Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
Hate to sound like an idiot but how do you make the skyscraper fall down like at E3?
From what I have heard and seen in other videos, you have to destroy the columns of the building. Using C4, rockets, or anything else you can think of. Quite awesome really.
Seriously jealous of you guys that can actually play the beta, seems like 80% of people can't because the game is so badly optimized. Frame rate is absolutely unplayable for me no matter what settings I run. How can they even release it in such a state? The game comes out in a month and it's running like it comes out in a year.
Origin seems to be crap as usual.
Currently downloading to pre-load and I've had to re-start the download twice so far and I'm at 68%.
Come to think of it that's pretty good going for Origin. :rolleyes:

Edit: Make that three times and 74%. Four times and 81%

There is an upgrade offer if you buy on the PS3.
Still seems a bit cheeky to double dip albeit for a much smaller amount second time around. The ability to roll your stats over is good though.

Even so, I think I can just wait. Have a couple other games I've been focused on at the moment anyway.

Also, do you get an email with a code for the beta?
Seriously jealous of you guys that can actually play the beta, seems like 80% of people can't because the game is so badly optimized. Frame rate is absolutely unplayable for me no matter what settings I run. How can they even release it in such a state? The game comes out in a month and it's running like it comes out in a year.
The BF3 beta was much worse. Wasn't really playable for anyone the first day it released. Falling through maps, not spawning, and many problems. Plus this is an EA game. EA mp games NEVER work on the day they are supposed to. Especially not the betas.
One of my favorite mp games for the 360 PS3. So I am really looking forward to BF4. Just haven't decided if I will be getting it at launch.
Same here. Although I'll be waiting on a PS4 to get the game.
Seriously jealous of you guys that can actually play the beta, seems like 80% of people can't because the game is so badly optimized. Frame rate is absolutely unplayable for me no matter what settings I run. How can they even release it in such a state? The game comes out in a month and it's running like it comes out in a year.

Welcome to "Beta" releases.
Yup. It will get worked out in a few days. As we always say, launch mp games always have issues especially betas. Look at the GTA5 online thread for another perfect example. For those that don't know, the online for that game also launched today...and is also having problems.
I was having a go in the Scout chopper but ended up getting RPG'd by Waffles. Nice shot :lol:
I was having a go in the Scout chopper but ended up getting RPG'd by Waffles. Nice shot :lol:

Why thank you. :lol: I happened to look at the name and noticed it was yours and got a big smile out of that. :P

And thanks for the tags as well. ;)
Snuck home for a quicky. Here's my thoughts on the water....

Very cool! :D

Seriously, the higher up you are when you jump in, the further under the water you start out. Not sure if there are limits to this, but it's apparent they added some buoyancy and velocity to both the character and the water. Also, pressing your prone button allows you to dive and swim under the surface of the water. Surprisingly, when I was getting shot at, I dove under the water only to see bullet trails and bubbles in front of me. Very cool!
I just finished a game of Conquest. I jumped between Assault and Engineer. The AK-12 works really well in burst fire mode. Unlike the M16A4 in BF3, the AK-12 behaves in a more similar fashion to the AN-94. The M16A4 had too much upwards recoil to be overly effective. With the M16A4, the third bullet was mostly just a waste. The AK-12 seems to stay on target a bit better. Unlike the AN-94, the AK-12 shoots three bullets instead of two. I also did not have any issues with the gun "jamming". "Jamming" would occasionally creep its ugly head and prevent rapid bursts.

The MX-4 seems to be shooting peas when the engagement ranges are more than short. The bullets are very weak hitting. I will have to make an effort to find different routes that allow for close engagement ranges. Even without using a carbine yet, I think carbines are going to be the way to go when playing as an Engineer.

On a different note, I upped the mouse sensitivity to be more in line with what I was using in BF3. It definitely made some difference. Character movement does not feel nearly as sluggish. However, there does seem to be more heft to the character in comparison to BF3. It also seems the character runs slightly slower.

EDIT: The AK-12 seems just fine on full auto also. I just needed to play more.
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My thoughts so far from the one game I played on PS3.

I don't like it. I don't like the changes to the control layout. I don't like select being a battlelog action instead of scoreboard. I don't like the points/kill display. Everything is too cluttered and hard to distinguish.
I've played a few hours on both CQ Domination and CQ Small and I've run into quite a few different bugs and other stuff.
  • If I respawn, switch a kit or pick up a Power Weapon, I'm unable to move my camera for a few seconds. I can walk around, but not look around.
  • The time to kill seems to be a lot quicker than Battlefield 3 - almost COD-like.
  • There's an invisible ledge on the west bank of the river, behind the bridge.
  • While my squadmates are alive, their names on the HUD are greyed out and I can't spawn on them. The game thinks they're still dead.
  • The flag capture areas are a bit botched. Sometimes I can capture Charlie (CQ Small) while on the roof, other times I can't.
  • In the Post-Match Summary, Battlelog shows up behind the Scoreboard/Assignments etc, so I can't see it.
  • Missing images in the Post-Match Summary (ribbons, icons etc.)
  • Assault is selected whenever starting a new game, even if your last kit from the previous game was something else.
  • Froze several times as well as being DC'd.
  • Elevators teleport you to the top instead of actually going up to the top.
  • You have hardly any time to revive someone.

I do love the ammo system. When reloading, you drop the entire mag. This means that if you had 15/62 in an AK-12, reloading gives you 31/32.
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I am not sure how many matches I played tonight, as I was not receiving any Battle Reports. I played a few games of Conquest, but mostly played Conquest Domination. I was hoping to get a better feel for infantry combat, since that is what I do most, and Domination should do a better job of showing that.

For most of the Domination, I was joined by a few people on my friend's list and they were joined with a few people on theirs. One would think that one full squad would be able to cause trouble for the other team, but that was only partially true. That was likely our fault for chasing kills too much, instead of concentrating more on the objectives. However, at least one game consisted of us being the top five players for our team and the rest being dreadful, so that did not help matters.

For the Assault class, I unlocked the Defibs and SCAR-H. The additional damage from the larger bullet that the SCAR-H fires is quite nice. However, it comes at the cost of additional recoil. The difference in recoil between the AK-12 and SCAR-H is noticeable.

The time to kill seems to be a lot quicker than Battlefield 3 - almost COD-like.

At times, I have had this same impression. Other times, the damage seems to be quite similar to Battlefield 3. Not really sure what is going on with the damage.

Elevators teleport you to the top instead of actually going up to the top.

I have not had that happen.

You have hardly any time to revive someone.

I have noticed this. I have revived a few people and I am not completely sure how long I have to charge the paddles to get a full health revive.

I do love the ammo system. When reloading, you drop the entire mag. This means that if you had 15/62 in an AK-12, reloading gives you 31/32.

I do not think this is in the PC version.
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I have not had that happen.
It might just be a console thing, I guess. Instead of moving up and down, the elevator seems to teleport up and down.
I do not think this is in the PC version.

Really? Try dumping half of your mag and reload. For me it removes the entire magazine that was currently in your weapon instead of just replenishing it. I've noticed it because I found myself running out of ammo a lot quicker than in Battlefield 3.

I've already gotten two defib kills as well. They're a lot more powerful than in BF3. :lol:
Not gonna lie but this game looks exactly like BF3 in every way. Most FPS are just seeing how far they can milk out their franchise.
It might just be a console thing, I guess. Instead of moving up and down, the elevator seems to teleport up and down.

I just finished up a game with Pako. I used a few elevators in the one game and no teleporting. Each time I used an elevator, I had to wait for the elevator to go up or down.

Really? Try dumping half of your mag and reload. For me it removes the entire magazine that was currently in your weapon instead of just replenishing it. I've noticed it because I found myself running out of ammo a lot quicker than in Battlefield 3.

And I completely forgot to pay attention to this. :lol: I was too busy looking to destroy enemy armor or moving to engage enemy infantry at proper ranges with the MX4. I believe I ended up being MVP2, which is not a ribbon at this time. :(

I also had a nice run in the AH-1Z Viper. I did my gunner no favors on setting up targets, but I was more worried with avoiding buildings and getting a grasp on how the helicopter performs. The controls seem to be much tighter than BF3 and the chopper a bit more stable.

I've already gotten two defib kills as well. They're a lot more powerful than in BF3. :lol:

I am not sure I have a single defib kill in BF3. I doubt I will be getting one any time soon in BF3 or BF4. I tend to just use a gun at very close ranges. If I sneak up on a person and have a silenced pistol, then I usually will switch to that.
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Anyone else having issues with the game freezing in between rounds? (PC)
My stats never seem to save and I've been promoted to rank one about five times now. :lol:

Oh well seems I'm destined to not rank up or upgrade my weapons. :grumpy:
^I've had a couple crashes to desktop but that's it. Stats seem to save when I'm not crashing.
I just finished up a game with Pako. I used a few elevators in the one game and no teleporting. Each time I used an elevator, I had to wait for the elevator to go up or down.
Does the elevator actively move up and down? When I'm inside I can tell it doesn't actually move because the distance between objectives, squad members don't change until just before the door opens.

Also, a lot of the time teammates' names don't appear, causing me to believe they're enemies and then me shooting at them...
At least you guys are lucky enough to be able to play it.

Hopefully when i'm home from work tonight, everything is fixed and i'm able to join in on the beta aswell.
Battlefield™ 4 Beta (PS3) @ Siege of Shanghai - Conquest, 01-10-2013

Battlefield™ 4 Beta (PS3) @ Siege of Shanghai - Conquest + Scout Helicopter Gameplay, 01-10-2013

^Nice Round! Got most of it recorded. Uploading to Youtube now. :D

Thanks! 👍

Anyone else having issues with the game freezing in between rounds? (PC)
My stats never seem to save and I've been promoted to rank one about five times now. :lol:

Oh well seems I'm destined to not rank up or upgrade my weapons. :grumpy:

The stats are very slow to update. I noticed mine took quite some time to update and would not update while I was continuing to play games. Once I left the game and stayed away for a bit, then the stats updated.

Does the elevator actively move up and down? When I'm inside I can tell it doesn't actually move because the distance between objectives, squad members don't change until just before the door opens.

I am not sure. I have never paid that close attention to distances to objectives while in the elevator.

Also, a lot of the time teammates' names don't appear, causing me to believe they're enemies and then me shooting at them...

I am having some troubles identifying friendly or foe.

Played couple min. I really don't like the new controller layout for PS3 :(.

Me neither and the vehicle layout is awful too.

Come join the PC Master Race and this is no longer a problem. You can rebind your keys to whatever you desire.