I also got to play it at the Tokyo Game show!
Initial thoughts:
My first experience with BF4 on the PS4 sucked. my controller (or something else) was broken so when I tried to swing my gun to the left it wouldn't move at first and then on the third try it would go flying to the left and almost complete a 360. Needless to say I didn't kill many people, but I did disable 2 tanks and repair torch kill an AA. Finished about even in KD. I wasn't the only one with this issue. I counted 3 other people that basically had to abandon midgame because their controls weren't working.
My second experience was much better. I didn't opt to use any of the new guns but instead wanted to see how the guns I am familiar with handled so I loaded up my favourite assault rifle, the AUG A3, and went at it. I ran off a 7 kill streak to start the match and at one point looked up and saw that I was the guy being watched in Spectator mode. Finished 17-5.
Thoughts on the Game Mode: Obliteration.
it's like Capture the Flag was meant to be, more focused and team oriented. The map is cut down considerably so the focus is on the bomb and the objectives. I didn't see much in the way of destruction but that could just be the way the game played out. The huge tower fell every game about the time the first (or was it second?) objective was planted. This meant the bomb spawned in the rubble of the fallen building. This also meant that every player on the map gravitated towards the little island where the tower once stood and no one could move the bomb because it was a nasty meatgrinder. Vehicles couldn't get in there so it was all infantry and everyone just shot each other to pieces. I don't believe I saw one game actually won by any team but instead some kind of draw as time wound down at the 15 or 20 minute mark.
Going off first impressions I would say the recoil is greater than that in BF3, but they give you so many different attachments that once you set up your weapon it will probably be about the same. All the Japanese players there wanted to get in the game but had problems at first due to the game being a NA version which mean that X meant confirm while O meant back. People didn't get to navigate the much more diverse menu well. I, on the other hand, on my second shot at the game, rigged up my AUG A3 with a normal Red Dot Sight but also the Magnifier. This really helped because, even though we were playing on a cut-down map 15 vs 15 (almost ps3 numbers) the distances were still quite long. It also meant that I had to adjust to 2 different aiming speeds. I also got away from the 226 pistol which was the default, and not a bad gun, and chose my beloved 412 REX. I dunked on multiple people with that thing. All hail the REX.
For players of BF3 the controls will take some getting used to. L1 and R1 are no longer ADS and fire respectively. That belongs to L2, and R2. It was comical to watch the hardcore BF3 players not being able to fire their weapons because the buttons had been switched. This did cause some comedic episodes during my gameplay. Prone has also been moved to O while the L3 is knife so many people were knifing the air as they tried to hit the dirt. In one humorous segment, I flanked and came up behind 2 snipers. Killed one and stood right behind the other and then proceeded to spot, throw a grenade, and then shoot him in the head giving up on the knife. Apparently square gets you in a vehicle, and triangle now allows you to grab a fallen kit. I found this out the hard way after exhausting all my AUG ammo, swimming across the river, headshotting someone with the REX and then dying trying to kit-switch.
Great game, though!
P.S. don't like the character models aside from Recon. Support looks bizarre.