Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Standard Edition is a no-no. You can only get the early Beta either by having Battlefield 3 Premium, having the Limited Edition of MOH:W or by pre-ordering the Digital Deluxe Edition.
Can you even buy this card yet???

I wouldn't say by a long shot if you are talking performance, but certainly for the price. Then again, slap a second "cheap" nvidia card it for dedicated physics and run a game that is optimized for it, and then see the gap close up. Looking for a dedicated card for the Frostbite engine, then look no further than AMD.

The card will go on sale in 2 weeks I think. Pre-order the card and you get BF4 for free.

The earliest benchmarks show this card to outperform the Titan. And it beats the GTX 780 by a fair margin. And let's not forget the 290X is "only" $600. Once newer drivers start rolling out, I'm sure this card will be the card to have unless nVidia drops the price on the GTX 780.
The card will go on sale in 2 weeks I think. Pre-order the card and you get BF4 for free.

The earliest benchmarks show this card to outperform the Titan. And it beats the GTX 780 by a fair margin. And let's not forget the 290X is "only" $600. Once newer drivers start rolling out, I'm sure this card will be the card to have unless nVidia drops the price on the GTX 780.

:) Well then, I guess I can say that tomorrow when I am playing the beta, just one of my single 780's will blow away any 290X that's currently available. WOOOOT! Two weeks of glory, and I'll take it.

In other news, can't wait to see what the beta has to offer. Pretty excited about this title, should be fun.
Just pre-loaded too, can't wait to blow up my computer trying to run it again (fans get really loud) :/
Nvidia GeForce 331.40 Beta released – BF4 ready driver, adds HBAO+ for all DX9 & DX11 apps

Those interested can download this beta driver from here

-Implemented Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion plus (HBAO+) for DirectX 9 and DirectX 11 applications.

-Added support for OpenG 4.4

NVIDIA SLI Technology

-Added or updated the following profiles:

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Updated Profile
Batman: Arkham Origins – Updated SLI Profile
Battlefield 3 – Updated Surround Profile
Battlefield 4 – Updated Surround Profile, Added SLI Profile
Crisis – Added SLI Profile
Crysis 3 – Added AO Profile
Dirty Bomb – Added DX9 SLI Profile
Dying Light – Added DX11 SLI Profile
F1 2013 – Updated SLI Profile
FIFA 14 – Added SLI Profile, Added AO Profile
Natural Selection 2 – Added DX11 SLI Profile
Outlast – Added DX9 SLI Profile
Space Hulk – Updated Profile
Splinter Cell: Blacklist – Updated SLI Profile
State of Decay – Added DX9 SLI Profile
Watch Dogs – Added DX11 SLI Profile

Additional details:

-PhysX-Systemsoftware PhysX_9.13.0725

-HD-Audiotreiber 06/16/2013,

-GeForce Experience

-DriverVer 09/27/2013,
Dirty Bomb isn't even called that any more, I can't remember what the name is now (it's super generic) but they changed it a while ago. But thanks for reminding me that driver updates are a thing, I haven't done that for quite some time now.

I've got the beta preloaded (finally) but tomorrow is also the GTA Online launch which I think I'm more excited about... But then I went to the effort of fighting Origin to preload, so I will try to get at least one game in on BF4 tomorrow.
So the beta comes out tomorrow? Will I get an email with the code or something? Since I have premium in BF3 and also should get one for preordering Medal of Honor Warfighter...

Also, I've decided to wait until PS4 comes out to get this. I'm just gonna get the PS4/BF4 bundle, I can't justify purchasing two copies of the game just to play it a month earlier.
Origin seems to be crap as usual.
Currently downloading to pre-load and I've had to re-start the download twice so far and I'm at 68%.
Come to think of it that's pretty good going for Origin. :rolleyes:

Edit: Make that three times and 74%. Four times and 81%

So the beta comes out tomorrow? Will I get an email with the code or something? Since I have premium in BF3 and also should get one for preordering Medal of Honor Warfighter...

Also, I've decided to wait until PS4 comes out to get this. I'm just gonna get the PS4/BF4 bundle, I can't justify purchasing two copies of the game just to play it a month earlier.

There is an upgrade offer if you buy on the PS3.
Still seems a bit cheeky to double dip albeit for a much smaller amount second time around. The ability to roll your stats over is good though.
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yeah, I'm lucky i just happened to be checking Origin for the first time in weeks and was right there when pre-load was activated.

Everyone's trying to preload at the same time right now.
Everything set and ready to go when I get home from work.

Will need to download the newest Nvidia drivers though before starting, but that'll only take a few seconds... :D
I've just had a quick go, I forgot to update my driver (!) and I was getting an absolutely awful frame rate on high settings at 1680x1050 with my 680 and i5 2500K. I assume the driver will fix that, but I don't have time to test it as I should be leaving for college in three minutes. So far I've only had a quick blast in the Chinese IFV and M1 Abrams, not enough to really make any kind of purchase decision, but I look forward to playing some more later on.
Loaded up my PC game and had to update drivers which crashed and made my screen look like Windows 95. Finally updated that and now am waiting to get into one of only 4 servers. Really? 4 servers? Doesn't look like you can choose location on the beta server browser either.
I've got tons of servers to choose from. Could be a localization thing, don't know.

Feels really good so far, don't know if I like some of the little tweaks here and there though, but I can get over most of them. The sniper tracer smoke... thingy, is a bit off imo though, they should tone that down. The air burst GL is brilliant though, what a gadget.

Guns somehow feels more solid, creeping even closer in tactical feel to a style in line with Counter-Strike. Feels a bit more visceral, I love it.

Haven't driven much of anything yet though, I'll have to check that out tomorrow.
I'm having problems. Waited forever to get into a game and when it fired up I got a message saying my drivers weren't up to date. !?

Then when I get in the game after waiting 20 minutes it is unplayable due to being ridiculously slow or terribly leggy.
Yep, that's what this is for. It's labeled a "beta," but it's really a major stress test. Don't count on the game in the current state to run that well. I'm having weird slowdowns as well.
Yeah game is running like a heap of crap for me, loads of people with the same issue. Game doesn't seem to be using my GPU at all. I know it's a beta but this is just ridiculous....
I'm having problems. Waited forever to get into a game and when it fired up I got a message saying my drivers weren't up to date. !?

Then when I get in the game after waiting 20 minutes it is unplayable due to being ridiculously slow or terribly leggy.

Did you update your drivers via Windows Update?
Did you update your drivers via Windows Update?

Windows update automatically updated some kind of driver but I updated the Nvideo drivers via their website. I'd like to tell you things got better the second time around, but I have been 1st in queue for a game for the last 25 minutes.
Windows update automatically updated some kind of driver but I updated the Nvideo drivers via their website. I'd like to tell you things got better the second time around, but I have been 1st in queue for a game for the last 25 minutes.

Ah, okay, try and find out what Windows updated If you go in to control panel and then windows update, you should be able to click on something like, "recently installed updates".

Windows Update is known to not be the best at updating the very latest drivers, however, as others have said, this is a beta.
Hmm I didn't see it in the PSN yet but I'm in the states so I'm not sure when it'll be available. Unless I missed it I looked in demos and searched battlefield 4 but just saw the option to buy the game or premium
Got a question for anyone playing on PS3, is it true that they changed the control scheme from classic BF button layout to the one used in COD? If they did, is it possible to change it back? (will download beta after work,but it is big thing for me since I really didn't like COD layout)
Thank you! I guess I over-looked that post, but it's not on my PSN so hopefully soon because I have BF3 premium and had some give me their code for mohw. Just to be safe lol