped things. Plus, all of this BF3 playing is only preparing me for the BF4 release. I cannot let my crappy skills get too rusty and I get to make more use of my recently purchased mechanical keyboard.