Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Kind of bittersweet, but I'll be on a 3-week vacation to Australia starting... guess when? Right, as soon as the Closed beta starts. I think I'll be back in time to give it a couple days try before it closes and the whole game's released, but damn, really would've loved to get down on everything in Beta.

Also still need to make sure my system runs it well enough, runs BF3 more than fine, should be good I guess.
Slightly worrying the performance issues IGN have reported on the PS4,hopefully they optimize it soon.
I read it all.

Updated article has been updated, LABounti

To clarify, updated info wasn't there when I posted

My bad,

Slightly worrying the performance issues IGN have reported on the PS4,hopefully they optimize it soon.

What are you worried about and what games are having issues? Is one or more games having trouble keeping 30fps?
My bad,

What are you worried about and what games are having issues? Is one or more games having trouble keeping 30fps?

IGN have been saying that resolution aside,textures on walls and what not look uninspiring on consoles,they said textures and particles look bland and half finished.
This is my opinion but it's about time I should let DICE know that BF4 multiplayer on next-gen consoles should run at 30fps. I say this only because having (say the PS4 version) 64 players on a map at 60fps would be too chaotic.

Once again, this is my opinion and some of you might want them to keep it at 60fps.
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Think it's about time we let DICE know that BF4 multiplayer on next-gen consoles should run at 30fps. I say this only because having (say the PS4 version) 64 players on a map at 60fps would be too chaotic.

Errr, what? Do you know what a frame rate is?
You're joking, right? A lower frame rate would be even more chaotic since the gameplay would be laggier and not as smooth.
This is my opinion but it's about time I should let DICE know that BF4 multiplayer on next-gen consoles should run at 30fps. I say this only because having (say the PS4 version) 64 players on a map at 60fps would be too chaotic.

Once again, this is my opinion and some of you might want them to keep it at 60fps.
Might want to?

The higher the FPS, the smoother the game is.

30 FPS and 64 man Metro on BF4/PS4/XBONE would be lagg hell.

60 FPS will give alot smoother gameplay.
More Battlefield 4 features revealed: VOIP, emblems, and grenades.

- PC players will be happy to know that VOIP will be available at launch, but DICE says that they’ll be focusing on VOIP for squads first, then later on for the rest of the team.

- emblems on weapons and vehicles. DICE has confirmed that players will be able to create their own emblems and place them on weapons and vehicles.

- 7 types of grenades

- more weapons that haven’t been shown yet.
Really excited about the variety of grenades! Man, so awesome. The games are going to be so much more chaotic and tactical, in a good way.

As far as the whole emblem thing goes... yeah, get ready to be roadkilled by a tank with a penis on it.
During another gameplay-filled live interview at GamesCom, DICE just revealed that Battlefield 4 will launch with no less than 10 multiplayer maps and 7 game modes. By comparison, BF3 launched with 9 maps and 5 game modes. DICE’s Linnea Harrison confirmed the map and game mode count during an on-stage interview at GamesCom (we’ll post the video once it becomes available).
It’s also been confirmed that the Battlefield 4 Commander won’t be available in all modes, and is limited to objective based modes such as Conquest, Rush, and Obliteration. The newest game mode, Obliteration, has been showcased extensively at GamesCom. It’s unknown if all maps will support all game modes — we assume this is the case, since all BF3 maps supported all game modes.

Battlefield 4 launches with 10 maps and 7 game modes
This is my opinion but it's about time I should let DICE know that BF4 multiplayer on next-gen consoles should run at 30fps. I say this only because having (say the PS4 version) 64 players on a map at 60fps would be too chaotic.

Once again, this is my opinion and some of you might want them to keep it at 60fps.

I don't think you understand what frame rates are. Higher frame rate doesn't make the game run faster. It shows more frames per second so that it looks smoother. Higher frame rates are never a bad thing as long as the hardware can handle it.
Question regarding frame rate:

Why (at least for consoles) is it always either 30 or 60? Does it have to be one of them? Seems like either way you go, something is going to be sacrificed, whether it be graphics, resolution, or the overall smoothness of the game.

Why not find a medium somewhere in there, like 40 or 50?
Question regarding frame rate:

Why (at least for consoles) is it always either 30 or 60? Does it have to be one of them? Seems like either way you go, something is going to be sacrificed, whether it be graphics, resolution, or the overall smoothness of the game.

Why not find a medium somewhere in there, like 40 or 50?

I think it's to do with refresh rates; most TVs and monitors run at 60Hz, meaning the image updates 60 times per second regardless of the frame rate of the source being fed into it (which is why you can't see any improvement in smoothness once the frame rate exceeds 60fps on a 60Hz monitor, because the extra frames aren't being drawn, but you will eventually see screen tearing because of partial image updates). 60fps means there will be one full frame per refresh, 30fps means there will be one frame per two refreshes. Anywhere between 30 and 60 means there is a certain amount of instability because some frames will occupy one refresh and some frames will occupy two refreshes, so it will look jittery and unstable to the viewer. I think, anyway, I'm not sure that 40 or 50fps would look worse than 30fps because of this.
I think it's to do with refresh rates; most TVs and monitors run at 60Hz, meaning the image updates 60 times per second regardless of the frame rate of the source being fed into it (which is why you can't see any improvement in smoothness once the frame rate exceeds 60fps on a 60Hz monitor, because the extra frames aren't being drawn, but you will eventually see screen tearing because of partial image updates). 60fps means there will be one full frame per refresh, 30fps means there will be one frame per two refreshes. Anywhere between 30 and 60 means there is a certain amount of instability because some frames will occupy one refresh and some frames will occupy two refreshes, so it will look jittery and unstable to the viewer. I think, anyway, I'm not sure that 40 or 50fps would look worse than 30fps because of this.

Yea I think your spot on with that theory, I play on PC and 60fps looks great as you would expect but as soon as it drops to 40-50fps it looks really choppy. Whereas if you capped it to 30 it would look slow but smoother than 40-50fps.
So as technology improves down the road, can we expect 90-120-150-180 FPS to become the new standards? And so on and so on, increasingly-heightening multiples of 30.
So as technology improves down the road, can we expect 90-120-150-180 FPS to become the new standards? And so on and so on, increasingly-heightening multiples of 30.

Right now its 30,60,120,240. If you play on PC they're are many people who use 120 hz monitors and if their PC is powerful enough they run their games at 120fps. As far as I know 90 doesn't work that well. Depending on your monitor though you can usually find somewhere in between 60 and 120 that will all but eliminate screen tearing. For instance my monitors are 60 hz and I can usually lock a game at 79 I think and it will run pretty smooth. If I go just a few over or under though it looks awful.

There is also an option called vsync which I use all the time that does completely away with screen tear. It will lock you fps at a multiply of 60. It does though have the downfall of adding a tiny bit of input lag. It's unnoticeable to me but some people swear it ruins gaming for them.
*cough* or 144hz at 144 fps.

Multiples of 30 really have nothing to do with technology limitations, at least not any more with digital sources and displays.
You and your really awesome PC Master Race setup.
